DM. | tage of larger memories, new devices... PENNEEEamAd new functional reguirements. It. was: PG WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT. Na . AR Lee t, nis k g A, a Ča kt nai' — APPIJED ai VP j mi A IP a 4 k Li | Ma dei ef ie aleli a... ba : - dai Mik rad v 4 | je, fi z a | h-< Ham r of users of 9370, 4341, |"... of both its customers and itself. | This is the ke trepačie žinal 308x and 3090 sys-', Complete replacement of midrange ME id part ofa tems have begun replacing these ma- ' 48/870 systems with AS/400-based solu- Bana o IBMs. ' chines with AS/400 computers. In most,'". tions is rapidly becoming more popular, j AS/200, which /—— cases, these users were unable to keep ::': but it is not always appropriate. For ex- ||" ezamines the '' up with the most advanced S/370 sys-/';'// ample, S/370 systems used for technical limitations of <' ' DOS/VSE operating system. In the S/370 Uh ics are not candidates for EL this midrange s" environment, either they pay for expen- /'/ by AS/400 computers. And A SYs- se AN | family of,com-. | sive conversions and the hardware to !' (| tems are not practical for very high B Tam. puters. '%//. '.'— support them, or they live without the svi Dom denar pe apb 7. For years, ";/% / | desired functional capability""' —...,/, cations, large networks or tl o audi: AMES (IBMs S/370.'—% ,. ' The AS/400 offers these users some '/'!,:; ment of unusual devices. U ' mainframe archi- ,. significant advantages: ' '//f!://4« "ls" Also, it seldom makes sense to replace M ARTIN tecture has of-. ;',8 no future operating-system con: '.3/;0:!: | S/370 applications that. do not need MM - fered anad- '';' versions; ' ' začne A Sej) 7 ZE, changes, especially if they're based ono [m vanced, sophisti- .. € lower support costs; ':: "ala! v/c, an application package in which there is - cated environment for developing and ... | | | | SA je | ni running commercial applications. Many, :: users remain convinced that the only '"' or mne mani. o IME DO Mao Ema Marto bradeln čan ij V s: j I s dors such as Amdahl. iisik rm | edi done bei tit rem kel remont, Podrejeni Erori: Przdereba li S/370 systems are so advanced and: MMEMHH S/a10.MAainfra megdjimiine se ii so dominant, why are so many of their. kaka kia oseh users rushing to buy AS/400 systems? '"' The answer: It's not always easy or cost: effective to take advantage of the capa: ' | bility of S/370 computers. —:"" %;: MM ANJE |. 8/870 systems have evolved over 20'' | Years. As hardware capability improved, ' —1t was necessary to create a series of adv | new operating systems to take advan: he ", Ii i 1 4 -aa es | : Pek, " ki i j mi : ši sa RI aa i la jaj: nah v rr Je" a: 43 4 kia ij j : hi NA di wo ču s pasla 1 A H z a, ] oe A ] kj a fuka l Y čulnj č i ler SI pedi ia, A ai dami ra li da V i ei iji 4 z RAI" la EI | Mi Nal ani 6, PR A Ra ei TE vekom v, Štej re, prdi vd, Mami lis O a ; ka bud ab di Ma 4,4 di, mij ši, ri h : s s Wi EJ JE. z Mi drea | HU - mili pel ie ša, R H pe - ta me, i | EM: . j ei IL k PA m pek s) vtH S A IL Ra Ad, Kv ci tdkalnee.! H N zli ti | k tag . j | h k bi! ' jati h ki Ter k; pac" 5 ni ET a HA a ; X V m J di bali e.-, ti ET | ole K! ANA a di t m ESR, " ' ( i mea i s LE PH s ge kir zA HM bna diet tja LU LJ ai Adi i | pre jara o a ci ij ; al hI x m 1 4 pa i! slu č zd HE! k SP Me na MERI S dr ITA, sa "mi: Pa z