In evaluating comptter-aided software engi- neering (CASE) tools, it's impor- tant to divide them into cate- gories that match the func- tional needs of an organization. Useful catego- ries include the tools capable of generating 100 percent of the code for an application from design specifi- cations; ' nonintegrated tools that generate fragments of an application but re- guire some hand-generated code out- side of the CASE tool; € tools that support an information engineering methodology; € tools that support a structured engi- neering methodology; ' tools that support; C code generation for engineering workstations in a Unix environmentand 2... š ' tools that support real-time appli- cations. The figure shows a series of gues- tions that companies can ask to help them determine how to categorize the tools. The top-level guestion is: Does the tool generate code for 100 percent "of an application? Integrated CASE tools fitting that category are listed on the left side of the diagram. Non-integrated tools that. generate fragments of an application are listed on the right. "There are only a small number of in- tegrated tools that provide tight inte- gration between the front end and the back end. Tightly integrated tools are recommended to support rapid prototyping methodologies. Integrated CASE products on the left sile vite dingram are further subdi- vided into tools that support strategic applications and those that are oriented primarily toward project-level applica- tions. Strategic applications that may be used across divisions of an organization The Company and the CASE Tool: Makin prise modeling and business-area The cholce betweeri a methodology based on information engineering or In spite of the high return on invest- ment provided by integrated CASE tools, there are many reasoris Why or- ganizations should consider non-inte- structured engineering may be dictated grated tools. by the corporate culture for applications development. Structured engineering is a relatively Ouestlons To Ask WHeH Choosing 4 CASE Tdol Does the tool gerierate code fdF 140 percčnit an applicalloh? zi lt yes, then ask: EI Will it be used to bulld strategic or project-level applicatlons? H strateg, li project -leval, ikenit lhen (Lig aH: (HEH Integrated integrated Intormatlon« siructured. engineering tool englneeting tool » CGI Systems > Corlek Corp,' » Pansophle Systems j » Sage Sofiware " This tool is fully integrated, but does not support ihformatlon br —; structured engineering. a Mmowledipe Mare : JEkss Postrumerois are best supported by an information engineering methodology that works top-down from enterprise models and business-area analyses to the design of individual projects. Structured engineering is widely used for the development; of project-level ap- plications. It is generally not concerned with higher-level issues such as enter- lt tio, then ask: m ita Does the tool šlipbor all three stietured etdlfičeriiig didgramš? It yes lt tic, s iii na: (Hen ILA š: Nor-iktegraled Norriilagisted strčtured- devaldpiment engineštliej tool šid s igdex Teehrolčtjy |- Mebonnell Douglas; s Oracle Corp. SottLab System Software AG 4 s Transtorm Logic Unisys Cotp, ——— Yourdon Softwate itan sj čletXinoiGyj — a Statiurd Systems simple methodology that's widely used by many organizations. Information en- gineering is a more complex methodolo- gy that isn't as widely used. However, information engineering is the recom- mended methodology if strategic appli- cations are to be built that will progres- sively computerize all functions of the organization. - would substantially change the catego- support these functions. "Tools on the right side of the dia- gram may be further subdivided by port all three diagram types of struc- tured engineering, including data-flow entity-relationship diagrams? Non-integrated tools that do not sup- port the three basic diagram types are typically used as niche products for a portion of the development life cycle— for example, data modeling, source- code scanning and source-code restruc- turi The figure is oriented toward the se- lection of CASE products to support business applications in an IBM target environment. Reguirements to support other environments, such as Unix support of real:time applications, rization of CASE products. Next week, I will discuss the future evolution of CASE products. 8 The concepts embodied. in this article are described in the CASE volume in The James Martin Report Series. For more information on this volume, call (617) 639-1958. For information on seminars, contact (in the United States and Canada.) Technology Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., San: ta Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394- 8305. In Europe, contact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom (0524) 734 505. Continued from Page 57 real-time Unix operating system for his assembly-line automation system, he ve- toed it in favor of OS/2 to avoid being tied to one vendor. "We wanted to use a gener- Bl purpose operelig system lika OS/D dir spondents, is that operating system's add: ed horsepower— particularly its multi- tasking capabilities and built-in communi- cations and database support. For Paul Morales, these bonuses trans: lated into a powerful environment. in which to create a front end to a main- (rame-based Insurance policy system, "We needed to do severni types of host, sessions and have them up and running at the same time," sald Morales, a senlor project engineer at Eguitable Financial a lfe-insurance company in New Another enticement. to travel down the. 05/2 development path, according to re- While 08/2 furnishes communications capabilities for building cooperative-pro- cessing applications, its real strength lies in networking, according to some of the re- spondents, "Where OS/2 really shines is in LAN support, becnuse we can easily connoct 08/2 machines to our Token:king net- work," snid Greg Barnes, a programmer/ analyat for Farmland Ine,, a farm coopera- tive [n Kansas City, Mo. This makes IL casi- er lo distrihule commodities and market information to 400 PCs on a local area network, he said, 08/2's communlentions capabilities also provide developers with an entry into the malnframe world, "We have an AS/400 [minicomputer] nimi IM 3000 mninframes, ami providing connectivity to (hose platforma is the lead- lug renson to go to OS/2," snid Gregory Brunet, a systems analyst for Waste Man: agement lne., a waste trea Oak Brook, Il. ee pelet in While many respondents found 0S/2 de- velopment, more time-consuming than ex- pected, they said the operating system's palette of programming tools and built-in debugging facilities are far superior to those of DOS, "08/2 helped us to make a better-guali- ty program," said Andrew Fischer, a pro- grammer for Vector Software Inc., a soft- ware developer in New York. "We found buga under OS/2 that we would never have found under DOS." OS/2 is clearly meeting the needs of some developers, yet a significant number are still hesitant about moving over. The biggest. hurdles, respondents noted, are the initial investment in hardware upgrades and incompatibilities with the stili-domi- nant DOS world, "We were developing in OS/2 but put it aside because of incompatibility with what we'd developed before," said Alon "A partner in Alon Miller Associates, a consulting firm in Staten Island, N.Y. Migration ! More Firms Traveling the OS/2 Development Path While users expect: these issues to be resolved in the next few years, several are eying Microsoft Corp.s Windows as a short-term alternative because of its graphical user interface and limited multi: tasking abilities. "We'e going to Windows whole-hog in the short term," said Steve Silver, a vice president at. Chase Manhattan Bank in New York. "There's less resistance to putting a GUI over DOS." ; Other respondents said they prefer to wait for 08/2 version 2.0, the full 32-bit, im- plementation of the operating system that's due later this year. "I look to OS/2 2.0 to be the first OS/2 that users will want, because they can get. to it easily," said Rick Stuckey, a partner in Andersen Consulting, the Chicago-based consulting arm of accounting firm Arthur Andersen 8% Co. "Hardware won't be as expensive," he said, "and faster processors will bring down the cost of 0S/2 machines," B g the Match Current integrated tools do not sup- port C code generation, the Unix envi- ronment, real-time applications, trace- ability and other important functions. Several of the non-integrated tools do asking the guestion: Does the tool sup- diagrams, decomposition diagrams and