FEBRUARY 20, 1989 aa Mei ziNow; ŠE zi RTA € petitive Pa ila must use Our in: disks, the increase in transmission needi can Airlines Sabre system was an enor- > This « column., JJ /"telligence more efficiently than our ";;". of optical fibers, the introduction of ' ' mous strategic success that took MI toginš a three: ' competitors do. We must build better ".. neurocomputers and so on. -. advantage of new computer technology. . part series on " V" high-productivity facilities and use". If you understand how the basic —, In 1975, Max Hopper, the information: v the strategic ime, technology in a better. way. We need to: components will evolve in the future, services erecULIV at American z domini — plications of fu-' 'use strategic systems analysis to iden: i 'then you can ask: "Given these compo- proposed: Lets build a system travel ture computer. tify the changes in technology that are: nents, what types of powerful ma: . we can put terminals into every technology and. ' likely to occur in the near future. We ' | chines or different types of machines | agents office." ae difn the effect of need to translate these changes in can we build?" - It le k a), krni, these changes on... technology into actions that business /V' 'The second part; of the model relates. cult to b z: jez a o ZECA Of the Sa- - business and so- ... people and, in some (ase, govem bino to nem kinds of AC A benih poe ; oboje of jela PNE seti ma z menta should take, fliš! 4% 4, " ble by more ppwerful compu ZA RAS ; NE Win u the siti. — For strategic systems hnalyala, Iusea new types of ware. Other parts of ' . bookings for mna, Ariinez resitve " changes occur: "5, S computer model of future technology ' ''' the model evaluate how new technology. vo AI polt The system has had a — ring in the com- nA " coupled to a model of potential business and applications will change workers zni ere oriithe GORE Mt Le - puter industry, /; opportunities. By linking these models jobe and also examine the major soc Ne osrečili has enabled American SEE EEA tne world o£ "<< together, it's possible to build the con: ,: implications of the prenj that are vse ni Teš o bešonie Amen S TNčeO TRGE, business has increasingl become a teci | H kecona that enable a manager to un: »"" seribed in the model. ' A o usbisaldine nology battlefield. ' KRE go sko, nini ?g: K šyi RUN, ii pole žag MANA ti Mea Ši | ne: ei NleivE Eti 4 giie V mete | The return on investment from the: Companies are oanoetine with high pe pe ia Madeči kii diši 1 $ is sij: KU JI Sabre system is much higher than the rni | sli ni ila mratesy enem zb a S 5. are often the ones to emerge victorious <<: liki MASE tradici Do AE NEM ao NOSEČI "on this battleground. Corporations that. 4 koje. | dina a. a UE Men? Z OleS Ke sko sodo Hi Rn dg, ZN ii: What was the difference between se aaa prak on za raki | ČA, osi bi? Vasko pketi ž ij da, Pease, k zani pk ; sh K Kek obva GOS boji American av jke: Or zares SAJE beca O, Ee | other airlines that went bankrupt or they've been deliberately k out of .. were driven to the edge of bankruptcy? the technology. ine? The difference was that the successful High-tech computer spkEmJi are s | airlines used technology better. They ai bl ennipedto bili (šae , sele were using technology before a Ca vat ZREJO ej are large-scale computer applications . ; BASE o ie aii ko ke snized that automate the critical a Ne the strategic threat, they often found nija curporatlon anid enable lt lo bei ; that they had been locked out. Travel come much more efficient, so that it ' is a. na pita i na zk had reservation termi: can attack ts sami more vigor.. UBANi jet 4 Optical aii, — ZBeT ono skeo sist: peči ously. " BRA Ranta rad AR RASNA ki m ug PNE Optical fibers '%%//"/r,| nals from American Airlines or Uni to ask three tloris Where ji POET k ustni onal systems. oing? What are the next opportuni- // RE Eyes on Europe ties for us? And how,can we £ pe he poz Mr a a system, American Airlines startedto 7 — | look to Europe where there are numer- ous small airlines and large numbers of travel agents. American Airlines set out to give European travel agents ter- minals that could be put on-line to Dal- ' las, providing the same service in Eu- rope as in America. That caused a ib: SEA E t Before a business can prta stra- se do Z: tegic systems, of course, it. must first. un- | kočinm derBo a BE VE analysis, a'%' 3] zeiče ia 7 si z - raji gi h 4h RE ia rali ra eu arm (Eta un eh ze x um TA ra model of ENA The model sko, Hi die Rač! ži great commotion in the travel business predict; at what points in time various kd eže technologies will become available and: Sal : b a A O SA NA RASA SOLI? s HU REPE TAJA Some of the airlines chose to compete | from that t technology. BRNOBA IA gaje zih Pod ER ARA iva no ius | Miki Marjan Zawatski to hiteh themselves to American's star. rama a ,, o Still others decided to ask their govern- SEME no -ments to intervene. sika, SSRI za What eventually happened was that 'should. ask: Where is technology going? . two consortja were initiated? each buikd- | what are the next opportunities for us? xa can žeti to tog executives the new '' Niš zak IB ao; types of technology likely to affect their, ko siness. New technology may either eni le nji pam to attack their oppedtion si oh ing a very difficult and complex system, ja one called Amadeus and the other, Gali- lei! leo. Both systems are high-technology at- tempts to fight off the attack from the other side of the Atlantic. And both un- derscore the growing intensity of the " The model la expanded by means of technology battle. S —e- s NA E oli mp managing drodtoc is concerned. PK NS SR Al bah poje Neki dei (O about who could take away his or her. š [. derstand the applications likely to zika of. | šen ihat b > strategic importance. These models al-,... /interactions with r indus u Vext w NI ni o A STORE JI | peš č uve A m ši 4 lowa si pprskna ge bom Leehnology is ke do gre Ulveir views of how neg ini Č -tEv ee rač dil NEGE de: si dustry groups include financial, manu- facturing, information systems, govern- The James Martin Productivity Series, —, ment, petrochemicals, an information service updated guar- Me terly, is available through High Pro- ductivity Software Inc., of Marole- head, Mass. (800) 242-1240. For infor- mation on semtnars, contact (in the United States and ) Canada) Techr before thei | ln Evropa o tai SOMA Ne at the airline busi- ,, Lancs., LA5 9BX United people know that the Ameri: Kingdom lose4) 734 505. do. zem | EEA "a j z si t.oar - ča 1 4 ni ma. —— sie L kani F h pa " sl a. ki | srd ; s š zej s de Hi 4 " Me s a m! zi d P si zd, Sa Ee FM č z litih B jimi oa s pre b s ze ME gi? db š č a pe 4 HI a i 1 o HA k m PRA ha ud j Es zdi dedi zal či š k Be, s uk zd) | : - E z k Ji Ma-, ue g m - ! A OM ? mz | NAL. ih E ". ib i 4 s šl Tak m: <-m a k ooaji a a ] osa - adiini . ] I pet iz ue s -" iii - oi " Ei ty — j ab " H ja k ci adi x — ne] h k a ie Ee AE Tri