PO WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE moon bevev UE ODNOSI NEU. 1d Ji | bi ie. omo $— lade LIJA sd siol skaksbeso ij] zao ta aa mika A MAY 22, 1989 V The AS/400 ls Justifiably Popular—but It Has Its Limits ond part of a series on IBM s AS/400 mid- range family of computers. The AS/400 is an important com- ponent of IBM's strategy to pro- vide greatly en- tency and con- nectivity across na UE zi MARTIH multiple sup- ported envi- The AS/400 has been an immediate market success, even though its full ca- pability is just beginning to be under- stood. This week, I'll examine the keys to its success, as well as its limits. Some reasons why the AS/400 is so popular include the following; e System/3X compatibility. IBM stopped most of its development work on the System/36 and System/38 in the summer of 1986 and focused on the AS/400. By mid-1988, many of the 990,000 System/3X users were ready for something newer and better. The AS/4005 ability to run System/3X appli- cations with a limited conversion effort ensured it an initial surge of orders from System/3X users primed for an upgrade. e Database capability. The AS/400 is a database computer, not a general-pur- pose computer to which database-man- agement software has been added. As a result, it offers advanced relational da- tabase features without the perfor- mance degradation normally associated with relational processing. 6 Cost of ownership. The combination of AS/400 architecture and features makes it a very affordable computer, particu zbil when the cost of support functions (systems programming, data- base support, network management, op- erations and software) are considered. e Downsizing option. Some organiza- tions, particularly those faced with an expensive conversion from IBM's DOS/VSE to the MVS operating system, are switching to networked AS/400s. e Advanced architecture. The AS/400 incorporates all of the innovative fea- tures of the System/38 architecture, in- cluding a high-level machine interface, object orientation, single-level address- ability, a large address space, integrated system software and a machine-integrat- ed relational database-management sys- e Ease of use. The AS/400 offers a great deal of capability without the need for numerous complex interfaces. 6 Avanilability of applications. System/3X compatibility allowed the more than 8,000 application packages available for System/3X to be rapidly available on the AS/400. € Connectivity. The AS/400 is easy to connect to other IBM computers and to a wide variety of non-IBM computers and devices. Čonnectivity with IBM-com- patible PCs is especially strong. Support for šteje Network Architecture — (SNA LU 6.2 is provided by Advanced Program-to-Program Communications, which gives AS/400 users a flexible and simple-to-use method for building net- works of computers. e First major implementation of SAA, IBM has made it clear that the set of standards called Systems Application Architecture (SAA) will form the foun- dation for future software products. The AS/400 provides more SAA capa- bilities than any other computer envi- ronment, and its advanced architecture offers a more practical and workable approach to relational processing. Al- though the current relational database lacks some important features (such as relational integrity), the DBMS more system matures during the 1990s. The design also provides for the introduction of new technology such as optical stor- age and large solid-state memorles with- out affecting applications design. Problems and Limitations Overall, the AS/400 has met; or ex- ceeded its original design objectives; however, a few problems have yet, to be resolved satisfactorily. The AS/400's cur- rent limits include the following; e Missing SAA languages. Not avail- able yet are C, FORTRAN, SAA Control Language (REXX), Cross System Prod- uct (CSP) and SAA Guery (OMF). Sup- port for C and an execution-only version Simplicity: The AttractioH of IBM's A8/400 How tle AS/400 Cotiipares with Traditiotial Systettis" Traditional Systems ' Applications sold as separate modules » Specialized experts needed to support each module Basic Office | Interactive SuppoH Supervisor/Job Scheduler Corrimunications O Database Secutity Graphics Operatirig System internal Code % Separata functlons bundied Withlii 8 single operatltig systeri | ij Bi Operating Systetn/40b ji j | i ei Gtaphles il co Ihteractive Support odibe: 4 Security: Hi — ComrnlintcatloHa NS Database /| - Supervlislon and Cohittol Funetionš Appllcation.telated tuHellons | System tunetionš < | ' Fot example, IBM MVS and VM: BEč VMS | 14 John Avakian The AS/400 provides the most SAA capabilities, and its advanced architecture offers a means of relational processing—but the relational database lacks Jeatures. than makes up for this by being afford- Ne and easy to use. | mpared with traditional syste the AS/400 provides an poseda tem-software structure. As illustrated, traditional systems provide separate system-software packages for graphics, basic office, security, communications, database and so on. The AS/400 com- bines these software layers into one comprehensive system-software module identical for all models, which makes it, poselbje to offer high in odopajjo with- out unnecessary complexity. The AS/400's design makes it unlikely that its users will face operating-system of CSP are likely to be available in 1989, and the remaining lan than mid-1990. 6 Tape-backup devices. The fastest backup tape currently offered is the IBM 2440, which isn't fast enough to back up very large disk configurations (more than 10 gigabytes) in a reason: able time. The faster 3422 has been an: nounced for the AS/400, but it won't be available until the fourth guarter. 6 Recovery. The recovery from com- plete failure of a disk drive can be com- plex and slow. This is caused by the way in which single-level addressability is implemented. If a disk drive fails and cannot be read, it's necessary to recon- guages no later struct the contents of all disk drives. A number of optional facilities are available to reduce the risk of needing to completely rebuild all disk files. For example, the option of Checksum Pro- tection offers significant protection, but there's an associated overhead, and re- covery time is often a matter of hours. 6 On-line transaction processing. The recovery limitations of the AS/400 make it impractical now for certain critical transaction-processing applications that reguire high availability. e Fault tolerance. The AS/400 is cur- rently impractical to use in certain situ- ations where either fault tolerance or very high availability is reguired. 6 Technical computing. The AS/400 currently lacks hardware floating-point capability, so it can't be used for num- ber-intensive computing. This limitation may be resolved by IBM during 1989. e System/36 mode performance. Al- though the facility that allows the AS/400 to run System/36 applications after a simple migration is generally guite effective, it does reguire more computer resources than if System/36 applications had been written to take full advantage of the AS/400. e Entry price. The cost of owning even a small AS/400 is well over $50,000 (in most cases this includes hardware, sys- tem software, applications software, training and so on). A lower entry price is needed to bridge the gap between PC solutions and the current low end of the AS/400 line. e Application-development tools. There are relatively few good tools available for application development on the AS/400. 6 Connectivity with 3270 work- stations. It can be difficult to create networks with both AS/400 and Sys- tem/370 systems if the workstations on the System/370 systems include older 9210-type workstations. Of ten, the most significant problem is the limitation of the 3270s keyboard. e Support of non-SNA devices. The AS/400 currently lacks connectivity to many non-SNA devices, such as certain Unix workstations, Macintosh comput- ers or other devices that use the TCP/IP protocols. o Office automation. The AS/400 was announced with an adeguate—but not superior —office-automation capability. The AS/400 Office functions will be en- hanced through the availability of the IBM OfficeVision Family of office prod- ucts announced last week. However, these new office products will not likely be fully available until mid-1990. Next week, Ill evaluate the AS/400 as an alternative to the widely used IBM System/370 architecture. B The James Martin Productivity Serie: an information service updated guar- terly, is available through High Pro- ductivity Soft ne. of Marble- ftware I : head, Mass. (800) 2442-1230. For infor- mation on seminars, please contact (in. the United Stateh oni ŠinJji, ije, nology Transfer Institute, 741 10th Si Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394- 8305. In Europe, contact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Ki n (0524) 734 505. a