x de MA x Mi bi zkikReG su s ea K PG WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. | PmE70 ii APPLIED INTELLIGENCE miti i i h Mi l mt 4 ' h k | ii Kies gi ubieiv ših a ta a OR m H č eli RJA PARA z ME ge a J ni Previewing the Application, Deyelopment Revolution "AVGUST 28, 1989 » l f Ki 4 ed marki Vs paitory andi6 HUJE. me CASE tool shields the program- erated for other environments, including tral repository and CASE tools. j | This is the last the AS/400. Since the SAA Application, The design specifications of a CSP ap- | mer from paje ie Ge of article in a se- ' ' Development Environment will be the /5'" plication can now be stated in External, (// how to buil omo pone, ries on IBM's programmable workstation, CSP will '':'' Source Format (ESF), which is a tag ''/ ., The programmer only ie He zv Systems Appli- — have to be reimplemented to support: language for defining the application. , j what is desired from the eo be cation Architec- — the development and generation o; ; The ESF maps directly onto the CSP. | field specification on a dai si ipu bem ture (SAA). The | in the workstation environment, '""' %i""%',. source files, which are used to generate' |. or the selection of Gioso smi SE ži introduction of There are no plans to put the user in ' executable versioris of CSP applications. An interface that co: u pa AEE ki integrated com- terface of the ADE on either the S/370." ;. Now that the ESF is formalized and hi standards is ik s. ee puting environ- — or the AS/400. stih 4. published, it's possible to build CASE. !! | the logical defini si by Ha De log s ments such as An important component of the ADE;' tools that output ESF. At least two || ager, one of the too! GV le me re SAA will have a will be IBM's central repository. It will |. CASE vendors, Index Technology Corp. iii Similarly, the SD ke ne set a N major impact most likely be host-based and act in a and KnowledgeWare lnc,, have already access can be hidden in the a J MES on the software server mode for multiple development. ; taken steps in that directlon. /' ( ADE. High-level a KE m MARTIN technologies of workstations, each of which will have a The ESF, while currently in database | ! base access can be made jna A bei the 1990s. local repository of design information. files, can clearly be incorporated in the | These specifications si 5 The focus of 'The central repository will hold all the repository when available, The ESF can | the primitive forms in the repository. i i i i ! When the executable form of the appli- Nea Pra ae ona Ne cation is generated, the Structured Gue- i i H H ' ry Language needed to access the data- Para eu av ei IBM's Application Development Environntent PRE rnmae ported SAA environments. These ser- H ; 4 ; specifications in the repository. vices include common programming lan-. Environment Ensures Consistetiey Among Projeet Metubers, The repository itself might not be con- Buages, common user interfaces, com- | | Boosts Productivity o£ Design Team | fined to just a single host eh mon coramunication interfaces and : | it might be stored in a distributed rela- common database-access facilities. Posi- | pvmzmii poma j ; tional database. The developer can use tioned on top of the CPI is the Applica- ' Programmable i | | the local repository on the programma- tion Development Environment (ADE). Workstations Č GE ši As the name implies, it's the environ: ment in which developers will build... SAA applications. : IBM hasn't announced the details of " ble workstation to store those portions ! of application definition that are being V worked on. The distributed'database mechanisms of SAA will keep the databases synchronized. the ADE yet, but there have been fairly k J strong indications of what it will look. | Better Productivity like. The ADE will be an SAA coopera- tive application, with the programmable ' workstation providing the user interface and much of the power. As shown in - the graph, the workstation will work in '. a client-server mode with the host-based repository, which will contain all of the definitions reguired to build an appli- cation. gle A Consistent Environment. The workstation user interface will use the most advanced Common User Access (CUA) specifications. Developers Any portion of application develop- ment that is repeatable can be abstract- (ed to higher levels and built into CASE tools. These higher levels of abstraction | then generate the specifics for a particu- lar application from relatively few pa- rameters. The result is higher productiv- ity for the developer. s ". Once design specifications for an ap- »plication have been stored in the reposi- 'tory, they can be used to generate exe- Local Repository: | £utable versions of the applications. Us- taliltaj se |ing the facilities of the ADE, code can Contains design entral Repositotyi be generated in of the SAA lan- selen neje ei environment, specitications for Č PRE such as Ge COBOL. worl one programmer's Gathers design specificalions a. i iron- The ADE will make it possible to gen- bortion of the from all programmers and auto- SA! RE eni ime erate applications for all SAA environ- project. tnatically cheeks their consistericy. | i a ments from the programmable worksta- tion. For example, a programmer build- ing a cooperative application with portions on the workstation and por- tions on an AS/400 would write and de- velop all of the code on the workstation, vent from the one developers are used to now. The cooperative environment be- itween a host-based repository and , | graphical user interface on a program- z sove —., imable workstation is a powerful combi- se B uill be an S. 4A ] "nation. The generation of conventional workstation-based ADE is connect: , third-generation languages from the ap- d. Cooperatively to the AS/400, allowing SOODErALvEe application, with the programmable Workstation : plication development environment will Programmer to develop application providing USET' a sa low existing optimizing compilers to £omponents that can be sent to the ; the xim interf' ace and much of. the |." , make the applications as efficient as A8/400 for execution. | - Reki tel š i ni | ,, , Possible. The result will be a revolution In the case of third-generation lan: ' H j h Buages, such as C, the U jin application-development technology. EN begin a series 4 ship the source code to the AS/400 for : om object oi J mine Cles on object-oriented programming, a i technology that is changing the way ,, Programmers and users interact with on the programmable workstation. In ei ). ,jcomputers. 8 sali! ther case, the programmer's window on i he development process will be the To learn more about the subject of a 4 | these articles, please call The James in the ADE will parallel that of the cur- kda o o ormatlom service t | J lada TEM ori rm rode (C5P), sn For information on seminars, please eh the application generator l ada) aaa preme ere sk a a ; ZAL ZO, Sk, Samta Monica, Cal o a ST || 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- there, an executable version can be gen- ze 5 OBX Uni m nes. (0524) 734505, ed