1 | O. Pace 60 m ! ! gr za dem a ni ; i 5 l E Li sš a a wi. saj d i e Na i zo ji a : ie. ze ae ef ] z aa aim nje y ae ia, s ss ua bul a | m "II k zati ' 1 4 m LJ ti ba r z i 4 - iii h z k s a ČA pi a. ji kuh i [I ji. si ši - — m ! jata ze ka oi .— e—eeziaoa— z — ao no revij "APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. | In the United States, Japan and much from the user to the network and back. This 1s the of Europe, this process has been under in ISDN parlance, the two informa- first in a six- way for many years. Many networks tion-carrying channels are referred to as part series on that use digital switching and interoffice the Bearer, or B, channels. The signaling Integrated Ser- transmission still provide, essentially, an channel is referred to as the Data for vices Digital analog telecommunications service to control, or D channel. The other main Network—a most of their customers. ISDN channel is the H channel, the high- communicalvon Corporations have been the first to speed channel. technology that benefit from conversion to digital. Via ISDN uses a form of shorthand nota- will have great either satellites or more conventional tion to refer to the various channels. strategic impor- | terrestrial circuits, large corporate users The basic 144K-bps ISDN channel is re- tance in the can make use of digital, point-to-point ferred to as 2B£D (two 64K-bps B chan- | it future. circuits for voice, data or video. nels and one 16K-bps D signaling chan- dai Imagine sitting Over the past few years, a host of nel). Standards for the 2BYD channel Mi hRTIN at a workstation. new networks and services has become were unanimously accepted at the that, with a few available, some based on existing eguip- CCITT plenary session held in Mel- simple key- ment and technologies, others on new bourne, Australia, in December 1988. rane could give you access to the Ee It is only now, zanosi world's information bases, displaying on a single screen anything from text to complex color graphics and video. The same workstation lets you send voice and text messages, and access all the facilities of a corporate computing and communications network, regardless of the information type. You would also have access to a common public tele- communications network capable of handling all types of information, such as voice, text, data, video, at whatever Second, there will be a standard, mul- The Information Highway, Fiber. opte Cable š Cireuit. HVALI | , brvala tolče; data did | člreult text lai HE T: toe. 6 Patket. stok | $ Videti zaka aHd text, Hi speed. This is the information network of the future. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a major step toward establish- ing a telecommunications network of this type. Information networks of the future will only slightly resemble the telecommunications facilities of today. They will be completely digital; all switching, transmission and network control will be governed by computers, and the networks themselves will have enough intelligence built into them to handle anything from the most complex routing and diagnostic problems to pro-. tocol conversion and software emu- lation. Many transmission systems will use fi- ber-optic cables, rather than copper wires, due to their capacity to transmit huge guantities of information, including television and video. However, the big- gest breakthrough of future information networks will be the ability to provide all of these facilities and more, not as enhanced services reguiring special cir- | cute and eguipment, but as standard One of' the biggest obstacles in this information on demand. network is not technology, but the creation and implementation of effective global standards. a k s Hi si ia x Čgrma | a ča s (Da a olim, 7 Noni L k zi ma a ima ji z x oki - -.. a nr m ii F. 1? y imeni J E - ke Bi 1 ii ki xn: poe ella JN ee, o a oe ka k bek aii PSARNE Md-: | u upave? go Ča k s m Ti zme a mra Ti: zmagal ree der dale "ja se, ra — mak Ire, ob a ] SN a a nja NU Raz id eu fe k mija a S me me: s vika. Na in Čep skem AJO mna za, Sle kamini .- uje zi poka. | moski 4 ira min L m ee m | Ja S Tja vod ae k piči: kij Š x - ma — ne ga s xa a mi MM, SE m ome aja ei . m s z ee 5 me v..— a m Fa je OČE s pi di pa a Mini zniki va ša z da mili, okej a ei moj soli. rah ži - odb a. smi a mu š - bt m! m A kus ze vem če L pey i ; m yi k boom sr pimoo "lir - žuli, deo h sie mm iš i EI uni up aii a. le: m; a a emi sadra Es bo rl rneeie ana Meti zaj če uhlji AJ pa k a 1. kai ui sim m ra ma ei : i > — di li de m, ma peli, pa, m E. za - prta z -. N sze . s m z sea eri ME am i k rd gi j zi - Z pa s j j - za aa i " ne ui s m s [4 a H k . DRE Sa m ; gona Nak ČA Pek zi 1 | me" aa — z NE ; 4 ni n O db La ki z nea mz - z ši i h si k. m z a mo" a s: nasi Nia. : uzatij po di nam —a - S pope ra —— nuji F sa gt nei s a s za ad j I ; h ' zrola a h — "a p m. a ka