re kajii re kj ro rob lij . wiouoa VO neren iretuucence. — ME AS/400s Design Expedites Application ME serlous disadvantage. If one storage de- ... vice fails and the data on it cannot be "the system, because a segmerit of nearly (5% every object on the system may well (V! have been resident on the damaged de- [5 vice. Very long recovery times are the j ' lem on the System/38 and AS/400 by V improving the reliability of direct-access V storage devices, providing recovery-sup- port aids such as journaling and ! checksum protection, and introducing specialized data-recovery utilities to its si Ne be [O Onthe AS/400, single-level ' This is the » addressability makes main memory and Jfourth part of a .,mass storage appear to the programmer, series on IBM '. as a single, enormous pool of memory.' midrange com: All objects are uccessed by name; pro": puter familij,Y " grams and database objects are shared ' the AS/400. - rather than having individual copies for' The AS/400. .:. each user, and all objects appear to be'! design incorpo- " permanently resident in a single large "4: inevitable result. rates a number memory. Single-level storage frees the of advanced con- applications developer from disk- and " cepts that cori- '' memory-management constraints, and ''' tribute to highly ., allows an application to be independent > productive appli: ', of the configuration of the target 'Y |! cation develop- platform. la A UDE oj € ment. These in- :' Single-level addressability reguires a ni . cludea highlevel "very large virtual-memory address to ac- machine interface, object-oriented de- :, sign, singlelevel addressability, highly integrated system functions, an integrat- ed relational database and advanced en- gineering. i Vit nalako | These architectural features effective- | ly hide the complexity of the system |. from programmers, operators and users ' | through the use of a single system inter: |. face. This results in a substantial reduc- ! | tion in the Cost of ownership of the sys- The AS/400's High-L di A funetion in | tem, particularly in support areas such Mi program 35 systems programming, database sup: ME! port, network management, operations this layer... software. iztis yi" Thearchitecture of the AS/400 de- ; fines a logical machine instruction set at' Man a very high level, as illustrated in the". level instruction figure. This high-level instruction set, is called the machine interface, Many fune- | tions traditionally performed by main: frame operating systems are supported : as basic instructions in the machine in'' terface, For example, "Create Object" is a single machine-interface instruction. " ' The high-level interface isolates appli: cations developers from machine imple- '' mentations. The approach accommo: '% set. Fewer oper- ations are re- ured to execute the function. At this DE instructions are translated into microcode... Microprogram AS/400 Operating System technical-support personnel. Facilities to evel Machine Interface Instruetion Set Off-Loads Funetions from the Operating System to the Hardware User- Interlaces and Software High-Level Machine Interface ming Interface 4 recovered, it may be necessary to reload all the data on all the storage devices on 59 — IBM has sought to address this prob- , Development and inconsistencies. Because each soft- ware component in conventional Sys- tems is a self-contained entity, functions found in one component may be repeat: ed in others. In addition, highly trained support personnel with specialized skills ' are needed to manage and control each specialized software component. The AS/400 was designed from the ground up to be an interactive, multi- user machine. Architectural features such as single-level addressability are particularly well-suited to an interac- ' tive, multiuser environment. All application programs on the AS/400 are automatically compiled as re-entrant modules, so one physical copy of the code is shared by multiple users of the program. This provides efficient use of storage, and transaction-process- ing support is fully integrated with the operating-system software. No expensive specialists or laborious tricks of coding are reguired. Most significantly for us- ers, interactive processing on the AS/400 does not "go down." The norm is 100 percent reliability. Integrated Relational Database Z, The AS/400 database-management 'system is based on the relational model, / and is integrated with both the operat- ing system and the machine. This pro- ' vides efficient performance for the in- ' formation system because operations are performed below the machine-inter- face level in a combination of microcode and hardware. Moreover, the integrity of the data is guaranteed because of the integration of security at the object level. ' The database implementation sup- ports two kinds of files: physical and »logical. A physical file is'a data struc- iste tes in the machines underiy-. ME Hardware Micr ture consisting of rows (or records) and se pennology without any impact si o edbyjihe zan: Columns (or fields), each having the ications. 8] prine neh machine. RELE attributes and record length. ŠI Kb ; ia. ; h es provide al Ni N AJ Funetions of the High-level Machine interface: 'the IRSAO, ss PE Na of In effect, applications pam ne » Reduces the number of operations the machine must pertorm 'namically. This flexibility o£ function, in Current models of the AS/400 Ni be $'' " Insulates the applications and operating system from the hardware sombination with the performance and able to take advantage of new technolo- » ip ceHty of the AS/400, provides ses. tko ut reg Miring conversion. sie ; RE tai user information-retrieval s is an objectoriented sys- keč ; RE A, ms and contributes to a reduction jega. programs, data files, guenes librar Nm Ni MR Me o ae m Orae. re les, ice deseriptions, user profiles ; ; incorporates a sil are autonomous objects that interact. « The 45/400 was designed from the ground up to be an inter. vW?ber of sophisticated engineering fea- by passing messages to one another. Ac- ''! ive, multiuser hine. Archi noč usually found in mi a o obleci je bv object nam raliec active, maci Architectural features such as in high end ne, The main processor lon—a key characteris- | ( ni ' m models incorpo 'tic of object oriented The ob-'' spore SEČU Are wellsuited to that environment, IBM fastest bipolar chip technology, ject-oriented design of the AS/400 frees ''' dli — ee zid a yrith a cycle time of 60 je arplicationa from low- !' | VakGA Čile kme PROU iR ii nemci y chips. Concerns with information retriev: commodate all the primary and V VIH main mirror: si has been called the SAA al and storage. It also provides a uni- Ary storage on te system. ne AS/AOO line ed Sepe ke OC: kem o otncat week TI] examine sa a interface to all objecis, a high de '' supports a 48 bit address ihot alo ga Hi Sa: sr ate AS/400 has been inte- go a zad integrityi k enan 281 trilion bytes of informa: //5.Focus on Integration, Simplicity Arehteciure a ono A PPlication powerful security features, š to be individually addressed, This is! " Integration and imi So OO. JJ An object can be visualized as a con- "| signifi l a lon and simplicity are the cen- (alner holding information. Objecta con. |. BE bit addresu snope noj ee Pri | rabrinatokej io o a a a Sori s portion and an asso- "' tem/570 MN MAO si sepa- ' an service updated guar- Ciated ioragi maca fuciienal poe na Ja alu(ranleki ks njejes ši Hi rate systems-software products on tradi- terly, is available through High Pro- bne obj o ore a definition o£/; even more. Already the AB/AOO Rain HH into kare a rated | ducttvity Software Inc, of Marble. the object, whleh includes the objavi). uli ep prb "ji, into the AS/400 hardware and operat- head, Mass. (800) 242-1240. For infor. teme, object type and object authoriza.'<|' that can access more than 18 guintillion %, omete VN O luni Ro OI epi oseki pis 3, me pray, the AS/400 ensures "V! virtual Thus, the 4ijA Pita nje (role paši, a za lenih OE ] Y operations valid for the object! : i igli Sys- nsfer Institute, St. s) type are performed agar neč, ei b pokra si He to explolt new ij sem security and coramunications. ' Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394 ti oa authorized users gain nocesa to they become avallable during the 1990«.[ eb tle layered software com- 2906. In Europe, contact Savani, 2 Il object. um, |: z Slave je zg |, Ponenta of conventional mainframe sys- New St, Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX || billty does, ea in an overjap of functions United Kingdom (0524) 73 505. R Nige be sd beia j ME a | [ e