Pace 38 Co PC WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT, Det a ia JAN z A APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. Business Becomes a Battle of Technology Z End users are moving toward a multi- tools run on conventional DP hardware 1) Gain competitive advantage. In this, the layered, distributed computer architec- (including PCs) and they are closely in- 2) Use information as a strategic weap- Jtfih of his five- ture in which mainframes are used to tegrated with the data-processing envi- on to lock in customers but lock out part series on store corporate data; minicomputers or ronment. These tools are oriented to- competitors. strategic svyS- file servers are used to support depart- ward the solution of smaller rule-based 3) Tie the strategy directly to critical tems, James mental operations; and networked per- problems and can be used by conven- success factors identified for the organi- Martin dis- sonal computers are used to support lo- tional DP personnel who may not have zation. | cusses how an cal data manipulation. specialized training in knowledge engi- 4) Use advanced technology to put in information e CASE and I-CASE tools: Highly inte- neering. place strategic systems that operate at strategy may be grated, encyclopedia-driven, computer- e New development methodologies: the heart of the organization and run all used effectively aided systems engineering tools are More efficient, development, life-cycle aspects of the business. to gain competi- making it possible to generate applica- processes, such as rapid prototyping, in- 5) Improve decision making by getting tive advantage tion code directly from graphical specifi- formation engineering, interactive JAD the right information to high-dollar-val- " and to tie togeth- cations. [CASE products combine a (Joint Application Design) and timebox ue decision makers. M ARTIN er all aspects of. front-end CASE tool with a tightly inte- methodologies, are making it possible to 6) Implement intercorporate networks | the operation of. grated back-end code generator. develop applications more rapidly and that link manufacturers to suppliers, an organization. ' Forward/reverse engineering tools: in closer coordination with end users. customers, distributors, retailers, finan- In the near future, the competitive A new a of CASE tools now e Growth of standards: Gradually, cial organizations and so on. corporation will be run with a vast am mam ooo rare ore, 7) Create entirely new businesses or ma- | mesh of interacting computers and data- ga Sij ai se zad spiš ji PE a Sliki Sve potokih ten ii Mo wi ma ua — jor changes in the operation of current | base systems. Computers in one corpora- f 1 nfo! m ti a C 4 oa ze SR RA] — businesses using strategic information tion will interact on-line with computers .M J a ion stored in the corporate database. in other corporatlons—its customers, Organizations are increasingly using suppliers, distributors and so on. their computer systems for strategic | Innovative companies are realizing Re si o SO AE VGA MA Ej ti: za purposes, rather than simply supporting | how computers, networks, workstations a a ea Šege GEU MSi v pare ina ie Prod uction. back-office operations. It is important | and other technology can enable them Me na A Ne (Purehasing A. for DP professionals to recognize the im- ia oi ana portance of information to the goals of the organization and to provide proac- tive support for the development, of strategic information systems. As shown in the figure, strategic in- formation systems (or mission-critical systems) operate at the heart of theen- || SE at 4 1; ne: Wii Nema gic k že x: B. - ! x a zlet gi kaz ): ; :] na a" IE, re a da z di, za, po oorzžki pr h Ha um 4 rimi ii ei sa 1 a: a a, NA na> Poti xE pen dli teri? k sa oi PRE, aj ŽZRJ la, ča a] A, piš di Rika Na re ži A 1; a nji ap h . z, a ai Pu nosi TE Je. Pe e— -. ? dB za da s. em za E "2 prsa Bz. pali K me. Ja šž; ka: En 4 pek oda € dav za Pol zak - sti. A pašto dd m. le: 4 ke ske: PA ue tanjši ušči ir tali zi ie bm —"- osi o "zi Pa —a IL, šli "a. ai Rd PPM pH, i- lk ile Poj ami. aj EL! ki Ma preb v Tm ia m di ee po nasi ue PI s x z ", Ri s mk se saaek - z idea SEN | | to launch pre-emptive market attacks ] - on their competitors. Computing and in- | formation systems are now strategic V weapons, not. a backroom overhead. Business is increasingly becoming a battle of technology, with competing computerized procedures and informa- za Pu nM 1.Ž "Ee nudi, ie po uk uon SYSU cna! €, ne COIPO- — Hisa zano. Skuto; ei A terprise and run every aspect of the Ee aa a ee with backward IS development PE ERA ai ganization. They tend to be large, com- MI pašo s plex systems that operate at. high rana, action volumes and run on distributed networks of computers. They freguently reguire a non-stop environment; if the As technology widens the possibility of competitive opportunities and threats, the time for implementing com- puterized procedures narrows. It is es- systems fails, the business stops. sential to build new applications guickly SEA SE ON VP A ASE NA NE ESR NVO. Ro aa A commitment to strategic informa- and to develop them for swift modifi- — |č:;::: VKR MA 4 ml oo ie No diV | | tion systems involves risk because the catjons. | | sive KA sot O AA VE aN V Mam me organization is highly dependent on the m po z MAM — či a ea ae KE It will be impossible to manage and Re EI ae «37 |.| continued operation of the system. In implement the procedures for this com- PORE EM m se io 1" |. addition, due to the complexity inherent plex environment without, using the ad- SPREM ŠE RE RR in these systems, they may be expensive vanced technology that is now available. |e: the spread of SOL-compatible database- si m iš razla Sri zi sč-ie |. and difficult to build. SEE S EEA ON, The long-term benefits of strategic SA ze zi eo |. | systems far outweigh the risks. They en- Katji a bat 4; š ri Rei pesli zk a dt m Mize Hi ai, ee aa Ko ii ME —ina z m Pe ge pa Med pu zma a PA - management systems, aS el] as th | rabi ASI S NI NENA a RE a Te, NEU a die a | | | miz EO, ete MA mo rem e oli mena AA te Me | | Pa A A A RE V VRUJNO able information to be used as a strate: rapid growth of powerful, microcomput A VENE A EEA ES SJ V ia a Mi a ara a ak S MES | OO Za z nimčve O e m u HA | pode Maši zj pova ite : 4 va b ga | a, 1 ; na te pi ME s. a. spe mu. 3 ške Reš, a nea % če M s sodi ze : io ja a ič . £ ' x si gic resource to improve tne decision- er-based desktop workstations, comput:- išeb Re A Sao A DAN Ee NE EN A NE A KA AA A NA NE — h — making process, increase the competitive Z aldca software engineering (CASE) | Ne | David Hanum.:— Capability of the enterprise and inte- za integrated GAČE AE) oe Ee | i dei | grate all functions of the organization. systems, area unications deni M networks and multilevel distributed Sa a AE NE REJE | | inf syste computer architectures. These technolo- The cor poration with backward information Systems | ek he oa ek as oral ne PE AE ae o nel loses, so it is essential to build new applications competitors and to create entirely new ooo ORALNI K UPOR čipa 5 or improved businesses. Companiesthat | || together disparate computer systems ne guickly and to develop them J' or swift modi fications. have successfully employedanad- — ||. and distribute information to key deci- ——— REJ AE ENE S A A O — vanced information strategy ML, Seas competing technolo- JU. puae MO pe oe Bostrai —— Z ming harder for DP pro- under development will enable analysts standards are emerging that will govern Next week I wil evaluate A to select an appropriate, effec- to convert low-level data definitions and. the future evolution of hardware and - £ic importance of integrated best ma o of technologies to im- unstructured process code into high-lev- software. Standard environments in - nology—the most important changein Z plement an information Male for. el structures. These high-level data and .. : clude IBM's commitme ; uleti Computing pa in three Re process structures can then be used ina Application. decades. - a nad nitne to generate — Digital Eguipment. zre develop ment. m nel data definitions and m ofa consistent, compatible netu ČE