Part ome of a three-part series on erecutive tn- formation sys- tems (EIS) and decision-support systems (DSS)— technologies that enable execu- tives to gain di- rect access to in- formation. —— The competi- tiveness and sur- vival of the cor- poration of the future will depend on effective use of information. Innovative managers are aware of how computers, networks, workstations, CD ROMS5, touch-sereens and so on can enable executives to ac- cess information directly and make bet- ter decisions. By using these technolo- gies, decision makers gain access to worldwide databases, computer power and versatile decision-support software. : B ANE is a form of decislon-support, soltware designed for executives. These systems are also referred to as execu- tive decision support and, more recently, executive support systems (ESS). The concept continues to be redefined as the technology changes. Simply stated, an EIS is a computer- based system designed for executives to gain insight into and to keep track of critical success factors via easy-to-use interfaces. An EIS should be able to in- corporate the unigue decision-making style of an executive and supply the in-. formation necessary to monitor the ex- - ecutive's critical success factors in a timely and accurate fashion. Many executives, of course, have their apprehensions about using computer systems. Some have a phobia about, key: boards, which is why most EIS applica- tions use a mouse or a touch-sereen as the user interface. Perhaps the most im- portant aspect in its acceptability is how well an ES can suit the work style of individual executives. Vendors of EIS products are produc- ing systems that are easier to use and. - ineorporate more user-friendly front ends. These systems are increasingly ac- ceptable to a new generation of execu: their The use of computers has redefined how corporations are i remain competitive. A veli built BIS ap- plication can be an early-warning sys- lem kat helps executives pinpolnt prob- marketplace. > piti se to tives who are not as computer-phobic as predecessors. pC WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE rting, which allows an executive to kk spot. variances. "Drili-down" sup- port-—the capability to view supporting detailed numbers for a ; number —is provided by most EIS prod- ucts as a hierarchy (or layering) of reports. An EIS program can connect an exec- utive to internal and external data sources. Most, EIS software provides links to Dow Jones News Retrieval. "Links to other industry-specific data sources can be built. Some EIS products include interfaces to office-automation software for transmission of electronic ' messages and interfaces to the vendor's decision-support tool for viewing data in SI USE — An EIS should incorporate the of an executive and supply monitor the executive's critical success the information databases on the host. In some cases, data is downloaded to the micro to en- sure guick response time. In those cases, the data is refreshed on demand or as a batch job on the host. 'The software used to build an EIS ap- plication takes full advantage of the mi- erocomputer's graphic and color capabil- ities. Icons are used extensively for menu-driven systems and function-key cehoices. Dependence on the keyboard is minimized through use of a touch-screen or a mouse. č An EIS application provides the man- ager with access to information in both phic and report formats. Reports (ani their formats) are predetermined unigue decision-making style necessary to Jactors accurately. — EIS Helps Managers Gain Insight into Factors for Success ic-mail facility-An executive.can use the keyboard to type a message or select a preformatted message from a list of choices. The message can be sent elec- tronically, together with a copy of the report or graph being viewed by the ex- ecutive, to another executive in the company. ; For executives who wish to do their own ad hoc gueries of corporate data- bases and their own analysis, EIS soft ware provides links to other applica- tions. These links range from access to decision-support databases to download- ing data into Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets. Generally, executives delegate this type of analysis to their staffs. The two major players in the current EIS marketplace are Commander EIS, from Comshare Inc., and Command Cen- ter, from Pilot Executive Software. Oth- er DSS software vendors also offer a configuration of their software that can be used to build EIS applications. These vendors include Information Resources and Computer Associates. The success or failure of an EIS is - more than a function of the manage- ment support, and'the power'and" friendliness of the software, Too often, , EIS success depends on the guality of the data stored on the host, and the massaging and filtering reguired before the data is consistent and "correct." A first-step EIS might be one that pro- duces the same graphs and reports the executive is used to secing. The execu- tive might feel that the interface and the "drill-down'" feature make it easier to review the information but are hard: ly worth the considerable time and ex- pense associated with EIS applications. A critical success factor for the EIS is to support the next step—a strategically important application. - Implementing a successful EIS is not simple. 1t reguires a large investment of time and money, constant support from top management, a dedicated and com- petent implementation team, and ongo- ing enhancement reguirements. Resis- tance must be expected and corporate . politics considered. . Not all EIS applications have been successful, just as not all DSS applica- lions have been successful. Top manage. ment in companies with successful EIS applications consider them worth the in- vestment. Despite the frustrations and difficulties, the executive sponsors of the systems recognize the benefits: the ability to make better decisions and to Teact faster to changes in the business or in their competition. ; Next week, we will look at — that increase the efficiency and effec. the decision. n-making — a Calif: Europe, contact Savant, 2 lew St., Carnfc m ž Uri Kla lali) TLEH