| | DSS Applications Should Shed New Light "The diversity of functions within DSS products makes it difficult to group all the products into one category. By un- derstanding, the needs of the. users and translating those needs into software This is part two of a three-part series on execu- tive information systems and de- | functions, there emerge five distinet cision support types of decision support products: systems—tech- spreadsheet products, EIS, business-mod- nologies that en- eling products, general DSS products able executives and statistical-analysis products. B ki to gain direct Of the five, spreadsheets are the most access to infor- widely used. A spreadsheet enables us- J AMES mation. ers to perform the first level of analysis ba Decision sup- and to develop simple models. MARTIN port. systems Typically, spreadsheet data is not (DSS) can be accessed through a data dictionary; the considered user has the freedom to perform any among the industry's many terms or concepts that are either hard to grasp or are constantly being redefined. Sim- ply stated, a DSS is any system that can be used to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making pro- cess. Yet, the concept of a DSS remains confusing to many people. To some, it means end-user computing, personal "computing or executive information sys- tems (ES). However, these terms are not synonyms for DSS. "The general characteristics of a DSS distinguish it from other systems. Data in a DSS is more aggregate and less record-oriented than information sys- tems (IS) applications. DSS data is Using decision support tools, managers could analyze sales in terms of product lines, ajii F PG WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMEN "Decision Support Systems Let Managers Examine Data in Multiple Dimensions ' Forecastii B Techniguss. MA 1, 1989 on a Problem programming skills are often reguired in order to make effective use of the | language. | The focus of business-modeling prod- ucts is on a robust, modeling facility with analysis capabilities and on tools to transfer data into the modeling envi- ronment from a variety of sources. Rep- resentative business-modeling products are IFPS/Plus, from Execucom Systems | Corp., and System W, from Comshare. The fourth category is the general DSS product. These products are similar to but more powerful than business: modeling tools, Among the distinguish- ing characteristics of general DSS prod- ucts are the facilities provided to man- age multidimensional data and the ease in which dala can be added to the sys- tem. These products are intended to manage larger databases and serve a broader set of user needs. These types of DSS products also pro- vide facilities for creating highly format- ted reports and a variety of graphic dis- plays. A very robust procedural lan- guage is provided that reguires proficient skill for effective use. The lan- guage can be used to write user-oriented procedures such as screen data entry, ' processing and reporting. Representative products in this category are Express, from Information Resources Inc., and general DSS or business-modeling tool. As described last week, executive in- formation systems are specifically de- signed to help executives gain insights and track critical success factors. The focus of an EIS is to aid a decision mak- er in assimilating information guickly and identifying problems or opportuni- ties, not as an aid in problem analysis or resolution. In many corporations, well-developed EIS have replaced the traditional periodic executive summary reports. Representative products in this category include Command Center, from Pilot Executive Software, and Com- mander EIS, from Comshare Inc. Business-modeling products are used ...0r revlew sales data in " multiple other dimensions. || Revlew Sales ; ij s ; Review Sales by Review gije Customer. Sales by i šišnimi Region E stored in the form of multidimensional arrays. The interaction between the DSS and the user is very flexible, immediate and accessible to a non-IS professional. The DSS is generally used to identify and understand problems and opportu- nities | Decision support systems evolved gradually from more structured comput- er applications. As corporations succeed- ed in automating wellstructured opera- tional systems, they began to tackle the additional reporting reguirements of those applications. Users (analysts and executives alike) began to demand tools that provided flexibility and funetionali- ty, not just reporting, to support their problem-identification and decision-mak- ing needs. These evolving needs were Stratagem, from Computer Associates International Inc. The last category, statistical-analysis | products, consists of products that are used for the statistical analysis and modeling of data. Their libraries of sta- HA tistical routines are more extensive than those found in the general DSS products. Where a general DSS product may have one or two types of regression, a statistical analysis product has several, including linear, multiple, polynomial and stepwise. | Generally, users are expected to un- derstand the ALA of the technigue and how to interpret the re- | sults. Usually these are used by trained | analysts. SAS, frora SAS Institute Ine., | Review Marketing Assumptions met by DSS producis. One important characteristic of DSS products is their ability to support a powerlul dala model and retrieve data from a variety of production database- management systems (DBMSs) as well as [rom external sources. The decision support structure must aid in the pro- cesses of ad hoc dueries and analysis, and must be flexible enough for the user to add or delete data as the problem is better understood. operation, logically valid or invalid, on any data in the spreadsheet, The lack of control mechanisms has caused many managers to become wary of informa- tion reported from spreadsheets. Spreadsheet facilities include func- The interface must be responsive, al- lowing a user, after reviewing pis swer to a guestion, to immediately for- One important characteristic of DSS products is their abili to support a powerful data model and retrieve data production DBMSs as well as from external —— —iiia,: o - and SPSS-X, frora SPSS Inc. products in this category. mev Micro products are now beginning to provide capabilities previously found only on the mainframe. Mainframe DSS products are being ported to the micro. As the power of the Micro continues to be expanded and enhanced, the applica- tions that. Can run stand-alone on the micro will be larger and more complex. ne K s Una that the definition of ? further l ee Ninen r modified revolution con Jrom sources. hi a analysts to represent rela- tionships between data elements in the prodieni set. Models may be as straight- lorward ni a prolit-and-loss income ora , ok at the Data managers product For net ora jo im a DSS