In this, the last of a series of'columns on I- CASE technolo- gy, we discuss the improve- ment in produc- tivity that can be realized with . the use of CASE tools. s To achieve in building com- , puter applica- tions, it's neces- sary not only to select the best CASE and ICASE (integrated computer-aided software engineering) tools, but also to adapt your organization and methods to ' take full advantage of these tools. The simplest CASE tools are little ' . "more than diagramming aids. They sim- plify the drawing of diagrams and en- able them to be kept tidy,and modified ;:;; guickly. Code generators enable implementors to produce a working program guickly.' However, if the generator is not linked" to a dictionary, data model or design tools, the programs generated may be incompatible fragments, kosnsieti ML not linked together. : To achieve high Productivityi the nani for design need to be tightly coupled to the code generator. The tools should em- ploy a data model and should enable the design to be represented in a power: <;; ful, visual, easy-to-modify form from which code is generated directly. . The programs sliould be guickly exe'''i? cutable so that the designer can observe what they do, adjust or add to the de: sign, rerun the programs, enhance the design and so on, until a comprehensive system is created. B The principle of "what you see is ' di what you get" should apply to-the co: bination of visual design tool and code ' generator. The need for manual coding ' of procedures should be removed to the ši maximum extent. The generator may initially be used to... produce structured code that relates to (' the design sereens. This code may be used for prototyping and debugging. Be- ; cause structured code does not give opti- ' mal machine performance, for heavy- duty applications the code may be fed.../. into an optimizer, which creates code with optimal machine performance. This ,:, , code will never be touched by mainte- nance programmers; all maintenance is performed at the specification level." 'The integrated designer-generator tool Vi should aid in rapid construction and modification of prototypes. It should | generate test data and provide testing o oboki penerate database, pode li and job-control code, so that the pro- be emo dek she] ; sign changes are made.