ju o WsecCa common standard Pace 84 Second of a sertes of articles on the IBM Re- posuory, a stg- naftcant compo- nent of IBM's appications-de- velopment strat- egy for the 19905. The IBM Re- pository, an: nounced last: month, establish- es a common standard for de- sign specifications generated by comput: er-aided software engineering (CASE) products and other development, tools. As described in last week's article, the Repository represents a critical compo- nent of AD/Cycle, which provides a standard development environment. within IBM's Systems Application Archi- tecture (SAA). Users demand an open software-devel- opment environment in which tools —— rom many vendors can be used inter- — echangeably, sharing specifications from a cominon repository of design informa- bon. In defining a repository standard, IBM is taking a major step toward pro- viding support for an open software-de- velopment environment. Many vendors of software-develop- ment tools claim compliance with IBM's application-levelopment standards; still, is important to determine the level of conunitment!, that the vendor intends to make to the standard. four levels of compatibility with the AD/Uycle standard for an applications- development. environment; standard: " Compliance with CUA. Entails Sup- AH applications, using (he Common User nl Mo ACGeza services specified by SAA. Ji o" Compliance with AD/Cyecle. Entails | a na for design JO. "pecifications, as defined by the . .. MO AD/Cyele Repository. ooo, Sempliance with External Source Me 5 Format CESF). ESF is an IBM specifica- language used to UM ea Development (CSP/AD), the desig. UM a VE SAA application generator, — JU o Ping Interface (CPI) services. Such As (he figure shows, there are at least Por for a common user interface for all import/export de- Vo Cross System Product/A pplica- » interfaces provid- ik ii nape cations-development tools and applica- tion models. ESF can be used within an integrated project-support environment formation reguired for complete CASE development, such as that stored in the CASE Encyclopedia of Texas Instru- ments' Information Engineering Facility or KnowledgeWare s Information Engi- neering Workbench. IBM is working in- tensively to expand its current Reposi- tory design so that; it will eventually provide all the facilities reguired by powertful, high-end CASE tools. One of the more pivotal consider- ations is compatibility with the ESF. Currently, CSP/AD runs as a develop- ment tool only on S/370 mainframes. However, it generates code that can be executed on AS/400 midrange machines and PCs. IBM has announced that; To Comply with AD/Cyele j Softuare Developihent Tools May Be. Oite br More EleHen a variety of library and configuration- management tools. To date, several vendors of applica- ESF support, including Index Technolo- gy Corp., KnowledgeWare Inc., McDon- nell Douglas Corp., Nastec Corp., Sage Software Inc. and Texas Instruments inc. These vendors are committed to producing an ESF tag language to inter- face with CSP/AD. When CSP/AD version 3 is available on the PS/2 as an SAA application gen- Fout Ways Coinpatible with PE AA Me Te: NJEN ki : j hi | | | a | ku y Hi ] | E: HI J ida di pi F | lj j mini drl - Lido l V 1 s Ba ki "Ma ' | uno 7" ? a ! moj a. a, : moi Ii! a ie j i NE] T h User dsii Access si kej daji ke y 4 bf il] k je z ki pi Ed : ti ' da pe j Y si ne m tol ij ga! 1: i ni te m a MA: a SEE A. dev f ; sj ; seda ht: Sie 1: i m ; s KA: go lia, x ma JEN UN ae -i ti aii A a joka PI ERA " ua h k i sa sO, ! ii ča sl AE ni HI j ki h 11 Pi tea MU sti MB Nadi (OMV di ' Hi | Wi h RI | | 4 ji ele RUN di. drsa zuji dn de lej ker. h Ht ie | slug ] | | l John Avakian Pa O lea possible to use CASE tools a o different CASE vendors, all of which interact ca common knowledge base of design information. | CSP/AD elon 3 t the PS/2 wor WI be available on erator, it will be used to generate exe- ponent of SAA.. 2 workstation in June 1990 as a | vili ija ' standard itself, the SA job Plication-generation facility. seči a ode for all SAA environments. de Repošitory is a key integra. Gross Slej senca Mterface to the. — sjoogim o! Ca Use CSP/AD ver- - Jng Fnetor in providing an open develop. — tppojy o, PoduCt that enables poni that role through the mecha. ea otvironment. The Repository de. — Csp/Ap, ns oe lO Connect with — A. of ESF, m a the objecis reguired to support all — Marko it is represented as a de) ENI night decide not to use phases of the development life-cyele pro. man a Buage (GML), which is a hu: ta a.e, Me Sode generator Peak cess, To be fully compliant >24€ pro-. man-readable lane Pija RA there are other appli ti zase AD/Cyele, tools from ind nan and attributes (hence, the comnor a ehnigues that may be zarenablini gora must incorporate repositries that. can be ugod propa 6 006). ESP. CSP/AD me delo (O ONCourage the use or a Ja be same metadala model tions from design and ooo one Ped0ce | AD/Oyele. Howe jao SeNEralor for Al YCyele žena by IBM (or the nents of CASE tools to build skala Ops a more power ul dia Yomlor devel- IBM recognizes (hat its current Renr or partial applications using the — IBM does not want to preciixlo te to: v coninir NE o urrent Reposi- CSP/AD code enerato m Rather, IBM's intent is tl | use, 'Y contains only a fraction of the ij prnerator. Specifications Benerators, as well as ihat other code : CSP/AD, may be Fan also be imported from other appli- — used, proslavi that they Conform to the ooo III ae rame to import/export; design specifications to tions-development, tools have announced iso - ada) Techn Repository standard, obey SAA stan: dards and create code that s portable within SAA environments. Many users view the introductim of the IBM Repository and the AD/Cyele applications-development environment as the first steps toward the develop. "14 ment of a software-backplane capabilit; H;: ii The objective of a software backplanes '//Y one of enabling users to select a variety (4 sign tools, code generators, project-man agement facilities and other support IMA tools that share design information from ///|/ a common Repository. "ul A hardware backplane is based on the concept of plugging standardized hard: ware modules into a common backplare structure. Similarly, a soltware backplane uses the concept of plugging standardized software modules into a common design database. However, the database needs to store more than just design information; it needs to be a knowledge base containing all the rule processing associated with objects in the database. The design repository should 'be an object-oriented database that: "stores both data'and'"rules. Ifralr vendars use the same object-oriented database with rule-based processing, then they can share design information. Common Knowledge Base The Repository contains definitions of. | all of the objects that are specified bva | CASE tool—entities, relationships, data models, process models, normalized da: tabase sehemes, procedural code. The attributes of these objects are then de- fined in the form of a normalized rela tional database. Next, the rules that must be obeyed by all of the objects and attributes are defined. The database provides the PM šegi structure of a software backplane. In ca: this way, it will be possible to use CASE tools from different CASE vendors, all Ho! of which interact with a common knowledge base of design information. There will be a diversity of ideas from | different vendors and a wide range of ci | views on what constitutes the most | m powerful tools; however, the tools must | / be portable, they must interconnect, and |. they must have integration down the value train across the corporation. One application in the value train might be built with one tool; a different applica- tion might be built with another tvol. However, the tools must integrate across applications, Building a computerized corporalioti reguires the acceptance of standards, as well as a fully integrated development environment. | | Next week, I will describe a strategv for CASE based on the most powerful soltware-development technology. 8 To learn nore about the subjectof |. | - these articles, please cal! The James |; O | Martin Report, an information service . | updated guarterly, at (600) 2421240 v || kor tnformation on seni inars, please | NE — |. contact (in the Nike Siatesand Cam —— || OO |. | ology Transfer Institute, | — || 741 10h St, Santa pasti Calif. 90402 (213) 394.83. m Europe, con: a pe, 5 New St, Cornforth, Lan ". nji? o" (Či 4 ] it Mi |4 | (0524) za: zi United Kingdom