AS/400's Integration Prov with application programs by executing them directly from within a program. The AS/400 provides a high level of integration of system features, as illus- trated in the diagram. The necessary functions for an integrated applications: development, environment are available on the machine; to date they haven t been integrated at the developer level. The central element of any applica- tion is its data. As shown in the dia- gram, all database management is inte- grated with the AS/400 architecture. This provides efficient performance for the information system because the op- erations'are-performed below the ma- chine-interface level in a combination of siath part of a series on IBM s midrange com- puter family, the AS/400, a pivotal part of IBM s strategy to provide en- tency and, con- nectivity across multiple sup- ronments. The integrated architecture of the AS/400 is the key to its application-enabling environment. The major system functions are integrat- ed as part of the machine, rather than being implemented as layers of soft- ware. These functions include database management, object addressing, security and device-independence. The high de- gree of integration isolates the applica- tions developer from physical implemen- tation details, and provides support: for the major application functions. In ef: tect, much of the groundwork tradition- ally associated with an application is al: ready provided by the system. The high-level interface of the AS/400 provides access to the machine through a single set of operations incorporated into the operating system. The interface is implemented by a single command language. There are no separate control poet languages for programmers, operators or. |'7.8 il 'OMARTIK .- ; sa ., k: kije, s a UE tal r a J i" pe ", ji Ji ud ž k, id ] rij |e ' 9 3 4 x 7" in m Mi, Vo jeep Ta p.e OBI ea ŠA sla: Ha tp ja . wW ' NI. ga. na : NE A JI i polti i y | br (PRA ! 4 | -i KLI k kol. | S" ui | Maliju L k] 1 ; i S] ez gv | Hi JE zi Lani STATE, i gi h leč Mu se ji . t Ma j | Zh.ra ed Bič ij zi bt | i Na SEAN ar dd gi i eh h NE aa ge io o, MM j . U vem MA, | hi kra job control. No Conversion Process Needed The high-level interface isolates appli- cations developers from machine imple- mentations; this approach accommo- dates changes in the machine's underly- ing technology without any impact on applications. In effect, applications de- veloped on current models of the AS/400 will be able to take advantage of new. technologies without reguiring a conversion process. A single, integrated operating system OS/400, follows the design rovi že the machine and provides a simple in- -terlace to its underlying functions. The to the op« l microcode the integrity of data is guaranteed by C VEEKNAPPLIGATIO —PPLJED INTELLIGENCE ides 4th-Generatlon vsdjiij Ni zk ik —"— m STORI, - ng ii Ta — pplicatiori Development: Enviro! gej: i de ; Bi 5 : Hel. ŠE Gaj 3 mo disi, si PERO RTV METE ae MARN m A Ee Ria ai Pia EV UN EN Ni kurivo m s fire i H ; a ao saj dy h Beč 4 H "m le H a, P jeta, s kA ti zali aa kila. Edi , LER biča, Hi! ge! ; ie ki i Ni 5 Me k: . a ri di z Mi on ta i, ei Naji, i! š ] ku RI. Mira Jp? re y de , ma Mai V ( hi | s pra, Taj h 1. ida se A tai ha ib — ga dati so ujijh - a s H a h k j kr ni a ke J C, mlati bo a ue HETA, gadi une i "ua L z h be pa, ai k boči die " Fi JU ca nu taj z /] ea s s dimo Fe « odno mine PA S TA a PA Maček Ve kami € a o EN a Ur 4, z m ai. ur a ai di A, s BR dje J | niča - -e . ne me. ka Bom mo lkie a kai ud tai, - BL j Hi i.. Gi Yu uf s a s se p aj - mr - s iz He k ie Fi " kij "PF Ma ai o MI m Ma sa dj mrai kaš a ded k "u ozvcjšetn, sa Ca de mi li : nije, polih ST xi z. m ibn, ME — $ z 4 ] nm neji s - PRA, . me diš imarsa kam? ume vpelje a čij al a ča pri sod Z ži li — ka MČ a an a ui 8, aa aa NO der z F B pa im. d 1 a mre 4 E.. mite - x a a ikes š ] -u (miši 5 ne -. Ho ie a pri " E " ago pi m luči ; ; HA ei li A rr pI aj bi zu dajete s sd Ra KIT ri h ab y PI .—. ke V pa dei E Mi ee ai ul si ui. al k ške ši. —A si pou l z - . , , uma > pi 5 "a mi ee m - pedi a . PTV ma J niša ZNI LA LEM TN NO Toni A zA bebe s di Era. le interface %8. Its simple to learn, emp. H face to such popular Pt uži dt imet 1-2-3. s BI programs as the integration of security at the object. . ,, fourth-generation applications-develo IBM has identified CSP as the p ' ment language to be supported within tecture Ud proach ost A8/400 one, tion largely of third-genera-. JUNE 19, 1989 a devotion by midrange U larly System/36 and System/38 concepts. Plati orm to IBM | ze me ša oducts, which have so far no dresšči fourth-generation development The more advanced AS/400 installa- tions and firs es on the use of generic application ackages, applications generators, en lise: computing and adherence lo SAA standards. t-time users are ajte a more pragmatic approach to applica- tions development. This approach focus- Generic application packages provide a customized application. There are more than 8,000 application packages already available for the AS/400. A growing number of integrated de- velopment tools are becoming available for the AS/400, including Synon from Synon Ltd., Genesis V from Sofbro Ltd., Geode from SPS International, Lansa from Aspect Computing Pty. Ltd. and Metaview System Software from Metafile Information Systems. All of these are developed outside IBM. Synon recently announced that IBM will mar- ket the Synon product under the IBM Cooperative Software Program. Development Strategy Future applications will be developed independently of the target platform. The implementation of distributed appli- cations and cooperative-processing ap- plications, exploiting the capabilities of various architectures, will become in- creasingly important. For example, the use of a network of intelligent work- stations attached to a host database server will provide additional processing power while maintaining central control of the data. The availability of the inte- - grated relational database on the AS/400 provides strong Support for a data-oriented approach to design. As a result of its integrated funetions the AS/400 provides a fourth-generation platform for applications develo rs to day. We can expect to see this hilesos, phy extended beyond the hardware lev- el with the evolution of more integrated applications-development tools that will address all aspects of the application life cycle. Most likely, SAA-compliant Computer-aided software engineering tools, utilizing a common design reposi- tory, will be implemented on desktop workstations attached to distributed - networks of computers. These tools may be used to develop ap ions ' m port common user interf kda velopment tools that are OL pev the AS/400 envi ronment. 8 če am information seg ductivity. Series of Marble- — pa interfaces, connectiv- kunelon | Siv gah pe | Tech MaŽeJ! ob Ena, Calif, 90402 (213) 394. — "ope, contact Savant, 2 O bi ka nej « iki V PNE kla | i za ž ži ; LE E ZE (HE 4 seje j ti ge rač Ba a JJ? zaj ea! Em ji Ma, K sin ae kdlilis", . M, zi Be i 4, % FM. - i jen lai pela h i 4o h J h imi - La H k ] : š " h j za Č