m Ii." m INR gi ne 4: ii sze bio Me aii maka BA DA "Uma a 4] Ke Oorossa a 1988 MU "4 Pate 85 iii Elm arm 3 s IVaY tie aLUULA Mi Šejaket: menje p. Bk ug gedi. je odd s: ora egrerike na ne nj the S ectki nošeni a the ned ot" ' Ene CASE n rič stal ppoaRšh jet, tegration with the conventional business j si: computers jthrough the year 2020. In they %neering tools will provide an integrated processing environment. Early expert: % next three years, microcomputers of 5 zas solution for the mairitenance of existing njati oli weri ekpaatvš iu ea ds/ejič mips and RISC architecture processor '[J'! applications, as well as the de on non-standard sm Mole rni such as ie chips of-15 mips Will come into use. CD. sli; of new one. ' '':'" LISP machines, ze či reguired spe- ievirti ROM providing as much aš 650M bytes : Although traditional CASE tools ad- talko skills in know Pen pogji ae (5! of read-only memory will become widelyi dresi only the portion of the IS etrorul Current expert-system a | 4 available as d primary mediuni for the" toward development of new applica pensive, run on as sobote vloga Paše | tai: e of large information bases. — EM detions, they fundamentally change future | o Etne to vee Neg ace eh: mi ba če Addi tional computer technology intro-'fz maintenance costs by building systems. with conventio S ne kona iste Wii duced during this period will ihclude the M-that are easy to modify. a and TP monitors, seni yokih the UT ANENA da ifirst experimental neurocomputers, com: (V: $% Reverse-engineering tools are desidnedi | databases and integrate cleanly že ta mercially attractive parallel computers, 4bi to convert low-level data definitions and - business processing erivironmen Expert ; and hiahiv f ddtabašč nes. 4 4 'unstructured, špaghettilike code into /.:' systems are becoming a standard com 84% Significant changes in software tech % high: -evel structures. These high-level ponent of data-processing applications. sa SW nology that are expected by the late "" ti | data and process structures can then ba. Standards: The movement toward č neh VA eE/" nities to restruc'? se 1980s include widespread distribution of': 8F used in a forward-engineering process to standard Go oe im pečene araid : ture your vpokee and leapfrog your "'! CES integrated CASE tools, introduction of ira 'generate normalized data definitions | is accelerating. SOL petke z si zd ' competition. These advances include the W"% reverše-engineering tools and the routine" " and structured code for the same or a . ly used standard To ke — K O development of powertful new tools and 7 integration, of expert systems with the vda vnikne: environment. o, databases. The in ped m O GRA ) life-cycle processes that; can be used to "3, conventional information-systems envi- '? upira tools exist, that can ož System Application itecture či | - build strategic information systems and, £ €. ronment. SUR VANA VW ee