OPMENT. | Pace 35 PG WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVEL OOCTOBER 24, 1988 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE — Technology: Trends for the Late 19805 že, | ope ngi- rati ith the conventional business the expected increase in the speed of the CASE market. Forward/reverse engi- tegration with tm : d obiti iron tij KE 90020. In the neering tools will provide an integrated processing o Ven (Kovič next three years, microcomputers of 5 solution for the maintenance of existing system 00 dard o emnenta Medi ba mips and RISC-architecture processor applications, as well as the development pe Dobim and tnev'rejulred spe f 15 mip come into use. CD of new ones. zelo re or EJ, z PRIME ROM roetini bo much as 650M bytes Although traditional CASE tools ad- cialized vine ana oola ira joke of read-only memory will become widely dress only the portion of the IS effort ELE ME SA SNE SPE available as a primary medium for the toward development of new applica- pensive, kašči nev SE TREE NOGA storage of large information bases. tions, they fundamentally change future rk SE vo ntional operating systems | Additional computer technology intro- maintenance costs by building systems PoE d TP monitors, access corporate | nology ced during this period will include the that are easy to modily. 5%..." 4,tabases and integrate cleanly with the - Rapid ad Orst experimental Meurocornputers, com- Reverse-en Evi d o dedni meni business processing environment. Expert s Vari vert low-level data definit basen seje d be tet kok ži nati ei ootbeše a ines eti otiiri spaghettilike code into systems are becoming a standard com puter technology an niy parallel d ze Ma | ish-lev nent of data-processing applications. | are providing sig- ' Significant changes in software tech- — highevel structures. These higi pleča zj ards: The movement toward | an the Stand v the ta and process structures can then be ue "annter-svstem environments nificant opportu- nology that are expected by the late da zrele ze ziokma Ža dan oze standard computer-system en TONE | leg to polžje | 19805 include widespread distribution of used in a S a iHoaJi to -< accelerating. SOL will become a wide: business and leapfrog your integrated CASE tools, introduction of generate normalized data Ce. Iv used standard for access to relational ozkim a mese avinices include the reverše-engineering tools and the routine and structured te Ant databaned The introduction of IBMs competition. f erful new tools and integration of expert systems with the different environment. Svstem Application Architecture (SAA) development ol powerti be used to conventional information-systems envi- Currently, tools exist that can restruc- yster standard (ave TO£ SDDICA, | life-eyele processes that can, tems and ronment. TE EL ture spaghetti code, but do not generate will provide. o ordatab ene build strategic information systems an Integrated CASE Tools: Integrated high-level specifications of the code. Oth- tion software NE ostan za . improve all aspects of the application: gra | | | | | | b 5 Ara Če and o Coto development, process. | | "11 forms of user access mputers. Older application-development tech- | Information-systems professionals nologjes such as third: and fourth-gener: idi: may use the Presentation Manager and z ation languages are being replaced by - 10 tips Communication Manager components of ] much more powerful technigues. The OS/2 to impose controls and standards —] O. most promising new development tech: on distributed networks of POS Za nologies are: highly parallel computers; < For many organizations, the rapid parallel inferencing technigues; high: | proliferation of personal computers has speed optical fibers; optical disks; ad: ama resulted in chaotic management of PC vanced microchip technology; | € je?" 5: | resources and lost control of distributed neurocomputers; integrated CASE I Rim bi 5-4 ND MI Sai ČI pe networks by professional IS manage: CASE), information engineering; expert- . 100 bips |— a ib — - poi Mola sa system tools; advanced development ge ee ii B mim OS/2 offers both end users and IS methodologies;, object-oriented languages; gel oi doni k aene bie opportunity to control the and textbase management systems RAV a N Nej Pr NET b. ie This series of col which began operation of distributed PC networ xY | last zne čna "Modeline Technology: A... within a professional, well supported.en:...:.]... soji ik DO KUDUTe" (Page 43, Oct. 17), " zm vironment. Users will be asked to oper- ra minjeh the major changes that are ''- ij PE VS Pa OS a |ate within the constraints and standards ode over ke nei 35 years. Each — POV io Me ROOM. adi Me will receive professional manage column in the series focuses on develop- : | imam ment of file servers and communication ments expected within a five- or 10- 100 tiiigsl« 4: ei go a je > geji ; adi |: I eg sa pOSe | interfaces, as well as controlled neke? year time span, extending to the year. JU mIPS/« ANI proi. pprrie ii VS mmm LO COrporate databases and distribu 2020. This one summarizes develop- ::.' o Ni 4 ci A MA communication networks. The appropri- ments expected to occur in the late :'-. o sEREP | si ate application of standards provides | -1980s. 2 SALE 10 mi A id both end users and IS managers with a ne PE MIpS-t— amo — eti! win-win situation. Future Implications sea Mia gt | E oni zi H lih j ih a, te ajo? mo sa E ka m, - ij 1 a LI s a ol m, "U> be mio i%e 3 -- TI m Yi; dr > k ' zi x. ce A 4 I.$ kj H taj i 4 sa : a Jel [A | st um k Mi ka "4 rad sum. aje s: zn s. i TE i AH iš — lati ! NE se! EM ma AE ši, nik a ra M aa [1 ma zi ji ie Š di r—e a m j i si teti Speeds of Computers — 1 tips J IE sč sei ' š PR ta IDS —-4-5 x aii Strategic Business Systems: In the For years, | have used an informal < % dt di near future, organizations will increas- model of future technology to track ex- i tni | ti | ingly regard computers and information pected developments in individual com- :. mMIpS « oo mi re — systems as a strategic weapon. Applica- ponents of computer technology and 1990 1995 2000 200! ji Ji tions will be sought, | rpo- predict how the interactions to(wcet --. 05 2010 2015 sought that enable a corpo- these individual strands will produce en- OOKKE | | | tirely new products. Recently, this infor- ; ration to use computer systems to gain David Ham a strategic advantage. 4 — . The term '"mission-critical" is used to mation on the growth rates, trends and | | PI A eb; h AŽ Ag . escribe on-li tegje sv ; | intractions between components ot. Expected by 1990 is the widespread distribution integrato Gtičal mp UE computer technology has been integrat- ; ge ltthe system [a | | od into a tona aaa AE A 7 of CASE tools and the routine integration tion of an enterprise. If the system fails, nology, whose lary function is to ex- | "nor K a je ri a vital portion of the enterprise stops AE nehi a ne of opet systems with conventional IS. functioning until the system is back in , Trends in Computer Hardware: By UTA operation. Mission-critical systems re- žin TIRA guire highly reliable computers, includ- | ecade, widely used com- CASE workbenches will support all as- er available tools can « ti seji sui will operete in the follow- pects of the application development, nition language (DDL) statements ita? mimo raddss udi aje k priced za personal — EO Da ena neki data socia but do not re-. The James Martin Productivity Series, pada ILA | | | | | 1 | | a- S et rocess : k | ši . | ik ne lene ne: tion generation, da tabase generation and p 3S e. In the near fu an information service updated guar- kaka | | ing networks and databases which oper- . ene ture, tools will be available that convert. terly, ts available throuah Hia Brodee pO E arega SRBA o ae ena | a orika Pe ebriona and pro- tivity Software Imnc., z Paki delen components of these products can he ke nan kleve structures that Mass. (617) 639-1958. For information NE a a be ako z gmerate the ap- on semtnars, please contact (in the Unit- | k amdii O sod oi doji the application at ed Sta ) Ter ence en: ee ration facilities.. oo kA level; Current CASE tools provide Transf er nstitute, 741 IONE oni | se Engineering. The successful Exp odene (uture capavllity. € Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In VE ne m ea za ntegratlom: Iz the Europe coniac Savani, 2 Neu St, Carn- | s will fort, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom | DEN, ut (0524) 734 505. NA sh Š | - P- k, zj E UL. Meč kma, s Ke Ie S — Sal |e Šali se ob zana ne MAJE ZV.