FEBRUARY 6, 1989 iš CASE Tools Stronely.. AE ect the Dev elopment Cycle (it | e Enable the user to employ multiple zA tegration; ela the CASE a V end "tina different | Nj th 15, gi Mea MORI m ie Dani ie oc 'vz tools and the generator, so that code is types of diagrams representing 1 Nn i ksa 1 si lysi design. h in one phase being used in:the next '., automati tr Dkjaeeet z the neti znak DAT draw program pro- nanja LCASE.. phase. There also. should be h seamless : end tools cedures with diagrams, rak ES [V technology, we"! interface between the phases. | integration Is Key | tions, loops, case structures ano o look at the fune.,