CD ROM: A Cost-Effective Text-Manage able vehicle for delivering that ACCESS. CD ROM drives continues to decrease— the current price fluctuates between $500 and $700—the number of installed drives in corporations is growing expo- nentially; today there are approximate- ly 200,000 CD ROM drives installed, and that number is projected to swell to . 350,000 by 1992. The number of CD ROM applications is also on the rise. For example, Lotus Development Corp. offers Prompt CD, a collection of technical-support notes, evaluatioli and demonstration versions of selected software, press oe and full text, from Lotus M e. Com- puter ibrkiy prodiiebi mon Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., contains full text from its family of computer publi- pations, as well as full text and ab- stracts from 120 other peribdicals." , There has also been a 'surge in the ime of successful in-house corpo- | rate CD ROM publishing ventures, again heightening the credibility of the technology, Each month, a division of Ford Motor Co. publishes a CD ROM: based inventory list o£ 300,000 parts stor its 2,400 dealers. Compag Comput- er Corp. stocks its resellers with OuickFind, a CD ROM tool used asa | applications, particularly if 4, text collec- source for technical support, product tion reguires freguent updatin OVRLIKI research and technical training. . Other optical-disk options—WORM o Pascal! En Continued from Page 81, 2..." matically generates; with no, written. code, such functions as resa oe lapping. windows, pulidown menus,, dia- Jogue boxes, seroll bars, radio buttons and Mouse they explained. j Programmer," said d source familiar.with the Turbo Pascal upgrade. "It givesyouall the p; components pl Pe ga Pove Pl ata addition to Turbo Vision, Borland is the performance of Turbo Ši by adding a Smattering of user-re- ovsi enhancements, the sources sajd. on pled 8 program under Turbo hat ad be size vas most ija Said a beta ona —irom I6K to about 8K," tester of the new release, "That be up to, Poje a the executable file wil A smaller on: most 800K Turbo Pascal Spruced-up set or [ ii 6.0 also featuri es a integrated utilities re- As the costiof ' ierredi to asjthe Inte islon makes it easler for the '' cifics of the new ted to the evolution of Turbo Pascal," said Gene Wang, general manager of Borland's ge business unit, in Scotts Valley, language [with APPLJED INTELLIGENCE The major benefit for adopting CD its significant storage capacity — rale zi can maintaln 660M bytes of formation per disk. This capacity, the exuivalent of 1,500 fioppies or 250000 pages of print, lets vast amounts'of text 'and images'ori a CD ROM disk, providing access to that, Publishing |! Process M CD ROM ; ations-store" k, tical disks—are not and erasable em torbley (mer | Forriat eohlekts dig "Create index čb HE > Cotnpress data ( > Creale disk map ——4lo.— Ha a o applleatlois siruiijeh ovi Cut eb HOM bretidstet h: - toanalod text with, Specialized searčh engines; The major disadvantage of GD.ROM is that the information contained'oni disk cannot: be changed, nor. can the disk itself be used more than once. JConseguently; CD ROM is not,an ideal medium for ali" - inirarjua nk UDE) Ge KL s Cp e ;:guidel es drultilčedito, theability to "generate:286-spečific code, a'clipbogrd fa. CEU and raste code, ad a hyper SPE »-Borland officials declinid to diščuss spe- | release. "We are commit- ted. Development , OUrce: sald. The, za User interface that come. non. User Access" bie - creased in price; are considered more stable than earlier models and -now of: fer retrieval performance acceptable for on-line access to databases. The erasable optical disk, sometimes -. called the 'rewritable optical disk, can be ssed. lis use is similar 2I, thiš storage infaacy and has hanced OOP Tools |SMK Vuzasing M j the SMK lets developers augmetit applica. ( tions with O$/2-specific, features Ned ds muttiple threads—a capability that:won s be supported in the.BCE, they'saji. af Compared witli'a tuli port