oo a SEJE o se pare NE A, BA | — PC WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT Nuša ER — A. ei a NU OPPLJED INTELLIGENCE hoda taji (ši | AM, ia Y pe - ; BELI | BALA o a! Požii PN V TERENTE OE BM EEA METE | sa ia Previewing the Applica lon, Development Revolution erated for other environments, including tral repository and CASE tools. 5 0... The CASE tool shields the m" sin 7 "A ER ie ii Badia, % di oNeasti | iii Y 4 ie | This is the last. | the AS/400. Since the SAA Application, The design specifications of a CSP ap- | mer from having to know the detafls of | article in a se- '"'— Development Environment will be the ::'- plication can now be stated in External «how to build CUA-compliant SCreens.. ries on IBM programmable workstation, CSP will ..:: Source Format (ESF), which is a tag ., The programmer only specifies logically | Systems Appli- — have to be reimplemented to support. . language for defining the application. |, what is desired from the user—that is, cation Architec- the development and generation of code: . The ESF maps directly onto the CSP. : :: field specification on a data-input form, ture (SAA). The in the workstation environment, "" €" 7% source files, which are used to generate: '' or the selection of an item from a list. introduction of . There are no plans to put the user in-: ' executable versions of CSP applications. | An interface that conforms with CUA integrated com- tertace of the ADE on either the S/370." ;. Now that the ESF is formalized and 4" standards is automatically built from puting envirom- or the AS/400. a IV, published, it's possible to build CASE !' . the logical definition by the Dialog Man- ments such as An important component of the ADE'" tools that output ESF. At least two . jager, one of the tools in the ADE. SAA will have a will be IBMs central repository. It will; CASE vendors, Index Technology Corp. | Similarly, the complexities of database major impact most likely be host-based and act ina'" and KnowledgeWare Inc., have already | | access can be hidden in the tools of the on the software server mode for multiple development. ' taken steps in that direction. € [/ ADE. High-level specifications of data- IH: MARTIN technologtes of . workstations, each of which will have a The ESF, while currently in database | | base access can be made in a CASE tool. ME, | the 19905. local repository of design information. files, can clearly be incorporated in the | These specifications are translated into The focus of The central repository will hold all the repository when available, The ESF can ; the primitive forms in the repository. | earlier articles in this series on SAA was y | " When the executable form of the appli- the Common Programming Interface | ii salol is padnnv pisi RAME NU VU ides programming PR - Pe ) m 4 | nguage needed to access the data- a era ete IBM S Application Development Environment koše is autoriateatih built from the ported SAA environments. These ser- MM A 5 SE Kepe oni biol id, | NNW specifications in the repository. vices include common programming lan-: Environment Ensutes Consisteney Among Project Members, |. The repository itself might not be con- guages, common user interfaces, com- |: Boosts Produetivity of Design Team ge | fined to just a single host environment; mon communication interfaces and nie ih dt might be stored in a distributed rela- common database-access facilities. Posi- pu a o K RAVN ov sva rer gasa jr zkrilet | ; tional database. The developer can use tioned on top of the CPI is the Applica- " Programmable KE si j ' the local repository on the programma- tion Development Environment (ADE). '' | Workstations gi ; ; ' ble workstation to store those portions As the name implies, it's the environ- i! of application definition that are being ment in which developers will build € worked on. The distributed-database SAA applications. ji , mechanisms of SAA will keep the IBM hasnt announced the details of | databases synchronized. the ADE yet, but there have been fairl EVA EVRE A a NA | £ Hi | ži strong indications of what it will look 4 h VENAO s aa a € mr. AR NE, h Better Productivity | tive application, with the programmable k! |; ment that is repeatable can be abstract- workstation providing the user interface. | ed to higher levels and built into CASE and much of the power. As shown in. ; tools. These higher levels of abstraction the graph, the workstation will workin . | then generate the specifics for a particu- a client-server mode with the host-based | lar application from relatively few pa- repository, which will contain all of the - rameters. The result is higher productiv- Su reguired to build an appli- ify'for the deraoneh m cation. '] ". Once design specifications for an ap- A Consistent Environment. :. š Mi 'plication have been stored in the reposi- MR The workstation user interface will — | š H 'tory, they zz be used to generate exe: use the most advanced Comm on User Local Repo Sitory: Ni oMcM | U | SEU a beee of the applications. Us- vil th 'CUA) specifications. Developers Contains design Central Repositotyi šk OEM ole DB Godec us have a consistent environment | | specifications tor HU poe TRIJE any of the SAA lan: in which to work. | one programmer's balhers desiaiti skocitiealin; ČI [ 'guages, such as C or COBOL. . čili L A? ..) e if 4 | | . The ADE will make it possible to gen- bortion of the m ec MIcallOHs | HE eni V — The application-development environ- irom all prograimmers and auto- Z MP | p matically checks their consistency. O a pi m ena tion. For example, a programmer build- Keaici bena RA je pe ute kisi: Sd a A zi v | ;now. The Cooperative environment be- ing a cooperative application with | ei ki le S AI US, | a A MA i don Avaken. ,tween a host-based repository and portions on the workstation and por- . % il! 44u AP" IL! see vi ANEJ | erate applications for all SAA environ- project. ments from the programmable worksta- opiledin z nak um! i tions on an AS/400 would kse —O | | i bp! pica! user interface on a program- pa page OU write and de- Fi, ZE IE ge 'mable workstation is a powerful combi- velop all of the code on the workstation. The Ap; lication Cl ment Knmni The workstation-based ADE ja teo. pp Development Environment will be Ci; SAA ji ae The generation of conventional mi | | - perative | li tion hird-generation languages f | ; Pa ee rati K PRA po lov wing nev appuoawon, with the programmable Wworkstation Plicatjoc deve oneČA vire jeni | | components that can be sent to the nie, ta nopiding ihe user. inter fi ace and much oj the power. hek Bo oa inake sea A BEŽ njiho ce si o ela OU RTETA zbfe I—ei— oli nEH , possible. The result will be a revolution guages, such as C, the developer v, PRE pih sa KIM : oviro 4 dn application-development, technology. ship the source code to the AS/400 for . data za pih application, such as ' I — then be used directly with the CSP de. ' la eXt week, TI begin a series of arti. compilation, or the ADE might provide — somra ents, screen definitions and 4," velopment tools, CASE development | pica sal object-oriented programming, cross-compilers that allow share the repository. ou pe VA, tools and the code-generation portions . , 19199 that is changing the way on the programmable w a repoaltoey, "re et VRE AENA ce Cep In fact tre developer can move ' programmers and users interact with li case, the programmer's ndow on . (CASE) ter 1, IBineering |; from one of these next. 4 / po mputeca U m anage- | |. To learn more about the subject of ga articles, please call The James | Martin Report, an information service - | For information on seminars, please ., Contact (in the United States and Can. / ada;/ Technology Transfer Insti in | | 741 10th St, Santa Monica, Cali f. | transactio: nst corporate ' |. 90402 (213) 394.8305. mm Europe, con- | ranam pu btalv in tne | pa Ev Si, Carmjorth, O] PA Na reve aj ji? SM] (os8a) Ze aa A ' | Mio "m" z Bi i f " 5 4% i 1 BB ta 1 | K! Hi 4! . H A j k z olji LEE niorrarrur oa iv midi | | | IA či ma d% ! f oma l Mla' v ' i | i | | i f i i —-"-a ZUM — -— rama, ši sd Sean: asi ME ai Canaj -—. di ij me VE TD orel nam A ate ne kemije ZNE zk —o—>i ——n. —-—ž—č<—>žč—-—nn—eoo Poni aa a RR. Nam .. 4