(ISDN). There are more than 100 million telephone subseribers in the United States, all of whom will be able to have ISDN in the - home, Origin: -. cenceived as a global pase | tlens network available to both business and domestic subseribers, ISDN will slowly become available to the domestic subscriber network as an increasing number of local communications loops As central office switches in large ur- ban areas are adapted to provide ISDN services primarily to the business com- munity, opportunities will exist to pro- i -ISDN to the home. This will parallel stel A subscriber connected to an ISDN ex- change will have access to ISDN services at a premium and to other digital ser- vices at lower costs. ISDN domestic services will be provid- ed by the standard 2B--D Basic Rate ac- cess (in other words, two 64K-bps chan- nels for either voice or data plus a 16K- bps signaling channel). Until ISDN services are available on a large scale, they are likely to be expensive (between two to four times the cost of an eguiva- lent analog service). : ISDN at Home ISDN's development in the domestic subscriber market will depend on the cost. to the user, the perceived benefits and the marketing of the service. ISDN digital services for the home will include a k a video telephones, automatic voice-mail answer-phone facilities. and exchange sline yellow pages, stock and in- PC WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT — o APPLIED INTELLIGENCE and may not be good enough for a con- sumer audience. The introduction-of ISDN, however, al- lows the 144K-bps Basic Rate Access to be used for videoconferencing. The two 64K-bps B channels can be used to carry the video and audio signals within a bandwidth of 128K bps, while the D channel is used to set up, route and ter- minate the call. The availability of video transmission at speeds as low as 64K bps will revolu- tionize telephone communications. While the cost of videophones may start off high, the cost should fall as low as $100 by the end of the 1990s. Today most data communications in ehildren's grandparents, while sending them a facsimile copy of the children's latest drawing or school report. Both lines can be used separately or together. 'Telephone features will be greatly en- hanced. The basic push-button telephone will become all digital. It will contain a liguid crystal display and will have a number of preset function keys and a small alphanumeric keyboard. When the telephone rings, it will dis- play the name and number of the caller, Once you answer it, other callers trying to get through to you will have their name and number displayed on your phone, giving you the option'to put one of the calls on hold or to ignore the call. New ISDN . - Services at Home [€ Oniine access | to databases . če Onlne |. burgar and going to bet či The keyboard on the telephone will al- low short text messages to be sent to someone who is unavailable. sage mailbox, similar machine, available to to an answering them in their local i home-shopping medium, because users di more people will use on-line services [or APRIL 17, 1989 SDN in the Home Will Revolutionize Telecommuting Developments in videoconferencing and the widespread introduction of vid- eophones will replace much of the need for actual, day-to-day personal contact. In time, the normal telephone network will offer worldwide videoconferencing, making some routine trips unnecessary and freeing time for important face-to- face meetings. Rapidly spreading information net: works, including video, will allow corpo- rations, especially those in the service and information industries, to decentral- ize by setting up small offices inter- linked with sophisticated telecommuni- cations networks. People working in these minioffices will spend less time commuting and will work in less expen- sive surroundings, while still retaining essential communication services. Over the next few years, there is go- ing to be an explosion in homerrelated information and entertainment services. Vsers will have much better access to traditional information databases and enhanced database services incorporat- ing video. Enhanced Videotex Lackk of good graphics has been one of a oi gocd Eu SP RABE ENA cannot, accurately see what they are buying. ced videotex based on ISDN will allow a color picture to be in- serted into a standard videotex frame, allowing consumers to preview their pi ' Software libraries will provide access to a multitude of different applications programs that can be downloaded di-. rectly into a home workstation. Many applications such as banking and stock- . brokerdge facilities. Investments will be managed on an up-to-the-minute basis