d 4 Pace 64 Ki ; č M Ma; ' H [4 ih 1 h na jh K > of Applications, OOP s Intuitive Interface W idens Ran ge of Applications t kadi Snovi j Po Li. naj ite ii Kovine a i a -bo: jheet. h bb; rič uh techriigues.i, '!; MacPaint. Many more o£ he programs. | This is the zmoinnnlinem fora fri ses, Usin ohikorent rei pri dih have been developed, and the most so"; | third in a series — ' User interfaces based on object-orleni: . styles are organized ln 4 Hierarchy: The, ,.: phisticated dre using object-oriented | | of articles on ob- ' ed technigues enable users to explore:: ij | attributes of each style sheet are set at' 4 technigues to make it ii to create, | ject-oriented. | and experiment witli a new enviroti' £; / the appropriate level in the hierarchy. complex drawings. | sti ki technigues, a — ment. Many programs čan be learned, / ji; Lower-level styleš inherit attributes "| As shown in the figure, a bali or | new technology X with little or no training. Once Usersi/ (17 ' from higher levels, ind only definitions; draw program provides the user with Wi that's changing 1; learn the functions of d word processor;'" that are new, Ads need tobe j ij an empty window bordered by a num- [E the way pro |.or prograni editor, they then can trans; (//, specified."" osel MOM IM ber of icons that represent Various li ; | grammers and .. 'fer that fm ti to othet products "jiv" For Pene, the basic text style in a drawing tools. These include line-widthi i , document might define the margins, font | ; drawing tools; paint patterns; brush compulters. technigues. ili and padragraph style: A heading style; HI ' shapes; erasers; tools to draw boxes, cir. There are a ' Thus, PN eta help," would be ii subclass of the basic text ';.//' cles, polygons; and other special oflecta. | number of appli- — the user to grasp and work with the ' si style: It would'retain the font and mar! || The mouse and a pointer are then used | l cations today complex computer environment. Users | gins, biit change the font size and add X (to put the shapes or drawings on the ' that make use of, ; learning to operate a windowed intersii V the bold attribute. A programming book "screen. These programs all tise the basic. object-oriented face do so in a fraction of the time it." might have a different style for code ex- |; object-oriented user interface and em- programming. There are varying SEO. jploy icons to represent various options. to which the concepts are used, but in, In contrast, conventional paint pro- all cases, object oriented technigues al: " How Word- Processing Style Sheets Use / grams view the picture as a large bit low the user to deal with a complex en- bi | map. For Sak jale box is nodi vironment in a straightforward manner; witl a conventional paint program, the | OI a v enteg Frogrammine a with an object-orieni ace, while - on. ; others give users the ability to oeganize Styles Are O: ganized bene - ze | secting the box, some more bits are ; | and create objects as well. i Hi In a Hierareh y 2; NE | turned on. The program only has This week, we'l look at three exam- s s ' 'knowledge" of the on and off bits. Af' ples of object-oriented programming: 4 ter the initial drawing, the program has; € Window:-based user interfaces: These Level l: no control over the circle and sguare are the emerging standard for comput- ... Basic Style | 'andi can only add or erase bits. There |, ers, including workstations, Macintoshes - Aitributes (are copy and duplicate functions, but '' and now PCs, with Presentation Manag-': s h h € these work with areas of bits and not a er (PM) and Microsoft Windows. '' 3% v IS z . with objects jin the in : ; € Word processors: Powerful style (ie še HOBIJE Ji sheets let the user create complex docu: :: j/One Shape at a Time . is] ment formats with little effort. 4 %Y oa! S b Inan object-oriented drawing pro- ' ' is ' Graphics programs: The creation of ,. sz N gram, the shapes are remembered by | .:// complex drawings is easier with object" ' the program as individual objects. They oriented technigues. Level il: N sš si m can be šelected and modified once The most noticeable effect of object; Level | Style Plus 55 h : | drawn. They can be moved about the | oriented programming can be seen in : v Bcreen, copied or deleted without. dis- the windowing user interfaces that we Additional Attrib utes — -k | turbing the objects they overlap. " H tudiki first popularized on the Macintosh. » Heading —— - Z % Objects cari be combined into more HU | 'These technigues' are now becoming ' available on PCs with Microsoft Win- dows and IBM's PM. The style of inte; " complex objects, which cari then be ma-' H | | nipulated as single objects. Complex ob-' | [E jects can be duplicated and moved, al- | face was first developed for Digitalk |; Level Ill; za - J z ej lowing the user to work with the draw: | (| i S Provan the first pure object-ori: Level ll Style Plus ž - be UE] s! j | |: bi The user benefits from the more intu-" Additional Attributes pie < line means changing its end points. The ' | H H itive interface provided by object-orient- » Subheading —— same edit message can be sent to d rect, (| | ed technigues. The windowing interface is organized like objects in an office. The user can move the objects: open win- dows, close windows, pull down menus, ' select items. The effect is the same as : angle, but with different results: The ;.' |! edit. will change both the rectangle's H heken . height and width. Each object. responds ' | Kai to set attribute messages, but, the IE, GAJA ; pesi no j —— izlo | | |, attributes affect each object differently. opening wers, selecting objects . 5 po pi ; i : '! For simple drawings, the conventional in the drawer, moving a coffee cup and. USinuy object-oriented. technigues, styles are organized in a hi bit-mapped paint programs are ade- || drinking the coffee. Various icons repre- mi attributes. each priat ' guate, but for more complex drawings, | senting objects are used to send mes- :'" ; erarchy. The of. style are at the ab, Di o, e |; the object-oriented approach is recom- | sages to the object. The user simply mended. The use of object-oriented tech- elicks on the icori to obtain the desired ': |, higues simplifies the user interface and | result. For example, to seroll a opera " helps the user to manage complexity. | the user points the mouse to the scroll ; beti Ne Hi IE Next week, iti the fourti and final ar. bar and clicks it. To close a window, the '— would take them to learn i a oouvenunai, omoleš in which day the font is." ticle in this serles, we will look.at the i mouse is elicked in the "go away" box | al PC interface, because the windowing Ji changed. All of these substyles intierit J growing use of object-oriented tech- | on-screen. technigues help manage and control.the:, attributes from the basic style, so the | nigues to implement CASE tools and Visual clues are used wherever possi-: complexity of the environment. ' 4%/: user has to specify only what, is differ- ' | databases.a ble to indicate the behaviors of an ob- One of the more dramatic recent uses. ent for the styles lower ini the hierarchy.,. ———————<—<5<— ject or identify the object. There are of object-oriented technigues is in the |! ' This use of objeciorlented technigues H Pag he remijo zem icons for the controls on a window and. . definition of style sheets in some word-,,. for style definitions resultš in d very %: these articles, please call The »James icons used to identify the applications processing programs. The style sheet de: | easy-to-use interface for developing come , Martin Report, an information service and documents in the system. For exam- fines attributes, such as page layout, plex documents. The levels of abstrač- ' a A EO MSO ple, different icons are used for pictures ' font type and text format; for some por'"' tion and inneritance mike it tasy to? st | /' For information on seminars, please | and text documents. Similar icons and tion of the document. A complex docu- |., work with and control documents that | |; contact (in the United States and. Gra messages are used across multiple appli- | ment might have styles for regular text, (have a complex K ozeRa Ami oe ada) Technology cations. Open, close and save operations bulleted text, i d, ted h ei | |;741 10th St, Santa Monica, Calif. - always appear in the same place on the sm bi ti ij 90402 (213) 394-8305. Ii Europe, con. screen, whether the application Isa tai " There are numerouš programs for Za | tact Savant, 2 New St, Carnforih, Word processor, draw program or pro- ' [Hi ne pictures on di computer, begin Janes LAS 9BX United Kingdom Bram-development environment. The go- t se Vovtu Compu KA 0624). soka ga NUK) dl ška