AGE ; | relation analysis and validation. The en- In this, the cyclopedia stores the meanings repre- third of six col- sented in diagrams and enforces umns on I-GASE' consistency within this representation. technology, The encyclopedia "understands" the de- James Martin sign, whereas a simple dictionary does discusses the not. It is an intelligent facility, not mere- PO WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE I-CASE Encyclopedia Brings Consisten so that code for the system can be gen- erated automatically. As shown in the figure below, com- pleted design specifications from multi- ple PC workbenches are fed to a central knowledge coordinator and encyclo- pedia. heart on an I- ly a passive database. The knowledge coordinator ensures CASE tool: the Use of an encyclopedia: The encyclo- consistency among the different. pieces encuclopedita, a pedia stores the meaning represented in of knowledge that reside in the ency- high-level knowl- diagrams and enforces consistency with- clopedia. It applies AI rules to the in- edge base that in this representation. Graphic represen- formation that is checked into the en- stores sufficient ftations are derived from the encyclope- cyclopedia. detati about a dia and are used to update it. The, ency- The function of the central knowledge procedure so clopedia contains many rules relating to coordinator is to provide a global analy- that code for the the knowledge it stores and may employ sis of the design specifications from all procedure can rule-processing, an artificial-intelligence workbenches in ore to detect inconsis- be generated, automatically. ne me | Rapid advances in PC technology are RO AOM Hiši | ushering in a new generation of front- PRA D pa jedi IP m end software-development systems «Central Role of Encyclopedia based on computer-aided systems engi- zone pd Spa srna Ka UI. | neering (CASE) technigues. As discussed |.......:...;.G: O" Sa in the first article in this serieson CASE |:: :. fnsie ne Mamo o oe. : tools, the most advanced integrated a RAN z ee drla oki | CASE, or I-CASE, tools incorporate pih Ee Mene SE ži 5.4, Generation J a Seči Na NR NEE such as graphical se Ple" Code ' či Ai of Database "% Generation of sign or the planning, analysis an Ri pavi žiro ze design phases of the life-cycle process RI Generation ; ,, Documentation. | rule-based design validation, local | UTE TT UE ajcoji Peče knowledge coordinators and local ency- A S lesi clopedias. These PC-based, front-end nili: VERE bile functions are tightly integrated with SR A mainframe-based, back-end code genera- |: pis, tors, database generators, documenta- zao CA tion generators and project management | aids. | | CASE tools are oriented toward the support of systems analysts, system de- signers, application developers, program-. - mers, engineers and. m builders. Fly integrated CASE tools will funda- — mentally alter the way systems are specified, designed, implemented and A CASE workbench should implement a complete software development envi: ronment that supports the entire life-cy- cle process, customization for each tion user, powerful graphics, projek level coordination, automatic dc nta sa and a ia that is used aša kbovicde ji ee ad kai ma žaj; big? ZANE MM "z : Ja oj J m. 9 d moki zi ni Mimi j s o mari tko Po mi zle time NE DE RED A o Rev Medo vu bro dj J no gi z ia či