č 5 Delive eesuLee zi ple use iii; je: k V Mis column.. ;o Th telligence more efficiently than our ";;" 'begtns a three: competitors do. We must; build better ' e , part series on "| high-productivity facilities and use / the strategic im-.'/ ' technology in a better. way. We need to: plications of fu- ture compuler technology and. ' likely to occur in the near future, We the effect of need to translate these changes in | these changes on,,. technology into actions that business , . people and, in some. cases, govem NI € ments should take. fihš" k For strategic systems analysis, I use a V use strategic systems analysis to iden: /; With tt the swift čhanges occr- — ring in the com. puter industry,: jali — the world of gej has increasingly become a tech: nology battlefield.'- Companies are competing with high- tech systems, and corporations that are the first to use powerful new technology. are often the ones to emerge victorious