a > H PO WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT | SAA's Application Generator Will Boost Productivity based on CSP. This approach will grow to include other aspects of SAA. Although IBM has a lot of work to do "AWGUST 21, 1989 Pace 66 | cation, including screens, code and data A a ene sevaloped [oe , definitions. Computer-aided software en- is t 400. j ed sofi s k to Ne ai s ME oh CSP is a good mainframe- . gineering (CASE. tools will RE IE ve ČSP NS RTA o ppličatkih o ed application generator, it is not yet. ed with the repository, the SAA app a iker re mane oOR RAVNI articles on AA ČU plant Applications can be tion generator and the facilities ol the pone ŠE gi ing CSP today. IBM s dedni enerated and run on the AS/400 and Common A o Interface-Cora- ges a a ler Di ONA EN Zb /2, but they must be maintained on munications (CPI-C), š i MO nat intra With (Ke Bee (SAM) Ta i ii System/370 CSP's built-in screen Unfortunately, the nati m CSP to JE pove oducavitj | Si fi ' i high-level application-gen- is is 2 1 ! ? i i 370-based, and is not support these higi k EP ODA OL ka opal pa Pa ley Access (CUA) 3270 | | eration functions will keč aH toe ie m Spa, čbe 5 ee te a ROEVEH, | ae : i i However, the productivity gains OUA s ay; i i unications are year. s N ad E Roke kun 05 kel O lca, by using awk- application generalors Je me to bo - nee lake 4h s TNE h b ; i tion o! č and H i d external products that some sem-: nored; the integra! JP iRLEH, s NEL connectivity can be simulated. plication generators is a major trend of ej IT o kim m no ne de JE a iRE ominable OBE Bode EH Sa balona that CUA interface is still just a direction for logie: i able work- e dilemi one i J tno 906 m siste He ara Will be able to want to use SAA today is that there are CSP. The most reasonable CUA steps to take with CSP are to follow CUA guide- ni lines as closely as possible within the Hi i C P sereen painter. i SKA Application rja de Users tro | o a a , l closer to the SAA ideal than the capabil- Progtariming Uekijše Ji ities of the user interface. CSP provides excellent support. for both DB2 and SAL/DS. It automatically generates Structured Guery Language (SOL) from high-level CSP statements. The program- mer can either accept the generated SAL or, if more sophisticated data access is | reguired, modify it. Because DB2 and j SOL/DS both now provide some degree of homogeneous data distribution, CSP also has access to distributed data. CSP and the Data Manager On the programmable workstation, the relationship between CSP and the | Data Manager is not as clean. It reguires the user to access an external COBOL module, which performs the database access. This will probably not be ad- dressed until the full CSP application-de- velopment environment is ported to the programmable workstation. Finally, the tools for implementing co- operative processing will not be avail- able in the near future. It still is not clear whether CSP will provide commu- nications verbs, or if the subsystem run- ning CSP on a given machine will be re- sponsible for accessing different mod- ules. CSP developers are hoping that the An important trend in the 1990s will be the rapid movement of application- development functions from the main- frame environment to POs. The low cost of mips (million instructions per sec- ond), faster response time, ease of use and substantial processing power of the programmable workstation makes it an attractive environment for application development. Integrated computing environments such as SAA will accelerate this trend by allowing programmers to develop enterprisewide applications on the PC that run on any supported SAA plat: form. Applications will incorporate seamless interfaces that enable informa- tion and processes to be distributed among all machines on the network. In the future, SAA-compliant. applica- tions will be developed using a highly integrated application-development envi- ronment consisting of front-end CASE tools, a common repository of design in- formation and a back-end SAA applica- tion generator. The integration of these facilities into a common development environment represents a major chal- | lenge for IBM and other vendors. | The industry's current application-de- | velopment procedures are far from the | ideal described above. Most applications Higb-devel bingudge iisets rapidly toristriiet applications without a | detdiled knowledge ot SAA services. Refiositoty OI | Desidni | Specificatlohs Presentatioti CortitntinicatloH Intettace can Dialodue eine anduddes l are still developed by hand, using con- s zneši ž ni iii bdi ventional third-generation languages. | such as COBOL or FORTRAN. Hand- cralted applications reguire a great deal | Common Progtattitnlnig Intertace of time and effort, are very expensive and often don't meet users' needs. A ma- jor objective of SAA is to improve pro- latter proves to be the case, It is possible to do some cooperative | Processing today with CSP by using soft- that i i EM iva to do to develop Gross System (6se) ware that is available under both DOS and OS/2. You must, however, leave CSP into an application generator for its Systems Application Architecture, but there are advantages to using CSP today. to accomplish this. The tool to use is th Enhanced Connectivity Facility (ECF). k zao s RK dn develop applications that run on any provides the ability to build a shell around an application that can then be supported SAA environments. Applica- tions developed with the application made up of £omponents on different generator will access relational data grammer productivity through the pro- vision of automated application-genera- tion tools. The primary component of SAA that will be used for the automatic generation of applicatjons is the SAA application generator. The function of the application generator is to create code that is compliant with the user, programmer and communication inter- faces defined by SAA, Cross System Product (CSP), an IBM fourth-generation language, has been machines. ECF provides the communi H ti ca- |. two technology paths to Pursue. One is PRE NE o alley vil sootinie | compliance with CUA and the develop- ment of cooperative-processing applica- 5 i S p Hi ž E will describe the facilities in th SAA te a oral dn to (O a di Dola Manager iger dle lo odpa, SVronnenia : ; , which pi t ac: | h ; allow for consistent applications across cess to data anywhere in the pasli | Niso to kn projek STSAA, Itis To learn more about the subject of Gitereni IBM plaforms. liti ofTerings | Modules of the application generator" Cooperative processing applications Pgd as Please call The James legi lan a are mu pa ra er neme | nav te bullt today with SAA-compliant | updated auarteriy, odekn 2421240. zne Kabine io a competitive appli- salo ki modules and automatically lo. . € such a or kmatjemia boae SEJI kore po seminars, please ji In CSPs current form, applications oyr Ple apli poi ee ksa mlin Žvijemi lab tče o dajte odl Tranajer dt i are developed on a System/370, but exe- Benerator applications will be built in a o, strt moi ne sd o 2d low ko: Santa Monica, Calif. Č ne versions can be generated for sophisticated development environment, An alternative strategy more in lin 90402 (213) 30 . In Europe, con- | MS, VI and DOB Jakne, a well as A malnframe.based reposltory wil store sa the future of SAA is to start now pono poe Zu ev St, Carnforth, h An executable ver- | all the information related to an appl: — with application-generation technology (0524) gi aš United Kingdom li , ' | 7 H mi povem zeja poro pp mer NE RTOVO KERI PROV ESNAEE,