PG WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT MAY 1, 1989 ME ia pe a a —ni TT a urea id -a APPLJED INTELLIGENCE. DSS Applications Should 5hed New Light on a Problem pučejs The diversity of functions within DSS general DSS or business-modeling tool. programming skills are often Ee in isi tw roducts makes it difficult to group all As described last week, executive in- order to make effective use of the | Thas ts part (wo ; roducis into one category. By un- formation systems are specifically de- language. | SEM | a dei s ding the needs of the. users and signed to help executives gain insights The focus of business-modeling prod: abeje ai oe pa GA poč needs into software and track critical success factors. The ucts is on a robust modeling facility tive tnformalon na GA E there oken five distinct focus of an EIS is to aid a decision mak- | with analysis capabilities and on tools | syslems ana de- — lune osat. support products: er in assimilating information guickly to transfer data into the modeling envi: | else teci A rea daleet products, EIS, business-mod- and identifying PN ina EH tuni- Min fr Vi kteri | nologies that en- eling products, general DSS products ties, not as an aid in problem analysis T EPA/PIE (romi Brešan STE | able erecutives and statistical-analysis products. or resolution. In many corporatlons, ATE US, ora ača | im di Of the five, spreadsheets are the most. well-developed EIS have replaced the Corp., and System W, from Com | klana Pipe beg ded A SEMENA enables us- . traditional periodic executive summary The fourth ES z sie zalijejo mation. ers to perform the first level of analysis reports. Representative products in this DSS product. 1 se ka luc : ar | | Decision sup- and to develop simple models. category include Command Center, from to but more powerfu ea pkojelisii š (k Ri Hi | port systems Typically, spreadsheet data is not Pilot Executive Software, and Com- modeling tools. Among the distinguis MARTI (DSS) can be accessed through a data dictionary; the mander EIS, from Comshare Inc. ing characteristics of general DSS prod tedn Business-modeling products are used ucts are the facilities provided to man: age multidimensional data and the ease considered user has the freedom to perform any a RATIO STR NTI TE 2... | in which data can be added to the sys | concepts that are either hard to grasp ki | ii | or are constantly being redefined. Sim: |. ...%;:/ D nici n Su ort S stems | tem. These products are intended to | ply stated, a DSS is any system that can | Atena CCISION LI pp y eš SEE na ULE be used to increase the efficiency and ; Serie | . P s nui.i..n: . roader set 0! user needs. effectiveness of the EIN pro- Let Managers Examine Data in Multiple D 1mens10NS These types of DSS products also pro | SRAT ee UE Ar AIR O VE srdeeko ME RA AM (ii vide facilities for creating highly format: 1, Yet, the concept of a DSS remains: ' Using decision supporttools, |: .. ...orrevlewsalesdatain | ted reports and a variety of Brap Le dis- || Ag many people. To Sara plak Skeeen hi zesales " .. . multiple other dimensions... | | plays. A Very ZOE obi ura! lan: means end-user computi rsona »- in terms of product lines... /;i-.." Hp SN Se nji je guage is provided that reguires — -computing, or s ee vrtele kj Sys- lisic, kia O RE HA SN dode iSales PETE lje RE Enej skill for effective use. The lan- tems (EIS). However, these terms are Š : Techligu6a my Review... | guage can be used to write user-oriented not synonyms for DSS. (NET SEE SESIE ii i emi (V Salesby " | procedures such as screen data entry, The general characteristics of a DSS O oe a NE teview MM calos ba ka: ustomet | processing and reporting. Representative j > a RR EN OE NV iki s" sa ei NE KE pi EI i o eo rea, Voda AE Aa MetEh kajo, | Pod de i -. "-- k a RE "a, — — pe x ii it " ae MI k ksi a P peč 24 O aja? laki E z i in a DSS is more aggregate and less from Information Resources Inc., and | stored in the form of multidimensional (Er nee ani accessible to a non1S professional. mg Gel | used for the statistical analysis and nities. Where a general DSS product may er applications. As corporations succeed- including linear, multiple, polynomial additional reporting reguirements of derstand the appropriateness of the | ty, not just reporting, to support their i K SEE Rai NSi, — analysts. SAS, from SAS Institute Inc., met by DSS products. ; son Micro products are now beginning to record-oriented than information sys- sle BE |tONeEO 44/11 | Stratagem, from Computer Associates Review Marketing ' | | ŠE | the 4 mi ng The last category, statistical-analysis arrays. The interaction between the DSS Sukič IE ra rr mra The DSS is gene identif 20 SSglpč |, tistical routi | generally used to identify Orpotale dica) >; | Ustical routines are more extensive than Decision suppo stems evolve« za MA € B Klej ud TRKA Sre! ji li moč | : | stat uda A, š Tem Ti Ev MM 5 Ra, zom have one or two types of regression, a | ed in automating well-structured opera- ne and stepwise. those applications. Users (analysts and RJZA NAV | technigue and how to interpret the re- hat provided flexibilitv and fimetianali. — |." 4 that provided flexibility and functionali — , Product o rn SE (Z | sci ih . . . . pire 1%; ge AM: : di nih zač: pasla ude sj oe. ši PARE seli ni .: Js z: ii . ku zni he ua < m sito: č Fi t | | | | problem-identification and decision-mak- L' ' .: s kO NI SEEN MIMA nena ii pd: zen 89 Hal and SPSS-X, from SPSS Inc., represent One important characteristic of DSS | provide capabilities previously found se distinguish it from other systems. Data zirali products in this category are Express, tems (IS) applications. DSS data is z Assumptions ; | | MO zNAa, nike, products, consists of products that are and the user is very flexible, immediate iz oniaj i TRTE Pie |e Ee VALUTNA < ——): | re h . . A a rl Ee SI modeling of data. Their libraries of sta- and understan blems ; rtu- Melej pe ji | a raja pe ote ZE TRR O d problems and opportu RE pe i see Data those found in the general DSS products. gradually from more structured comput- nie p statistical-analysis product has several, tional systems, they began to tackle the Generally, users are expected to un- executives alike) began to demand tools |.:.|1]|:/ sika ta STER sults. Usually these are used by trained | š (88, NP ing needs. These evolving needs were products in this category. products is their ability to support a only on the mainframe. Mainf rame DSS pa sa model and retrieve data One important characteristic of DSS products is their ability prolwes are o kaated tothe mlera TERIM managetneni systems (DBMS.) as veli. O SUPPOFL a potcerful data model and retrieve data from | be espanded anid enhancce, paj L support structure must din te pro ooo bodalo" DBMSS as well as from external sources, Moro $a cah Fun slandalone on the. O, ( cesses of ad hoc dueries and analysis, s; Em ne —— There is no doubt that ea ea IE č co DBS will be further modified as the mi. o | | and must be flexible enough for the user A pi m V data as the problem is operation, logically valid or invalid, on by financial analv | ze m , data in the spreadsheet. The lack of ta a, o vas lo represent rela- — revolution coin EN AN, kri metan ph many ponskips between dala elements in the. Next mes, well ok at Um Ze ihe an-. anagers to become wary of informa- - forward as a profit-an Šk iona nav Managera ihould look for in a DSS tely for- tion beige im Kaka para Ja statement or a balance sheet. More com- IBanizatlonsa ——— lon, Spreadsheet facilities include func- plex busi nes modeki zele Com: SM Hb rok dij ik ši -— Mmm | NES