ust Manage the Cultural Change to RAD (skiTi 57; Va e least. J VA ' their environment. X rrmance. ., v ment. Of these, fear is the least effective mers roba TI sit š stnem motivate another. The answer tothe pesem AM s means zi zim a Et the m cer and early adapters, since early on the individual. The ik E Perhapo a inje most povrerini mo- . RAD revolution should identify the most seseinejeh NEL from GESiE z tivator is excitement. When people me HREN way to motivate each person Mi rito Ek NE RJO "excited about what they are doing, they . invo - mrerii zbal a o med re form organizational structures appropri- work hard for long hours and enjoy it. x dolo RAD leaders should generate the kind of ' are introduced inan IS ati Peci a out (IE them well and protect their potential excitement that occurs with fundamen- c shoul usiasti t them; others resist nei Pertot Ma RU lani kobu i Mi Vdni Sij their introduction. It. achievement from opposition by the re- ate for the early adapters, motivate V part of the RAD revolution, and to build, ; ; n nali mission.critical system that will" 4% "| is useful for management to categorize . sisi Ubaiek tle rterprisa in a relatively. ; / the professionals into the danke ; ne stv Koj ti! peki PoE s rt time. in RV) »»peeo— O, groups: experimenters, ear! pters, Vate Si Presiga is another motivator. Con- pragmatists, late adapters and resisters. mi ma People often learn from an new, it's freguently Excitement is an effective way to mo- difficult to alter the culture of a large IS organization. As a ; be O ia SE UDI Acceptance of a a a ora 4 PONI vi meni e cy les such as Can VAN 3 IRENE k m re S oe New Development Methodology a MAN: ide that their successes are highly visible. Five Types of IS Professionals and Their Relative The pregmatieti8re tle mikičo£iha Acceptan ce Rates road developers. They are cautious of failure and reluctant to spend time learning new methods until they're sure it will be a good investment of their time. These developers adopt a new methodology only when the early adapt- o ete adapters cp ers have demonstrated that. it is signifi- pone new methodolnse, teluctan Resi; cantly better than what currently exists € its use as Jnevitable, Romaji << sal mi? demonstrated repeated success wi č The prestige attached to early accom- plishments should be used to persuade pragmatists to learn RAD methods. The late adapters are reluctant to change; they're the old dogs who do not want to learn new tricks. Financial in- centives may be the best way to seduce them. ganizatio: ; h — An efficient IS staff today needs to work in an environment of information '' all reguire integrated computer-aided '' software engineering (I-CASE) tools " with a well-managed repository. Thus far, however, many IS shops have not even experimented with these tech-' ' nigues. Introducing them represents a revolutionary change in the way an IS. organization functions. sita Such a change reguires the total com-" mitment of the top IS executive. This ex- pori o o so o Pe] (z . pa o no (— Percentage of IS professionals per organization "am o - Disarming Troublemakers The resisters consciously oppose the new methodology, sometimes disguising o no' short:term improvement in profits; i ei s: elative ime ona 5 their negativism in intellectual argu- —— tal time varuied to ara Slavo ments. Resisters are present: in most IS mio SIS aecordinei lo New met | organizations and sometimes voice their ——VPorale c Ht [RSi o ab from the start. e) ( e champion of a new methodology Rekaik, has to know how to deal with the resist- erš. The worst of them may search for ' subtle ways to sink the methodology be- fore it takes hold. The resisters are the most difficult to " motivate. For them, a subtly applied dose of fear is often the most effective. I£ necessary, their power and prestige can be removed. It may be necessary to move them to a position where they .. cannot have a negative influence. ' (7, Next week, I will discuss the tech- nigues that can be used to introduce .. new development life cycles, such as V RAD, into an IS organization. 8 - The concepts embodied in RAD are de- | soribed in a new volume in the James ' Martin Report Series. For more infor- | mation on this volume, call (800) 242- '.1240. For information on seminars, % coritact (in the United States and Can- je ne] RH zasi k struction teams should be enco, V take pride in.their superior poden ge | / mance. Individual should take pride in < 4 superior results ie tools, '; K Most, IS organizations have some ex: Z perimenters who like to try s methodolo-. in ) V ada.) Technology Transfer Institute, aka a oe Jo urami VERA Van ZV, well to enčouragement. "O... 741 10th St, Santa Monica, Calif. Individual Nami use pag Po ja — > 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- | ti nee, ri pie et | ga Po Remi o TI SEVE ma te /" Cratic obstacie that lowers j Zan! (; ; ta ža | semiš bi V Niš ket to make it wi s s (0524) 734 506.