PRIL 17, 1989 e Will Revolutionize Telecommuting cikrena randpareni, while sending â and may not be good enough fora cone Developmenis in videoconferencing of the children's sumer audience. ana tn > ENE, | lite: irevinii Echo report. Both The introduction-of ISDN, however, al- -eophones will replace much of the need lines can be used separately or together. lows the 144K-bps Basic Rate Access to for actual, zalogi OE 'Telephone features will be greatly en- be used for videoconferencing. The two In time, the bate O OAfeTEÄENO hanced. The basic push-button telephone 64K-bps B channels can be used to carry will offer worldwide vi ri e all digital. It will containa the video and audio signals within a making some routine trips unnecessary di Äital display and will have a bandwidth of 128K bps, while the D and freeing time for important face-to- more than 100 number of preset function keys and a channel is used to set up, route and ter- face A te: eadin? information net million telephone small alphanumeric keyboard. minate the call. SE ea srne baz deo will allow COrpo- subscribers in When the telephone rings, it will dis- The availability of video transmission works, includi ; ke Ĺž , V ga east the United play the name and number of the caller. at speeds as low as 64K bps will revolu- rations, especlaliy ; sds! bo JE States, all of Once you answer it, other callers trying tionize telephone communications. While and information ga <1 je inter- whom will be to get through to you will have their the cost of videophones may start off ize by setting up sm zn ele IE able to have name and number displayed on your high, the cost should fall as low as $100 linked with sophistica ari ISDN in the phone, giving you the option'to put one . by the end of the 19905. cations networks. People working in no o. â home. Originally of the calls on hold or to ignore the call. Today most data communications in these minioffices will spend less time 5 | conceived as a global telecommunica- skoÄi za â, Sommuting and will work in less expen- L - tions network available to both business | ER Ke eo A | ee NE a nie BO ana domestic subscr; ISDN will | OE Me | essential communication services. 5 slowly become o lAKJe to the domestic | a vi New ISD A Over the next few Ĺželo Ee â a E zen (5 ii K Se ing to be an explosion in slabi rece bie f local communicatjons loo | m MOM | information and entertainmen SETVICES. GI ii sĹĄ pa | S | ; SR: | Users will have much better access to H â. As central office switches in large ur- | | sase pH traditional information databases and Do | ban areas are adapted to provide ISDN O MON S KU zero ii enhanced database services incorporat- Y, opportunities will exist to pro- JSDN to a bome. This will parallel 'home-shopping medium, because users cannot accurately see what me are | buying. Enhanced videotex k on ee |. ISDN will allow a color Ka to be in- zo serted into a standard videotex frame, allowing consumers to preview their purchases. Software libraries will provide access to a multitude of different applications oje programs that can be downloaded di- SER ua rectly into a home workstationa Many |. more people will use on-line services for ji | applications such AS. A subscriber connected to an ISDN ex- change will have access to ISDN services at a premium and to other ĹĄi zve. Vsa si ISDN domestic services will be provid- ed by the standard 2B--D Basic Rate ac- in other words, two 64K-bps chan- nels for either voice or data plus a 16K- channel). Until ISDN services are available on a large scale, they are likely to be expensive (between two to four times the cost of an eguiva- ibe market will depend on the cost to the user, the - and the marke on the telephone will al- low short text n