h 3 "/ maintains pointers to every, text item to "artificial raje iki: collect intel- ; ; i i : <—li data for the i! 4 gubject-heading i i ib: € that contains a particular word; the > ligence l ; ; ER N to o MJ V" word may appear once, twice or ina ti; kl obsta de vi ] Vis labor-intensive and reguires input ;//'.. tle or footnote; unfortunately, the index .. ing is a enim " frora an expert in the domain: Jts ad: does not recognize the differentiation. needed for the SE h se: bi ine adventa PI ata erna poč peni se t sani PR JE needed for the Z. easily, but the disadvantage:is the ap j z ;downfall, It reg users to be f JO Pe TMETAGe li propriate keywords need to be assigned cin the vocabulary o£, the textual infor: sal a a are, however, are emplo; ji | ing compression technigues to mini- How Keyword and Inverted Indexing Differ poe ti overall SA Keyword Indexing Selectively Retrieves a Narrower Group | (ite, however. Because the index is ' automatically generated, there is no need for an expert to review each of .-. ci the items in the text collection. pokdan oo oJaeh sei ubjec ; less, of the text: ement — | CD ROM as slorage ) Nokorkem use of | Pc produclvily ide Da. AE avi 5 A the Mi Auiho li / success factor,of a particular search. zeč- While speed is an important issue, the relevancy of the returned text items / for the user. is even more;critical. d Ouickly returning 25 documents that % - must be reviewed for relevance is not . y as efficient as returning six documents — thatall have a high probability of be- sjing relevant. tala usjag!gep wi tosaski |: This forces users to word their gue- (; ries carefully, because the unpredict- .. ability of retrieval—facing thousands "of documents to review or none at ;rali—can be a source of frustration. - : »mation reguired to complete.a; ,..; s Typically, text-management applica: :tions handle text in one of;two ways. "An approach: prevalent'among micro- and LAN-based products is to:manipu; late text.as it, resides in its native envi: tronment, such as:word-processing and, spreadsheet formats ASCIL, char: acters.. ; Keyword Index IA nwerted Inde co ROM 21331 CD ROM 2,8, 21, ib ;:: Next week [will discuss how, ven: E- 'Nelworks 51, 67; 72.88, - Networks 21, 51, 67,70, ; dors are minimizing user frustrations 1PC.2,25,53,111 with text retrievali ....... — PC 111, 116, 138, 1, preše : - - The concepts in this article are de- »"soribed in a new volume, Text Man-"' Raka -agement, of The James Martin Re- h a panti is |, zport Series. For more information ," imation being searched, and to under: " ''. on this volume, call (800). 242-1240 stand Boolean logic. (AND, OR, NOT.and.;;:or (617) 699-1958. For information operators). Users also need to determine. .on seminars, contact Technology. -. .the relevancy. of retrieved text. For,ex::;.::; ample, the following search phrase :;'';. u((Čartificial" OR machine") AND "intel nee") would locate documents per-.;; <. taining to. vartificial, intelligence" as well ,< New. St, Carnf« those that might, include a reference ' ;::: Uni i PMI V Solving Corupatibilituj Issue, "fields for'access to'data in the data- base; A. DBMS automatically generates — | an index based on the key fields. %/With textual information, however, | there are no key fields. Therefore, in dexing technigues are freguently. ap: popiti a MASI ta ge ZMLET K rom.Page ie 4 cross pli ž egy," said Bill; ; ON pare oka DOS er sode ipany, —— ——— zromili man, ' njof:] NS: — z - NIKI Colligan said. He declined to set a date for demonstrated inits prebeta: form. (The /izmating at.Honeywell Inc., an i k x i i the public delivery of Rational's DPMI 1.0- s: Professional ;Compilery looks! promising. firm inrPlymouth, Minn. i 7 jows. Windows 3.0. incorporates support.i.. compliant product. | What see and/hear,is encouraging," said //.2Ashton-Tate has demonstrated.dBASE':| ifor,'the preliminary..0.9.. version .of' the 5: While Lotus 1-2-3 3.1 Charles Desjardin, a systems analyst for 6/IV versions running.on Sun Microsystems' | specification, and Microsoft has commit- ' | the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. | Ine/s; workstations, (the Macintosh and. | ted to building DPMI 1.0 into the next ver, 7 ; gara been waiting for this fon, Dieta! Keulpinen pike Nea —| sions of OS/2 and Windows. i a k Impi ; IY has promised; i ' Once the DPMI 1.0.specification is made" to the DPMI committee's plans. 2 im Many pana evaluation efforts £or' ; j J hi » public this fall, DPMI-compatible DOS-ex- 4. ,Phar Lap, the other pokati player in iceenea 11 have been hor and sweet, n E canc : tended applications will start to make ? the DOS extender market, is aiming to ship ge com paniei Paklne DA RCEH a zle Dol arket Along nl kteirah ii its DPMI 1.0 DOS extender during the first V weeks t finalize ti plans i exploi lows, these appli-;.,, part,of' next year, according ta Robert, - and kick off their upgrades.//' ABASE. pgrade, deterred by Ash- | highly: portabi ice president o; i s Between. 40:and.,60 percent: o£ our. ito; pe of zivo A pen oi pa MMoote (vice dem oltne Cambridge adheres to the 0.9. specification, it should not have compati- bility iproblems with DPMI 1.0 because sv that version is a superset of 0.9, according Ki ki 'Ta: pro also run under DOS, OS/2 2.0.and even in .; firm. As an interim solutio: the company ča CE Va lacce gre switching. to /// development snafus, They are taking a. | the DOS compatibility box of some Unix .''will ship a DOS extender that s Compati: Z tems analyst for Shell Ča (a ja an ag o5,, Valrand see attitude before they commit | variants... | jin] | ble with Microsofus HIGHMEM.SYS memo- | Calif no, ia Martinez, (| to any.new dBASE platforma. //// |. .4/"The DPMI standard provides long-term» ry driver, which will allow it to run under || Also helping to rina ae tero a | Ze Ve sOBUPPOrELI, but we're notrecom, | life far tne DOS extender and DOS exlend- ., the 286 standard mode of Windows. ke ii A aloe Tata o rea nl unending -hat anyone use, lb Vet, said, | er companjeg,"' said Terence Colligan, pres-o.i said. |. sebi (ABASE IV. verno no kak, HERE Cook, vice president of Welcom Soft, | ident of Rational Systems of Natick, Mass..!. Ergo Computing Inc, a third DOS ex- | attendees said. les E ar age Bi ga MANE soficii|« oLotus, of Cambridge, Mass., was able.to €: ;tender company," intends to release its pa per l uston,: Is too early, |' get a jump. on its competitors. and work: DPMI.1.0 offering by the. end of the year, »with the DPMI 0.9:version of Rational" .. according to an, official at the Peabody, DOS extender because it owns a signifi-;:" Mass. firm. 8 MA ž ;