m Ii." m INR gi ne 4: ii sze bio Me aii maka BA DA "Uma a 4] Ke Oorossa a 1988 MU "4 Pate 85 iii Elm arm 3 s IVaY tie aLUULA Mi Ĺ ejaket: menje p. Bk ug gedi. je odd s: ora egrerike na ne nj the S ectki noĹĄeni a the ned ot" ' Ene CASE n riÄ stal ppoaRĹĄh jet, tegration with the conventional business j si: computers jthrough the year 2020. In they %neering tools will provide an integrated processing environment. Early expert: % next three years, microcomputers of 5 zas solution for the mairitenance of existing njati oli weri ekpaatvĹĄ iu ea ds/ejiÄ mips and RISC architecture processor '[J'! applications, as well as the de on non-standard sm Mole rni such as ie chips of-15 mips Will come into use. CD. sli; of new one. ' '':'" LISP machines, ze Äi reguired spe- ievirti ROM providing as much aĹĄ 650M bytes : Although traditional CASE tools ad- talko skills in know Pen pogji ae (5! of read-only memory will become widelyi dresi only the portion of the IS etrorul Current expert-system a | 4 available as d primary mediuni for the" toward development of new applica pensive, run on as sobote vloga PaĹĄe | tai: e of large information bases. â EM detions, they fundamentally change future | o Etne to vee Neg ace eh: mi ba Äe Addi tional computer technology intro-'fz maintenance costs by building systems. with conventio S ne kona iste Wii duced during this period will ihclude the M-that are easy to modify. a and TP monitors, seni yokih the UT ANENA da ifirst experimental neurocomputers, com: (V: $% Reverse-engineering tools are desidnedi | databases and integrate cleanly Ĺže ta mercially attractive parallel computers, 4bi to convert low-level data definitions and - business processing erivironmen Expert ; and hiahiv f ddtabaĹĄÄ nes. 4 4 'unstructured, ĹĄpaghettilike code into /.:' systems are becoming a standard com 84% Significant changes in software tech % high: -evel structures. These high-level ponent of data-processing applications. sa SW nology that are expected by the late "" ti | data and process structures can then ba. Standards: The movement toward Ä neh VA eE/" nities to restruc'? se 1980s include widespread distribution of': 8F used in a forward-engineering process to standard Go oe im peÄene araid : ture your vpokee and leapfrog your "'! CES integrated CASE tools, introduction of ira 'generate normalized data definitions | is accelerating. SOL petke z si zd ' competition. These advances include the W"% reverĹĄe-engineering tools and the routine" " and structured code for the same or a . ly used standard To ke â K O development of powertful new tools and 7 integration, of expert systems with the vda vnikne: environment. o, databases. The in ped m O GRA ) life-cycle processes that; can be used to "3, conventional information-systems envi- '? upira tools exist, that can oĹž System Application itecture Äi | - build strategic information systems and, ÂŁ âŹ. ronment. SUR VANA VW ee <A vc ture spaghetti code, but do no Ĺ ae Oh lem obklace kope sbn JE SELE dai osla tegra tni -level ifications of the e on so la bi uri prte we high seÄ networks and will support standard 4 development process. /si'ÂŤ-s sc: BENE sa bei Older application-development tech? b de ts v zni of pi ah da zekutale | oe a ocace Mi are jedo O iaced by Ĺži z 10 tips | oa may use the Presentation Manager and much more powerful technigues. The" aĹĄ m | | BY, Communication Manager components of , most promising new development: tech-iÄ se 4: go. Renu peni kije EEC ZS eencina technigues; high: tat 11! 1 tips ke eb po A bi A MELI ki odi LI For many organizations, the rapid , speed optical fibers; optical disks; ad: vici DI poo | proliferation of personal computers has â vanced microchip technology; -'-':aakiid) bam, resulted in chaotic management of PC | - neurocomputers; integrated CASE (ai sle kro | | la grĹĄi resources and lost, control of distributed mai CASE) information engineering; expert" 100bips. ije? PC networks by professional IS manage ta lei tools; advanced pevebpmeni iaoi ment. RR OS/2 offers both end users and IS Voj no 4 a TRE ANO S) nanagers the opportunity to control the "This jetrne of columns, which | oza jo 10bips -ÂŤ.: s â ââ ge JE Mai MA a o EMA, peration of distributed PC networks last week with "Modeling Technology: 4 ie o IÄ al MAN V ii within a professional, well-supported en- poide to the Future::(Page 43, Oct. 1 TIA MaĹĄe, vironment. Users will be asked to oper- â examines the major changes that are? Wie BRE KAD a MERA MW ate within the constraints and standards ; 2 Skely to oecur in a wide range v oÂŁ. zi nee s 1 bips â5â ee â iĹĄ de LEE mmm", ⏠rced by OS/2 and SAA. In return, , (ea. mologles over th 85 years. Eac eh FARI EO dd s Ti slina el |. users will receive professional . lopa m ment of file servers and communication - ments expected within a five- or 10-iiĹĄi | sej | ol ge? Z RERE | o asgit seje , po, see Ara % interfaces, as well as controlled access J year time span, extending to'the des iii 100 mips/e Ed Ee âei â ga dai 'to corporate databases and distributed ' 2020. This one summarizes develop | - o elo. a Ras communication networks. The appropri- - ments expected, to deti in sthe. late! DEEEAo ate application of standards provides zj ile; 4 Me: Va. gift, pa pi ; ii na tai se both end PRE and IS managers with a ie: Ki ke ZE win-win situation. iu? V For years, | have used an informal bÄiA di ga se | near future, organizations will increas- ie | model of future o oBycÂŤ to track maĹĄe i minska. KaÄ | ingly regard computers and information z pie prali, SD ea ni | | systems as a strategic weapon. Aprplica- lejejo 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 tions will be sought that enable a corpo- | aÄÄi ration to use computer systems to gain di li e3ĹĄ Pet Hmm. â a strategic advantage. poe new poto Re ri me ieai jes he h. z diĹĄi The term "mission-critical" is used to mation on the ra nds an bih te ga |... â describe on- ni | interactions abc components of Âť': HE nuli Especteli by 1 990 i is the iole prva distribution. IE a O A Ca si computer technology has been integrat:"i: ba Äaki ME : 5 pH | integration ie tion of an enterprise. If the system fails, ed into a formal model of future tech- "iiiii::.i 4" RN | . a vital portion of the enterprise stops o SkjÄe primary function is to EO LANNE ha smi 2 < f expert Sjstems with conventional 15. â functioning until the system is back in ' plore onS o erperied jari ii bĹĄ EVO a a TARI, obde Je ZM 8 poe operation. Mission-critical systems re- - ware and software technology. ĹĄe rta iL Äsobeit va li jedi liji a ra zel kaj ma guire highly reliable computers, includ- .. Trends in Computer Hardware: By nd: peĹĄÄi a iii ile ii k Ĺža | ing networks and databases which oper- . the end of the decade, widely used com:' izb V CASE u uurkbenchis will lia all as- zi er available tools can convert data defi- ate continuously. E sapi osle ke will pperate in the f ollovi: 4 pects of the application grjeonment to z nition language (DDL) statements into al $ , process, including ystern planning, anal- ⏠' high-level data structures, but do not re: : The James Martin Productivity Series, | ksi | ske ysis, design, code Beneratlofi, documenta. " structure process code. In the near fu- an information service updated guar- Si. ase Htiarinia on je - ture, tools will be available that convert. terly, is available through High Produc- (sise kfipaceiĹĄ / both low-level data definitions and pro- tivity Software Inc., of Marblehead, KI V The frontend planning, analysis and Ä/ ' cess code into high-level structures that Mass. (617) 639-1958. For information Sloni design components of these products '..4. can then be used to regenerate the ap- on seminars, please contact (in the Unit- supercomputers: 4t billion PoE point ga will be closely integrated with the back::i: plication or maintain the a h pplication at " ed States and Canada) Technolo , operations per second (bflops); and '% bie V end code, databaĹĄe and documentation-' Sa high level. Current CASE tools provide Transfer Institute, 741 10th St, Santa - large artificial-intelligence inference en- $%% generation facilities.) sie" Ursa eU ir only a portion of this future capability. " Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In i, ; m ines Pb RAMI kogical inferences pH 4) Reverse Engineering: The successful ;" ;/<; Expert-Systems Integration: In the Europe, contact Savant, 2 New St., Carn- kaÄi second (klips), PR A HaÄima VP ia sti H o a GE Mi 3 kala | timi ; Ĺ˝eno ĹĄi kink kat skih be oni mia kere - mp s 4, na ransition to ull in 0524) 734 505. | popust oĹži Meri: oi "aj jet kia naÄi zima a ima Mi iF 1: ii Ni ĹĄ) FE modu ' i - Da: â zma. dm EO ee me 10 mips' "ai