This is the last tn a series of articles on the strategic direc: tions tkat Lotus is pursuing and the significance of those strate- gies to organiza- tions planning Jor the 1990s. Software ven- dors such as Lo- tus Development. Corp. are moving swiftly to sup- port user reguirements for applications that run on networks of PCs and that can access data anywhere within a dis- tributed network of computers. Such networked applications are often based on a client/server model, composed of front-end client applications and back- end data servers. Lotus plans to offer an integrated family of products that may be used to build front-end PC applications that op- erate within a LAN. Networked products from Lotus in- clude 1-2-3 (releases 2.01, 2.2 and 3.0), Notes and future products such as 1-2-3/G (a graphical version of 1-2-3/G and aa M (a mainframe version of 1-2-3). i Lotus offers a common application programming interface CAPI) called DataLens that provides a consistent in- terface to external data sources. DataLens drivers developed by Lotus will permit users to access external data and load it directly into a 1-2-3 spread: sheet. Networked applications compati- ble with DataLens will use database servers to gain direct access to a wide variety of data sources in many envi-: ronments such as DB2, Oracle, dBASE, 05/2 Data Manager and CD ROM. Lotus/DBMS Product Lotus/DBMS is an unreleased product that will consist, of a family of tools used to build front-end applications that access relational data from a back-end database server. i lnitial applications of the product are likely to be the creation of forms linked to external data sources. The product. will work with a number of network da- tabase servers, notably SOL Server from Sybase. Lotus' strategy is not to compete with database vendors, such as IBM, Oracle, Ashton-Tate and Ingres. Although. Lotus/DBMS provides access to relation- al data, it does not include a relational- database engine. ' Lotus has indicated that its front-end tools will access Lotus/DBMS from both DOS- and O8/2-based machines. Add-in Vools will provide access to Lotus/DBMS for 1-2-3 releases 2.01 and 2.2 under DOS. Similarly, the Lotus Add-In Toolkit for release 3.0 will provide access to Lotus/DBMS for 1-2-3 release 30. These add-ins will probably not sup- port the extensive database-server ac- cess to be provided through 1-2-3/G, a graphical spreadsheet that will run un- der OS/2 and the Presentation Manager. Lotus/DBMS will be tightly integrated Lotus Banks on Integrated Products to Win Front-End War with 1-2-3/G, sharing a common menu structure and programming capability. The two products will transparently and bidirectionally share data. 1-2-3/G will be the single most important front: end tool. The product is likely to be available in the first guarter of 1990. The database-server software shown in'the figure is based on standard Struc- tured Ouery Language (SOL) that oper- ates with a set of data-management tools and applications running under OS/2 and the Presentation Manager. Us- ing the DataLens API, 1-2-3 release 3.0 is likely to be the first Lotus product that will be interfaced to SOL Server, The database-server race has been a If properly implemetited, a move to networked database servers will save money. The focus will be to provide ' Lotus/DBMS database tools that will work with multiple database engines running on PCs, minicomputers and mainframes. sila h Significant players iri the SOL data- base-server market include Gupta Tech- nologies with SOLBase, Sybase with SOL Server and Oracle with Oracle Server, an SOL-based server for OS/2. IBM's 08/2 Extended Edition includes a Data- base Manager component; that is expect- ed to provide network support in a fu- ture release. poči Although Microsoft dnd IBM are de- Lotus' Link to Data H On a Distributed Network Strategy Based on Lotus/DBMS; SGL Server d-2-3 Release 3 Client Optidnal Tools Network Databas - Server - z Server. j HM d SHUI i fri ti Tafnke | : l KLA Lotus' primary focus [| -JOther Dhlalens | he jatible otlets" Other Servers VE He MI | eh Avakan dobe | will be on the development of the Lotus/DBMS tools that will work with databases that reside on a number of platforms, including mainfi | "me too" response from vendors, For more than a year, database-server prod- ucts promised to provide access to cor- porate databases on a LAN. It is an im- portant market that no large software developer can afford to ignore, 08/2 is the starting point for the race for a networked database-server prod: uct because it is not possible to run a database server without the memory en: hancements and multitasking capabili- tles of OS/2. Improvements to be gained by moving to this technology include ' faster access to data, better security and the elimination of the potential for sys- tem crashes when two users simulta- ; neously access the same record. /V//.! J! and PCs. ii sign partners on previous versions of OS/2, the Extended Edition is currently an IBM product; however, as announced at Comdex/Fall, IBM may unbundle components of 08/2 ded Edition to create a common 09/2 product: The goal of these alliances Is to create a de facto standard or, minimally, to offer a strong alternative to products from oth- er vendora, s ; ; Lotus initially based its database-serv- er strategy on SOLBase. It then moved to the Oracle Server and finally to SOL Server. In September, Lotus purchased a 15 percent interest in Sybase with an option to purchase an additional 10 per-. cent. Microsoft and Asliton-Tate will . ' al: si i "[rontend tools market. The back-end da jointly market SOL Server as part of their product family. Thus, Lotus, Microsoft and Ashton-Tate have all set- tled on a database-server strategy based on SOL Server from Sybase. Lotus and Microsoft are implementing different strategies with respect to DBMS products. Although the SGL Serv- er product to be used by both compa- nies will run only under OS/2, Microsoft would clearly like to "own" the SOL Server standard and firmly put it in place as systems software, Development: of front-end tools will be facilitated and H encouraged through third parties. ji Lotus approaches the challenge of dis- tributed-database support from the ap- j plications end with the development of fi tools to access a wide variety of data sources. These tools will work with SOL Server as well as other database products by using the DataLens driver technology. Powerful Front End The systems problems will largely be the responsibility of Sybase, which will be responsible for implementing cooper- ative processing through LU 6.2 and oth- er communication protocols. Lotus has stated that it intends to support multi- ple database servers across a variety of hardware ervironments. x ln the future, the real software battles among vendors will take place in the tabase-server products, used to process aueries and manage the shared data, are hidden from the user. Lotus/DBMS promises to provide a powerful front; end in a familiar format. Lotus has stated that its primary focus will be on the development of the front- end Lotus/DBMS tools that will work with databases that reside on a number of platforms including mainframes, minicomiputers and PCs. ' One element of the Lotus/DBMS strate- gy is to move the Decision Support Sys: tem (DSS) analysis to the desks of man- agers who are comfortable working with spreadsheets but who do not want to perform ad hoc gueries using SOL. The widespread use of the 1-2-3 spreadsheet means that Lotus is well positioned to support front-end spreadsheet, applica- tions that use a database server to access back-end corporate databases. This networked client/server mode of opera- tion will become increasingly common in the enterprise information system of the ij future. Next week, I will begin a series of ar- ticles on Rapid Application Develop- ment, a new set of technigues and life cycles that permit applications to be created and modified much faster than with traditional technigues. H To learn more about the subject of' these articles, please call The James Martin Report, an information service updated guarterly, at (800) 242-1240. For information on seminars, please contact (in the United. States and Can- ada) Technology Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394:8305. In Europe, con: taci Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom (0524) 734 505.