Pace 92 Second of a series of articles on the strategic directions that Lotus Develop- menti Corp. is pursuing and the significance of those strate- gies to organiza- tions planning for the 19905. Due largely to the astounding success of 1-2-3, Lotus is often characterized as a one-product compa- ny. Even those in the industry who rec- ognize that Lotus has significant prod- uets in other categories often fail to re- alize the extent of market penetration achieved by Lotus products. In addition to its famous 1-2-3, Lotus has products specializing in database work, text management, graphics, utili- ties and word processing. s Yet what's interesting about these products is not how they're ranked in fheir respective categories, but their de- velopment, employing several unigue features, to solve functionality problems. In the realm of 1-2-3, of course, there is an interesting trend. Release 2.2 of 1-2-3 was announced as a new product during the development: of release 3.0. Release 2.2 was developed on the foundation of release 2201—that is, its an assembler code product. It of- fers features that have been on the wish list of many customers for a long time. Linking of cells between files, an Undo command, greatly improved graphing ca- pabilities, 100 percent compatibility with release 201 worksheets, macros and add- ins attest to the degree of importance it represents as an improvement over 201. Release 2.2 runs on 8086 and 8088 ma- phines wilh the same speed as release Release 3.0, which dominated the news within the industry for some time, offers a new level of power and fea- ures: three-dimensionality -with 256 spreadsheets in one file, backward com- patibility with 2.01 and 2. file links, improved graphing and Breater speed when installed under PG WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT, Lotus Follows Strategy of Solving Functionality Problems sales, primarily to Microsoft Excel, and that a mixed-vendor spreadsheet envi- ronment will exist in many organiza- tions. Mixed-spreadsheet; environments don't pose major problems as long as work groups are consistent in their use of products and applications. Virtually every product provides worksheet file compatibility or transfer to standard 1-2-3 file format, sustaining and enhanc- ing desktop operations. It's no secret that desktop computers will play an important role in the com- puterized corporation of the future. Many organizations will choose to imple- ment enterprise information systems, which link operational data to financial The Computerized Corporation of th Integrated Tools Will Automate Data Processi not only be available, they will provide such a powerful competitive advantage that most organizations won't be able to ignore them. It's in this context that Lo- tus promises to provide direction to move from existing spreadsheet applica- tions to enterprise applications. In April 1987, Lotus unveiled a num- ber of plans for future releases. Release 3 was just one of the many new prod- ucts mentioned. Lotus 1-2-3/M, 1-2-3/G, Symphony 200 Plus and Lotus/DBMS were included. Later there were an- nouncements of the joint development, plan with Digital Eguipment Corp.; 1-2-3 for the Macintosh; joint development with Sun; and what is now called (Futute ig and Data Access tri the Client-Server Configuration S Setver (Extornal LAN) OL ENE AE BESE Communication Server o EGA Enterprise environments will rtunately, the 286 with IM byte of RAM has become the base-level machine, and by the h sage 1989 there will be more Tae, : Ma pride than 80865 and 80886. models and present the results Pr rd poje about the de- powerful guery and graphic front ends. | ele ije are drla dih rala ai ae to deliver products on processing ea aa Anka la ume as well as the guality of the man cessing functions are performed on ner. ' nesi Competitors also eriti. sonal computers and data peh, m: seje Lotus, but for most customers the from distributed host s | ko significant A large por- A com; lete portfolio ot necen exploiting the PENA ia leked k poday bo Lap ocatlans srn over čen keapte; not ofTered today by Lotus or any of release 3,0. A more important issue Toda, terprise Pplications ; a the avnilability of features and leced ifraved s ze Various pov sli re oa expected in 1-2-3 release 22. B pev m lhe future, its likely that 1-2.3 will VSE, koli Sonata a ine | Continue to lose market share of new pose PANO k ene grated application environmenta will provide such an advantage that most firms won't be able to ignore them. Lotus promises to help move from existing spreadsheet applications to them. ; dom Avakan— group environments, it's likely that j š Notes, a group-productivity product un- ; ipii der development, will be far better re- ceived. Notes will be used in a struc- tured manner where project manage- ment, scheduling and sharing of information within a group are done. Major competition in this category ex- munication of future product informa- lon can be expected. 1-2-3/M is a joint effort between Lotus JAM product with marketing responsibil- » | Agenda, though extremely powerful, re- auires considerable learning and appli- cations development to be fully exploit- ed. Unless development resources or use ful templates are available, this growth will continue to be slow, For ti LI contact (in the United States and Can: || ada) Technology Transfer Institute, | (85) INOVEMBER 6, 1969 ities shared between Lotus and IBM, an alliance that provides Lotus with valu- able access to mainframe markets. 1-2- 8/M will be developed as a Systems Ap- plication Architecture (SAA)-compliant product. As such, it will be well posi- tioned for large, multiplatform coopera- tive-processing applications. Many changes have occurred since the concept of 1-2-3 on a mainframe went into development. The biggest; change is the significant role that networks will play in corporate computing. Even with large PC LAN environments, 1-2-3/M on the mainframe will still be an important product, because many corporations will continue to use mainframes in their cross-platform strategy. Dealing with Unstructured Data Within any organization, unstructured ideas and text are managed and manip- ulated more often than structured data. Examples would include the manage- ment of E-mail, to-do lists, correspon- dence files and general information databases. The unstructured nature of. the information has traditionally made it difficult to implement applications that were of managing the. Contents. As a result, large (and vital) applica- tion domains have been ignored within major corporations. This application area will be supported more effectively in the future through the efforts of or: ganizations like Lotus, products like Agenda, the study of work habits and the understanding of how ideas are managed and manipulated. The introduction of Agenda in many respects was the commencement of a new software category: personal infor- mation managers (PIMs). Lotus has mar: keted Agenda aggressively with some- what, modest results. One reason is that With the migration of LAN work- ; ists with Symantec's GrandView, Persoft's IZE, Broderbund's MemoryMate d | and others. Datalens, a new application-program- Next week TU discuss Lotus products ming interface. geared to the spreadsheet, database, i Lotus responded to criticism about text-management, graphics and word- Ht failure to meet the delivery dates for processing markets. 8 h these products by withholding comment. ČE SI ITI TNI Iz nis V. Until products are shipped and the at- To learn more about the subject of | mosphere eases, the silence is expected these articles, please call The James l — to continue. After the logjam of current Martin Report, an information service | releases is broken, a less restricted com- updated guarterly, at (800) 242-1240. |, information on seminars, please and IBM. It will run under the VM and 741 10th St, Santa Monica, Calif. li operating systems. In addition, it is 90402 (213) 3994-8305. In Europe, con: || | expected to be avallable for the AS/400 tact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, | under 08/400. Lotus 1-2-3/M will be an LA5 9BX United Kingdom | 734 505. s |