Retooling Information Systems for High systems. In the 19905, managers must be able to build strategically im- portant applica- tions faster, with higher guality and at lower cost. The technologies available to meet these goals include ad- vances in integrated computing architec- tures, applications-development method- ologies and integrated CASE tools. | Managers need to ask themselves a | few key guestions: Where do we want information systems to be three or five years from now? What, issues should we be looking at now? What are the compo- nents of a strategic plan for retooling in- formation systems? How do architec- tures, methodologies and tools fit into the strategic plan? "The figure illustrates a useful starting point for dealing with these issues. It 'emphasizes that one must begin 'with'a definition of the overall information-sys- tems architectural framework, then re- solve methodology issues and, finally, se- lect tools that support those choices. As shown in the figure, architectural issues need to be resolved first. These in- clude reguirements for interoperability, portability of applications, connectivity, consistency of user and communications interfaces, standard applications-devel- opment environments and support of cooperative-processing applications. IBM SAA and Digital Eguipment's NAS exemplify integrated computing ar- chitectures. They provide a framework PG WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE so that cooperative-processing applica- tions can distribute data and code for cross platform compatibility throughout, a complex computer network. I recommend evaluating SAA in the 1BM environment and NAS in the Digital environment, and starting to plan to move to those architectures now. You The Seguence of Examples: »IBM's SAA ing a well-defined set of tasks. Rapid- prototyping methodologies, such as rapid applications development (RAD), let us build strategically i much faster than is b A commitment to RAD has a major irapact on the selection of CASE tools. A rapid-prototyping development life cycle Defining Components Of a Strategic Plan First Define Arehitecture And Methodology, Then Select Tools To Implement Them « DEC's NAS « Information enginee: » Rapid prototyping » Structured engineering can use major aspects of them today, and by making a commitment to an in- tegrated architecture, you establish a framework for many of the other deci: sions that will be made in the selection of methodologies and tools. 'The second major area reguiring strate- gic planning is that of methodologies, which allow us to build applications us- » Integrated CASE, CASE « Fourth-generation languages (4GL) » Experi systems John Avakian works best if the application prototype is demonstrated to the end user. The prototype typically contains screens and reports, menus, dialogues and some pro- cedural logic. The end user can then sug- gest improvements. 'The use of rapid-prototyping tech- nigues places a heavy burden on the CASE tool. Methodologies such as RAD t applications otherwise ible. Pace 67 Guality, Low Cost produce the greatest increase in produc- tivity if the CASE tool is used to devel- op entire applications on the desktop. % However, current CASE technology cant fuhiy: meet this objective- od SiŠ Even though CASE technology is still in its infancy, it does allow us to select tools that are capable of converting de- sign specifications into the code re- guired for a running application, and to generate the whole application on the desktop. ; In evaluating CASE tools for rapid- prototyping applications, look for inte- grated tools that provide a tightly inte- grated code generator, capable of gener- ating all the code for an application on the desktop and in multiple source lan- guages. The tool should help ereate co- operative processing, real-time, and engi- neering applications under Unix, all for use on multiple hardware platforms. Additional reguirements for an inte- grated tool include version control, traceability, project-management abili- ties and support for an industry-stan- dard repository of design information. No single integrated CASE tool supports all of these reguirements, but leading vendors are working toward this goal. Next week, Ill discuss the evolution of a corporate information strategy based on advances in integrated archii methodologjes and integrated CASE tools. 8 The concepts embodied in this article are described in the High-Productivity Technology volume in The James Mar- tin Report Series. For more informa- tion on this volume, call (617) 639- 1958. For information on seminars, contact (in the United States and Can- ada) Technology Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- tact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom (0524) 784 505. 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