a JE oo aa vali This is the be integrated. width is not sufficient for A zi a EM | Jourth of a six- The iustration shows an example of such as large file-transfer, graphics, mi- A ON vana continue to emerge | part series on an ISDN integrated workstation. The PO cro-to-mainframe links and so on. For in boti'tHš publio'and privite SEUŠA s. Integrated Ser- can contain a database of telephone these types of applications, the integrat- in s z We develop integrated voice vices Digital numbers that can be dialed from the ed workstation must have access to a risi de smile ajno aj SRANJE Network, or computer s keyboard. The telephone high-speed local area network, čither ii N; a a Omake sola Into rebri ee OE, ISDN, a commu; | electronics can be built into the comput- through a direct connection or via the € D pi vliti PA BIVE standard ZORE nication technol- er so that all the user needs is a simple PBX. : 2: Aa SON li ationiš most probably ogy that will handset attached to the PC's keyboard. However, applications such as elec- be tek pie j Če KE uena have great stra- A speaker built into the computer can tronic mail can be handled adeguately will be zne SD s ZE mij: and anil. tegic impor- provide speech functions and hands-free at lower bandwidths; that is, at 64K bps Low-cos paši zo application tance in the dialing. or less, ee lab CI DAJESIS TOLI NE UE eš Juture. For the first time, mixed voice, text or Though costly in terms of circuit and standards will mean tha plane How ISDN ser- data Communications can be handled by eguipment charges, videoconferencing voice and data will become the norm vices develop a single terminal device. Along with a has obvious benefits, such as reduced tor the 19905. will depend on telephone call, a user can send informa- travel costs and better management of ISDN Shortco mings individual countries and network Opera- | ir NE Ranč for all čb tors. The main users will be corpora- ISDN is not the solution lor all com- tions trying to rationalize much of their puter-to-computer communications. Per- existing wide-area telecommunications haps the most obvious shortcoming of [acilities. With ISDN, corporations can ISDN is its limited available PENE make a general, integrated voice and For communicating in and around t e data network available to all users. office, the 144K-bps Basic Rate Access is It would be wrong to assume that significantly slower than most existing ISDN can fulfill all of a corporation's local area networks (which operate at Communications reguirements. The high- about 10M bps). For applications such est-capacity ISDN channel, the Primary Č NE V MA So) MU V) as file transfer, Computer-alded design Rate Access, Ooperates at either 1.544M PE BE KS Ši sina IRAN mni ti: : KALE ; si SOM zi si RELAL N/ Ki rane ij | dia ; and host-to-host Communications, 144K bps or 2.084M bps, significantly slower a VRE? /.e5)./, 85 53% 7% Obps iisnt fast enough. Very large than LANs Currently in operation. Also, SEU UE s | databases are common in many of to- mary Rate Access is not generally day s corporations, and the volume of available for communication between in-. information - dividual users. Some potential draw- . is increasin " NJa| ec | OrKs (LANsS). I | dominant data-communicatjons medium in most large corporations. With the in. troduction of fiber optics into LANSs, a Standard transmission rate of 100M bps ls readily achievable, either for Wworksta- tion-to-workstation Communications or as a high-speed link interconnecting two or more networks. Given these shortcomings, is ISDN "too little, too late?" For many large cor- porations with applications that regulre high-speed local and wide-area data Communications, ISDN in its current for- mat is not enough. However, not all us- ers have such reguirements. ISDN should be viewed as a means of enhancing the lower levels of a commu- Pp oiilcaj nications network architecture, provid- | ola os pe šegi o Maryelen Zawalski | ing improved int l voj ata ISDN Benetfits | There are many areas, however, where ISDN services can bring major benefits. The progressive deployment of ISDN across Europe, North America and Asia will encourage the expansion of wide-area, integrated voice and data Communications. By providing two 64K- bps (144K) clear information channels and a separate 16K-bps channel for Sig- naling, ISDN makes a wide. range of fea- tures and services available to the whole community of telephone users. — A major advantage of ISDN to the -. subscriber, the ability to integrate voice and data over the two 64K-bps chan- — nels, is that while a user Ki k a a ao Bi ur zm mno mel | ci Noe. an poa—— - gluh -i One of the great stren the availability of stanc ards. Sta ISDN interfaces can be built into ; "minal or PC at low cost, and t S vil eventually be compatible The main ISDN users will be companie hrmnina fa a ; j Servicegi o ERM pe pa x š h | goče pičle. nj Nota Naji — zi $ a al ee B roge iri reli na ., mi P. M4 aš M mi, ka — čali mi za gi a kala ole ke, ki tion on the screen or exchange data geographi KI with a central Computer—al] via one ea : — Me different a - line and one Communication number, Compression have reduced the band: "— have b ajo D MI L widths necessary for full-motion, color - ata ommunications Features , Videoconferencing to speeds in the re- Ca, ŠDN will provide a number of basic < gion of 3BAK bne (a ea »persed plants and of- — wide development of zem —u m pij -a . zb ES - gion of 384K bps (corres nding to the Da dode MEČ REJ pr da PEN: ir sa ie ai Pi m f E s s V oi ma se brana ii ia - si , ENA ma. a < ž m ni ug aj "m de ' ; z Z ui pas | videoconferen in -<—