er aro — mi > Ma, ai. Z ui 1 ; [pe Pace 406 The Key to Success with CASE Is In this first of six articles on integrated software engi- neering, or I- CASE, tools, James Martin discusses the strategic impor- tance of I-CASE technologu. Much has been written about what, is wrong with data pro- cessing today. There are backlogs of sev- eral years. It takes too long to build sys- tems and the cost is too high. The diffi- culties of maintenance are outrageous. Management can't get information from computers when needed. Tape and disk libraries are a mess of redundant, chaot- ic data. Many programs are fragile spa- ghetti code. When management; needs to change business procedures or introduce new products and services, data processing freguently cannot, make the reguired modifications. Today, computers are assuming more important roles in business, government and the military. We have entered the age when computing and information MARTIN systems are strategic weapons, not back- room overhead. The terms '"mission-criti- cal" and "strategic systems" have be- come popular. There are many examples of corpora- tions that have grown faster than their competitors because they had better in- formation systems. In some cases, corpo- rations have been put, out of business by competitors with better computing re- sources. As computing becomes critical to competitive thrusts, it is vital to both develop and modify applications -guickly. Many of today's competitive business thrusts reguire application software far more integrated and complex than in the past. It's necessary to build —in a short time and without, excessive cost — applications that are highly complex, of high guality and that truly meet the needs of end users. These applications must, be easy and guick to modify and. maintain. It's important for executives to realize that, there are solutions for software-de- velopment, problems. A sweeping revolution has begun in the methodologies of putting computers to work. This revolution depends on power tools. The methodologies of the — past, used pencils and templates; the methodologies of the future use design automation technigues linked to code greneralora, along with computer-aided It would 24 be ooasble (o buli lo. day's cities or microchips or jet aircraft without. power tools. Our civilization de- pends on power tools; yet, the applica- tion of computing power to corporate systems is done by hand methods. Design of the interlocking computer applications of a modern enterprise is no less complex than the design of a a dei bv hand metno o o sk the changes is a busin PC WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE for trouble. The use of power tools changes the methods of construction. Now that, such ; tools exist, it's desirable that the entire application-development process be re- examined and improved. Advanced power tools rise to the need for an engineeringlike discipline. From the business point of view, it is vital that power tools change what can be constructed. To stay competitive in the future, cor- porations will depend on being able to create effective computer applications guickly. In addition to the use of tools for designing and building programs, methodologies are needed to take advan- tage of these tools and harness the Key PERSONAL odeli k ka NE tus. m pi dia ' di ai ei a 5 diš, taka ge ui ' a: " [ u oki Sji ii pisk ch ] ; k! a bi Z k -. zah si i plaki, Central See | s tn : k P bi cu a Workbench MM. Anal Vsis ':. < ME Workbench | zi si | Workbench modeling, computer-aided design linked to code generation, documentation gen: eration and project-management, aids. I-CASE represents. one of the most im- portant changes in the software-develop- ment process to date. The technology overcomes many of the limitations that prevented the widespread acceptance of fourth-generation language (4GL) tools. A primary limitation of 4GL tools is that they do not cover the entire life-cy- cle process. In other words, they don't adeguately support the analysis and de- sign phases. In addition, 4GL tools do not produce code that; runs as fast as hand-generated code. For many applica- tions, 4GLs do not provide adeguate run-time performance. Components of an Integrated CASE Product '— Code Optimizer paleo : čaji h Generator Generator V Documentation | Generator Project Management Aids David Harmum In addition to the tools themselves, CASE reguires a pe og to harness. (ne z and en e of users. knowledge and creativity of computer users. Along with the revolution in pow- er tools, we are likely to see a revolu- tion in development, methodology. These changes need to be understood by management at every level. Making ess-eritical success factor. Top management; needs to ensure that its information-systems organiza- tion is adopting the new solutions as guickly as possible, |. The term CASE has become popular for describing the new generation of power tools. The term I-CASE is used to describe a workbench environment inte- grating tools for all aspects of the soft | waredevelopmenit life cycle. I-CASE tools overcome these limita- tions by supporting all phases of the life-cycle process and by generating highly efficient code. Front-end compo- nents of IIGASE tools provide the ability to specify applications in diagram form, using an integrated set of planning, analysis and design tools. As shown in the accompanying figure, a tightly integrated back-end code gener- ator produces program code that runs efficiently. Additional automated tools support database and documentation generation and project-management aids. /GASE tools offer the best of both worlds—sup- port; for the entire life-cycle process and Sla run: name nca JANUARY 9, 1989 Integratlon The systems analyst interacts with a CASE design Vor kbench tool by means of diagrams. Diagrams are used to repre- sent planning o danji an overview of systems, data models and data flows, detailed designs and program structures. A principle of CASE is that, whenever possible, diagrams are used as an aid to clear thinking. A critical characteristic of an ICASE tool (as opposed to CASE) is that it gen- erates executable programs. A code gen- erator is driven by design information stored in a central design repository. The design information in the repository is created via interaction with front-end workbenches. The use of a common re- pository ensures that the code is gener- ated directly from information devel- oped by the front-end design tool. The tight integration of the planning, analy- sis and design tools with a code genera- tor gives much higher productivity than the use of tools that are not closely coupled. Benefits of I-CASE Technology I-CASE tools use automated tech- nigues to reduce the cost and time to develop and maintain programs. Due to 'the use of automated analysis tech- nigues, program guality is substantially improved. Potentially, ICASE' can accel- erate development, drastically reduce maintenance costs; simplify develop- ment technigues; free developers to fo- cus on the creative aspects of develop- ment; facilitate end-user involvement; improve software guality; and improve software portability. The use of I-CASE technology pro- vides a wide range of additional bene- fits. It enforces discipline; enforces good structuring of data and code and promotes rigor in design; catches most design and coding errors; enables de- sign modifications to be made guickly and conseguences checked for validity; automates documentation; creates standards for diagrams, technigues and documentation; accommodates an encyclopedia, which is essential for building a fully computerized organiza- tion; and aids project management and control. Today, business, government and the military need highly complex and inte- grated computer applications. The size and complexity of these applications are too great for there to be any hope of ac- curate diagramming without the aid of a computer. The magnitude of the dia- grammatic reguirements for information engineering dictates that automated tools be used. Next, week, I'll look at the technigues that are used to convert specifications in 4 form directly into operation: al code. H The James M artin Productivity Series, an information service updated guar- terly, is available through High Pro- ductivity Software Inc., of Marole- head, Mass. (800) 242-1240. For infor- mation on seminars, please contact Technology Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In z kej contact Sa- vant, 2 New St., Carnf' PE) LA5 9BX United Kingdom (os? (0524) 734