This is the third article in of any organi: zation depends on effective communication. Most communi- cation depends on the written word, and it is the content rather than the format of these text items that conveys their primary value. To fully profit from the ever-expanding corpo- rate paper trail, organizations must be- gin to address the management of textual information and provide con- tent-based access to data. To facilitate this new focus, soft- ware tools that mimic the manual pro- cess of creating text are making their debut, helping writers shape a docu- ment's meaning and content. Among the new products in this class are out- lining tools, document-assembly tools, information managers and several 'groupware offerings, including Lotus Notes and Symbolics' Concordia. To assist writers in developing and fine-tuning the structure of a docu- ment, outlining software programs work to emulate the classical manual approach from which they were de- rived. The programs understand the structure of an outline—for example, a Roman numeral heading CI, II and so on) that, has alphabetized subheadings (A, B, C), which in turn can contain numeric Subheadinges a, 2, 3). As headings are moved, the software automatically renumbers the structure. Some products can even associate MARTINO APPLIEO INTELLIGENCE short textual notes with each heading or subheading, which are also moved in tandem with the heading or subheading. An outline can be reviewed in either col- lapsed form (just the skeleton) or ex- panded form to include associated notes. Document-assembly products, another category of text-management tools, help Software Tools Copy Manual Process of Creating Text nate these deficiencies by creating scripts that describe how segments are to be combined. When a segment is changed, the seripts can help determine which documents are affected, thus cre- ating an electronic trail. This process can be useful in many business applications. Lawyers, for in- Managing tHe Eleetronlc Trail boeuiitent-Ašsenibly Brodnets na ib Create Neiv Docitinehts from Existie Files z ek IHtotrmatloH to create new documents from existing boilerplates. While word processors com- bine many segments of text into one document, it is difficult to trace which segments went into which documents. In addition, word processors also create a new file for the document, resulting in higher storage reguirements. Document-assembly products elimi- John Avakian stance, generate many documents, such as wills and contracts, that use similar and even identical sections of text. Other orga- nizations also reuse text items: User guides, for example, very often extract text from reference manuals, and text contained in a human:resources guide may also be used in an employee hand- book that is distributed to prospective employees. Information-management products are a third class of tools that Pan be applied to track and retrieve textual information. Personal information managers (PIM3) provide facilities for capturing, modifying, retrieving, recombining and reproducing unstructured information. PIMs are designed to let users work with random, free-form short pieces of text and to establish relationships among these pieces of text. The result is a structure similar to an outline, but unlike outlining products, PIMs assign items to the categories in the outline. PIMs are personal tools; they are not designed to support "shared under- standing" in work-group environmentS. Individuals create structures that are meaningful personally, but. not. neces- sarily to others in the group. A new class of information managers known as groupware promotes eflicient collaborations among work groups. Groupware applications range from ventures such as engineering projects to the preparation of documents for publi- cation. Each member of the group re- views sections (and possibly drawings) o£ the final document; group members' comments are incorporated into the fi- nal document and can be traced, readable si searchable formats. 8 The concepts in this article are de- scribed in a new volume, Test Man- agement, of The James Martin Re- port Series. For more information on this volume, call (800) 242-1240 or (617) 639-1958. For information on seminars, contact Technology Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., San- ta Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394- 8305 (in the United States and Cana- da). In Europe, contact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lanes., LA5 9BX United Kingdom (0524) 734 505. First Look ! Dažaflex Upgraded, Continued from Page 79 around, version 3.0's ovčarji was fasi- er than version 2.3b's. 'The OOP user interface is implemented as an include file, so there is no additional memory overhead if a developer chooses to use the eni zb Hi mne bolstered to 16 on-line indexes by 16 data elements per index, up saje [A 10-by-10 maximum. Indexes NE a OL, DRAEELO Ta IA the user interface with 4GL macros, such as the Enter or Entergroup commands. The Enter command, for example, can handle all appends, deletes, gueries, searches and edits to a database, as wellas serolling through records. Overall, the programming language has been cleaned up considerably over version 2.3b and expanded to support.a new com- mand set that most programmers will con: the! language. The source code for the 4GL - macros is available in a disk file for study and editing by those who feel brave. Like- a ova veral new commands have solved pokania the 2.3b implementa- je most notable are true logical func- or, mo), case statements and. a A rk a a em in North Car- CASE | Data Modeling Completes 4.0 Continued. from Page 79 grams, and Bachman Entity Relationship diagrams. Without this data-modeling horsepow- er, the current version of Visible Analyst Workbench lacks a key feature of its high- er-priced competitors, according to CASE analysts. Corporations that have passed over Vis- ible Analyst Workbench for other tools, such as Index Technology Corp-s Exceler- ator, will now have a reason to consider the product, said David Sharon, president, of CASE Associates Inc., an Oregon City, Ore., research and consulting firm that specializes in CASE. %1n the past, lusers of Visible's toolslnad to go out and buy someone else's data- modeling tool to round out their tool set," Sharon said, "With data modeling added to the process-modeling and design component, they have a complete analy- sis and design solution." | With Visible Analyst Workbench 4.0, us- ers will be able to create data models at either the project level or the corporate- wide level. Version 4.0 maintains data in- tegrity among multiple projects spread across an orala company oflicials said. Another key lase of the new version is its ability to automatically diagram and print large projects, according to John. Nash, sales manager for the Waltham, — Mass., company. "If yow've chosen so many entities thatiit can't print on a page, it will organize it for you in logical pieces and give you a mapof je to put the pieces together when it prints out," Nash said. : Visible Systems is in the middle of. changing its price structure and has not. yet settled on a price for the upgrade. 'The current release of Visible Analyst SREČA costs $1,785 for a single-user version and $4,950 for a three-node net- work version. Visible Systems Corp. can be reached at, (617) 890-2273.8