[DECEMBER 5, 1988 APPLJED INTELLIGENCE — ; : | Developin da OtI: C Vision for BusinesS CIn this, the sec- | latea variety of factors that would One of the dangers of most method concerned with comp s trend ond pijem col- — raise the costs of competition. — ologies used for strategic planning is suppliers, SRS: ee iii umns on strate- — With innovation, there should be a that they tend to prevent their users and, in general, eti ee den gic systems, Constant search for innovative ideas—to irom seeing the strategic-systems oppor" new, competitive kod niti te Nommi James Martin improve products, services, production tunities. The reason is that they are con- use a planning ges z ga EO zpelincal discusses the technigues and so on. Innovation may cerned with automating today s corpo briši SE slak na eral. it is desir- business risks of — be used offensively to pre-empt competi- rate functions. Strategic-systemS vision ly focus on | KR kose ile deo iča building strate- tion or defensively to lessen an advan- is concerned with changing the corpo able strategic ME zan sd: rather gic information | tage the competition has. ov evi rate functions or building new activities enterprise might be ci zah k Vivat systems. 'Growth may be geographical expan- in the corporation. than to solely examine and modi wie" | Strategic sys- - sion, expansion within an existing terri: Many strategic planning methodolo- al JE that the use of tems often re- tory, vertical expansion of a product gies are derived from IBM s Business Wiseman observes (nav « k from guire a corpora- | line or diversifi rsification by adding new Systems Planning (BSP). Methodologies computers in corpori tions evolved from | | 1si- traditional data-processing (MIS) sys- nea ii x nee tems to management-support systems different way. h (MSS) and now needs to evolve to stra: | They are innovative in the sense that ksi tegic information systems (SIS). Tradi- | an entrepreneur is innovative. Not all ; tional data processing systems processed predefined transactlons to produce | MARTIN - i -— zami Pe Pi da ; a " H —r— m — — nu" kej a me sa i VEL LA 8. ; de | a kj ZOV VRE JA ES OK RNA yo - i di ke? unih J s njaki a Kočo fi nij - ki I k ji yu ui D yi gli ui k) he s I ati | Re A H k si vii z F svit ui! te s ! et: m Mei: EI TEREN PER MI Ma PE vDDD | potke business innovations succeed, just as not st | : | . s ko x ; eg eta ke Ji Yi: | U?.. Hu 4 | o beti | ]! ; T] - | ed a ih | all entrepreneurial startups succeed. prsa ON ARAL' nike bra pr SA MM ESR eU (ee EI a predefined r ei aco: npbtesle | And some strategic systems have failed. |". Job Mai av id Nje ee ONE PGOUSI K Me po NJA roll, invoicing, purchasing, inventory | | | | a SA, zdi alaji Pla, a te DA 1 sa di ue ea o 4% ; | | ma | | 5 Federal Express, for example, reaped gla ai ele4M $u plief Custom r ti Competi nd control, accounts payable, accounts re- | aaa A pija cejvable and so on. Management-support great benefits from the innovations that de led to its basic business, but it failed 44; Mn when it attempted to innovate ZapMail. |.:':i':': ski ZapMail was a system for using elec- EJ SNL LeAH tronic transmission combined with the ž s »Differenti ati Federal Express computer-controlled de- ša NB EENG systems were designed to satisfy the in- formation needs oi managers and assist in the decision-making process. They provided guery facilities, "what-if' capa: bilities, spreadsheets and decision-sup- port tools. " Wiseman says that many traditional data-processing veterans resisted the emergence of MSS, refusing to admit their existence. Others argued that they jt ARSE. fa gonekkvik( IE: uri were merely extensions of existing MIS have been disastrous for American Air- SRN ee igr nije MO ERA GE nei pe poaenek | j ae] systems. Similarly, many of today's sys- lines. American spent $350 million to EEA ema PERE AE nm €E! EM. | tems planners are ignoring strategic-in- business risk in the same way a startup. |e its alo MI EM Ee O s K eo A KAO. solely on the functions of today s enter- company takes a business risk. But tne a eno Nia Let, SR Aa kse kovi č ReO S SAMI Gi seti [4] prise. š pros dose MSS systems were often built by peo- ple who differed culturally from those who built traditional MIS systems. MIS n, ," l s paš: ča ji: livery fleet for delivering documents in k; RA SARE Gal an hour or so. The strategic thrust that se bk lei NAR mačke ZapMail represented was a very expert: SEE EP OTI$: (sive failure. HA IE | If the American Airlines Sabre system 4 ai va MARE Ma | for travel agents had failed, that would žo. Innovation ME RE ENODN gi A da na s ; A, bil, ug E domi pra KI RA ji B UM uč 1 a m na? zaš si Li in « no" i] om "a Ha I f a hoča iu pe dai, ja k, HA S Li Kia saj 4 pa glas Veli pe a m je adiji J K ] i o PRA ar . cak ' RK, LA rr modi nar iu s% kajič lj A au SJE s ET i i | me ar iu ira bi . a Ne se m kd če do zira IL ae d RE JE a eU SRP pi Ne pog ana ea peg NA FE | Hu | A A a ZM m Ma ai, ME ma h ai ai pot ' k 7 . šibi ris PELA aj NI pa Se xi | mni tie, mi oda Para edi a Vadi o] a EM bem PE Aa LE | o ana, ZA ka m. duš urea Z pali EN: niko ag ETR ke ki gr dai, eu k : s j . [ 2 a a ba ke si oč Ta či mai sd bega, TE ld nada REZA hot 4Y pake ŽE Me? čTe ' use a strategic information syS- a si Ko EN za 5 ! 4 | io a .- j zi me, hi K : ; - a - - - , , tem is a business risk, the decision to A ia a rani A ." a | —. kd EI ži: vt maje LEA RA, špč Pali 4i. : paši a Bk s : | | s build it cannot be taken by an informa- | šs si! zrezane ŠE developers learned to observe what was o o e— PNE a S POD TNANASKT S s happening, to draw charts of it and to must Come ITo n top managemen MA... re: die UEUE ||. aesign systems to replace existing proce- The strategic vision may be initiated by z jas PRERAREN pretijo dures. MSS developers, on the other a computer executive or chief informa- ŽRELA! 4 hand, had to satisfy information needs tion officer, but that vision must be Usb NAŠE ZN Dee RD IA a — boso] of managers and professionals, which passed to top management, who will re- a O Man Witehorke.. were not observable and not expressed fine it and take action. with precision. Some MSS systems were The edi SEA to create | built by end users or planning staff in an innovative business thrust was sum: ko ela ; - an information-center environment. | marized in last week's column. Some of Strategic systems visvon considers competition, Wiseman suggests that strategic-infor- | these examples represented sweeping | ce, ' re ru — e first case of differentiation, a may be defensive to lessen an advantage formation needs and is integral with the The James ! im luctivity Seri corporation can move to differentiate its achieved by the competition. | business plan." Ki EI okna! product or services from those of its The technology that makes new stra- BSP defines "environment: as those terly, is available through High Pro- competition. The move to make a prod: tegic thrusts possible is very different things that lie outside the scope of the ductivity Software Inc., of Marble- se stand out from its competition isan now from when Baron de Reuter or Bar- planning study: the economy, govern: head, Mass. (617) 639-1958. For infor- of iso ne: A defensive strategy on de Rothschild used carrier pigeons to ment regulations, labor, consumerism, mation on seminars, please contact (in sš es GM to improve the product to gain a competitive advantage. Today the competition, industry position, industry — the United States and Canada) Tech- koks polije ve achieved by technology keeps changing, constantly trends, suppliers and technology. The nology Transfer Institute, 741 1 0th St. jo on 4 REL idea opening up new possibilities. Types of BSP manuals instruct planners to ignore Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394- obor itirisisto 1 t, there are many technology that support an information these environmental factors when con- 8305. In Europe, contact Savant, Z k AKA to reduce the cost of a strategy are listed in the accompanying ducting the BSP study. New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX | ompany may also manipu- chart. Strategic systems vision is very much United Kingdom (0524) 734 505. Mm mo | če. ni. ie ODDA MA OM IDE "A ME" 3A