z La ZIZ — O NE NEM Hmd | ii m zr ani —- — zs s — gas že v, TI m ana — 5 se mah i l H a za ie smem lj ' ie i Tam | J' i AA NA Pe WEEKVAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FEBRUARY 13, 1989 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE Modify Your Methods To Take 'Advantage of ICASE Tools grammers. As show in the figure, con- components should be catalogued in a reguired. When changes are made to the In this, the :—— ventional technology often reguires CASE encyclopedia so that they can be design, the encyclopedia is automatically last of a series " large development teams and long devel- selected when needed and modified as updated. of columns on I- .: opment cycles. In contrast, many pro- reguired. The use of I-CASE tools avoids the CASE technolo- ". jects or subprojects developed with I-.« ,. A large enterprise should employ the spaghettilike mess of the past and pro- gy, we discuss CASE tools can be completed by one same I-CASE tool set at all locations motes cleanly structured engineering the improve: —.. person. The brilliant, fast or hard work- where systems are built so that common with relatively fast and easy technigues ment in produc- ing individual then has the opportunity data models, designs and program com- for maintenance. tivity that can to excel. Management should encourage ponents can be used. Telecommunica- ' Although in some corporations the be realized with | the most capable implementors to learn tions access to mainframe encyclopedias main thrust. with CASE tools is to in- the use of CASE the full power of an I-CASE tool set in aids in the sharing of applications, docu- crease the productivity of application | order to maximize productivity. /''. ment design, accounting procedures ske building, in others the goal is to improve 4. Toachieve ' 'x' Big projects should be subdivided into so on. | the guality of systems and achieve coor- high productivity small projects, each of which can be in systems developed by traditional dination across a complex enterprise. MARTIN in building com- ,'. completed.relatively guickly by one, two : manual technigues, maintenance is a The most, impressive system is not puter applica- 4 or, at most, three implementors. The: major problem. Systems are often diffi- created with a single design and imple- tions, it's neces- — CASE tool should make it possible to de- cult and Ee to change. Af- , mentation. It evolves, being improved in sary not only to select the best CASE '::.. | many steps at different times and and I-CASE (integrated computer. aided. places. software engineering) tools, but also to - The future will bring impressive soft- adapt your organization and methods to Prod u ctiv ity Economy with ware and corporate computer systems, take full advantage of these tools. : |. C ASE Tech nology and these will also be grown over many The simplest, CASE tools are little | years Mari a ROE and organiza- 'more than diagramming aids. They sim- tions adding to them. plify the drawing of asane and en- ii: It's difficult or impossible to grow able them to be kept tidy and modified ;:;; C nv x Hi Tole al software that's a mess. To achieve long: guickly. ; onve term evolution of software, we need Code generators enable anlenentori! si Mu Iti- ( rso h | s acnca akce of data and struc- to produce a working program guickly.: 4 eti tured models of processes. However, if the generator is not linked P ole at Designs too complex for one person to to a dictionary, data model or design know all the details of must be repre- tools, the programs generated may be sented in an orderly fashion in an ency- incompatible fragmen ilidesi ed and, i clopedia so that many people in many not linked together. s ; a: uš he PRMAR RE places can add to the design. The design To achieve high a dUCUVItY, the tools - h go Mo uovinsik needs standards and reusable compo- for design need to be tightly coupled to jh Sai IRUEEVARAIA, nents and an architecture that facili- the code generator. The tools should em-:. ploy a data model and should enable sse the design to be represented in a power: <;; iM | ful, Viatal. easy- ti modify form (togi RS PMEKnG RSI: of computers that automatically place which code is generated directly. . ns Mm telic mes! NO NE a EEA orders, select suppliers, make trades and The programs should be guickly exe-''" (HE si n G le pe rso z ENE EM NE zebra | so On, the behavior of these systems cutable so that the designer can ObeEIVEJ B nie ASE P pioječi Rio O A sali ii ib ji db sis should be expressible in rules and dia- what they do, adjust or add to the de-.;::;: tum ji SADNI di ske daro ana grams that the executives understand. sign, rerun the programs, enhance the % ii design and so on, until a autesnjj E When It Works, It Really Works system is created. Some corporations have impressive The principle of "what. you see is" A v computer systems designed to give them what you get" should apply to-the com- DE O V 39P (a competitive advantage: Take Ameri: ' bination of visual design tool and code "' ji 3 sh o k K AE ek JO le ena He » Can Airlines with its on-line terminals im generator. The need for manual coding ' KON Na MVM, travel agents offices, or Benetton with of procedures should be removed to the ;: KEM UI: its worldwide information system that NO. OF PEOPLE B- - tates the incremental addition of new functions. — šel For executives to control the behavior maximum extent. ieaša irateia zaš Sušin Vie rusiji il Ni plani makes the world activities "transparent" The generator may initially be used los a o RA SA MNE | pg SEPE Bavd kannum.:— to the decision makers near Rome. produce structured code that relates to :' zr pi Mo piku KREN Mer osi jgra ni — reatej k | | | | Systems like these demonstrate how a the design screens. This code may be ii A ČALI toke O ROI | corporation can pull ahead'of its compe- used for prototyping and debugging. Be- . 2.2, Sij) PRTI | | dia | tition by using information and automa- cause structured code does not give opti-- ' K ; vi ntegrated CASE tools promote the use oj tion better. Efficient corporations will uti roli tone be pode ME daš] ) highly productive small development teams and oridvride auto edine O MEDE, into an optimizer, which creates code zi žeje | increase the Ure oj godopea applications. gle but nevertheless enable procedures to be with optimal machine performance. This... ,,....,,, i | Sko slenih | adapted guickly to changing needs. code will never be touched by mainte- si, EI Maki eki | UH ne JOK JE V ig ŠE nale To do this reguires engineering-style rogrammers; all maintenance is pie | | methodologies carried out with automat- performed at the specification level. — .. fine with computer precision the ei ns - ter being modified many times, they of- : ed tools. It reguires encyclopedia-based . The integrated designer-generator tool Wi faces between the comp ponents er. : ten become fragile; even minor changes I-CASE tools. Simple software engineer- should aid in rapid construction and ed by separate teagnesi ši žaj Milek S result in bugs and breakdowns. ing is not enough—to build a computer- modification of prototypes. It should | At the start ofa kje project, an enti- —' A goal of CASE tool sets is to pro- ized corporation we need information generate test data and provide testing ty-relationship diagram should be: creal, ' — duce systems that are guick and easy to engineering. tools. It should generate database code /|/' ed for the data that will be used, the ' > change. Maintenance isn't done by dig: — and job-control code, so that the pro- - data elements should be defined ind be? , $ing around in spaghetti code but by The James Martin Productivity Series, gram can be executed guickly when de- — data correctly norma ' The same" dli) odificat. »sign specifications, an information service updated guar- sign changes are made. | data model should be used for all sub- - followed by regeneration of code. terly, is available through High Pro- Productivity in system development s" [ projesta. The now of data ane onimi Traditional maintenance is often | ductivity Software Inc., of Marble- - strongly affected by the number of peo- | . among subr ts sl |. — made more difficult by lnedeguato docu: head, Mass. (800) 242-1240. For infor- - ple in the development team. Large | mentati en. ince progr« mation on seminars, contact (in the teams tend to give low development - United States and Canada) Technology productivity, because the number of ne | HI B | zije NE Institute, 741 10th St., Santa teractions between team upernbeka in- pna Calif. taci Sam ti 2la) a 4 i UI Me | PI |! Ij ' 4 b. JU ns l zet | k. - 4 1 s j b ME ! HI h i ke z kari R-a s i: upi m: Po ud 4 .e en z Mei J ie a sei sa h o ge se si ae MM A v m Se pg PEN uri Ah —E0A?! ua nala, ei a | k - oč oz nm NUJO Že maje | ču pare se —h.ciji: nala duda Ci aa Y za : Mae či: pa.E deb Ha "1 y se H h -— TH a e nič Uiea. —- ( k 1 il | HM adi mo | zet Masa ' | k 4, | ' - sm: j 4 ra. Ii wi ae ti "4d | ! s aH o (5Š— ska 44 se- »4 | : "A, ti ge z lea, emi Pk — i k "RE . tiče asih . V 4 d | i ris x ' sa Ni oi Ra zra aj Me eaj EŠE audi ee NE Mi a ea s - Z Me Ve" ane ae Ja Pi ie ma ai jej h LJ te ga .i | - Š) H Rea Beč ia f "a a H se Paš ; Z les ua ela pi ; Ure Lak H go tai sj pale po U Ra CE ti IH biča meji, rje ik ud s pare a a K ma i ki neč "o nk - Šepet, du s Pe z nj IE K šir idi F Ki Par d m kaj K za in de Ža sa prs si a ga ia i k, AT tre: 4 aro mika R | | ' aka ia 4 uč ši IM uf ud cb, d 1 b Liu j la | be kači kuri h 4, gati s | li mai | l i - č i mat:. Pi umi MM oa - mn 6% li h h bi ža ma tore n ii sm eh. h ka h - mag s za 7 "4 BP ral š nea Cal rj Hu di pisa H ne Aja ma io aa o ea NOE a poo v zrn k sa magi epineia,.. z a o 4 4 zj JI 1 Mičo pe k. Mo "S j h s