Ge Pace 110 JE jeva gem iv) STE NEUE JECE oa BE a Ze O h: -. Lotus Shows Str ategic Tarsetingo of Mixed Environments | | This provides a basic level of data | a | soil it pali blem tnat it a hot... V visibly. Lotus strategy is pari a This ts the sharing through consistent features, , ih gra mesh with the new strategy for " ti. V || eomplishing this goal in organizations third in a series functions and file formats. "%"/: imi, ,1-2-3 development across platforms. ' kg 4 pljwit mixed architectures. of articles on The second, more important part of s Mi: ". However, there is growing evidence A common API called Datalens has the strategic di- the strategy goes beyond simple file" ;/; that 1-2-3 for the Macintosh has become, J been developed to provide bidirectional rections that Lo- sharing, providing enterprisewide appli- bi a new priority within Lotus, particulaf;:: ; (yaccess to external databases. Datalens is tus Development cations with cooperative processing and. | /« ly because the lack of a good spread- ':/'/' a key technology for all Lotus products . , Corp. is pursu- distributed data. '" gr NE eli sheet, product in the Macintosh market | ', z and future applications. | ing and the sig- In addition to DOS, OS/2 and OS/2 Ex:;/: leaves a large hole in the Lotus cross-, |; ij k ) Release 3 has a new menu choice, nificance of tended Edition, current platforms for vij! platform strategy. S "« %W)6) | Data External,' which opens large cor- those strategies which 1-2-3 is under development in: ;/%//: 'The clear mestage from Lotus is that..: '/ porate databases through the familiar 1- to organizations clude IBM S/370 MVS and VM, AS/400, Mai tit will offer front-end tools for major " '': '; 2-3 interface. Lotus will provide certain . planning for NeXT, Unix, Macintosh and Suni ' ii '| platforms to access corporate data. če lj Datalens drivers for key databases, but the 1990s. — An agreement between Lotus and Dig-i: j", sistent features and functioris will be: ' ' will rely on database vendors to develop As a matter of ital Eguipment Corp. (DEC) to develop V | available for DOS, OS/2, OS/2 Presenta- | z additional drivers. practice, Lotus and market products for the VAX envi:/: vy tion Manager, MVS, VM, VMS, Unix, Sun, | As shown in the figure, Datalens tech- does not formal- ronment was announced in November: ":'' Macintosh and NeXT operating systems. ' nology will be applied to all versions of ly articulate its corporate strategy and | -- a — | 1-2-3, including 1-2-3/G under Presenta- . goals. Its current strategy, therefore, BA SHE ' tion Manager, 1-2-3/M under MVS or VM, may become clear only after the fact. Lotus' Cross-Platform Strategy | 1-23 for the Macintosh, Symphony re: Still, the company appears to be follow- kit | | lease 3.0 and Lotus/DBMS. It will also be ing several distinct initiatives to cope Common API P rovides Access to Data in a Wide Spect rum | EC) to he A EVA o na with the complex mix of environmen PG asi Mav SiJjA, | | (T-A-C) and financial-services produc a ee bu tor'the enterprise PAT : Of Operating Environments ( sucti aa One Sotirce; Under 1 2 WOJOJ tems of the future. These PRI Mes, : namic links to Seje applications can be tions include: | 4. h oeatad implementing lca that can Lotus hopes Hi rač wide acceptance operate in a cross platform envi- "ij nicah ag A aa sa ; ME" —a - a m ma sei urici - — s s s 4 — 3 ie — gla naja z - ui" na u - " z čin. s — EAEE — : il d pu š psa s a a — ne ' s — na ri li mi z š dj B s - IN s - B - > z No mm e " ni 5 -—- he. mm" ; zk | - x s s us - n F ke E m z za, —— io — z Č manir : s j Mav — š z - — [ ! E —— — ' - : zal Re " a meč š a j PN m s s Hi —m z a A m pa EI a ai d ds Ee s: ŠK E : SR ni NE TE z xg: Han - kih ai io E oni din sui di ze s — UME. - i - s y s ze aa " čes" Hi 1 š —- Uf zas ne V - "i x VE po ia 4 a s—, ; s zda i " bt m en PE oa A i zdi poor —- z sm | a alj. jet a aa — lar a ; mh oe i. ki Sla HG ja. H 4 z d za J - dm oa si kij š bi, 4 oditi i s ks k DI Eh Ji . i š i- 1 zi: s a m a unih a —% ne aa a -. z a, ranega je Hr u k k ma in kalna ac san ne - ne Ladi m ee — ID Mai a. h zati. OF] ke s 0 o p—-ači z — i dij z E le ' Hz pi i KT —- ine ks — a naj ; sa x ne a na a zma m č a . s pti K " l nosi d sa PAEE k de ua .. - ' F m zd - za Fa -- ši zma r— - tom a; 1 sie ve ih smi - i - ui zi: - a u — oz ME s zi, med s pe ši; plime j Be rji dl . P z RE z " da ž—e ni ži zi, ama - " zani uč k m m Ni ni ria ič poz k x. x ; : ik za Si : z kn aa rei ki na Me ue ZRA - mm ; oriše a Ba RA % Cah a "PREMI . ; k o z OE ang — s Š m sms a nM "— olja na si Fse Na - dev z : sz Sue ai Tai si z > Tam V. de of Datalens O OBY, by. zeta -party ronment; Mod go SO TEH Enter rise "SOL; <4 im | vendors. ' protecting and extending the base of : zor eh NINI System Ee W a : The reality is that there are ječe Lotus 1-2-3 by offering products that: a ai | ODL re rer € | APIs from which to choose, each with provide superior access to corporate si data across multiple hardware plat- ' 5; forms, including mainframes, minicom- .: puters, Unix workstations and personal - | / its own language. Conseguently, ade "|, V facto standard may not evolve for some" (" time, but the strength of the installed ks Datalens Nad VE IE , base of Lotus users may help - estab- ne o commonani || — O NEDREI for all Lotus products; ———— A Cross Platform Barrage ' supporting the development. of enterprisewide applications that distrib-:: ute processing and data throughout a aii network; ' providing for imesratlon of Lotus products through an application pro: . gramming language and an application Within the next 18 months, there | should be a significant number of new . . products formally announced and mar- | keted by Lotus for cross-platform avail- . ; (ability: The following are soon to be... completed and released: 1-2-3/G, , Lotus/DBMS, Notes, 1-2-3/M and 1-2-3 amming interface (API | SENU RE OTVL IH TE | TITIH AX/VMS. sa polie Koti zyehoc poe | | S/370, MVS and VM DEC VAX/VMS | Macintosh | Hi: | Sai delay of 1-2-3 release 3 has environment of DOS on older hardware, :: FENSI o ET a am NE KU MNE | Ime backed up products such as 1-2-3/M, Lo- , Wi! and OS/2 Presentation Manager and the. |. DO5,OS/2, OS/2EE 400 — x | KT | Sun. | tus' mainframe spreadsheet, and 1-2-3/G, | MY. new hardware reguired to run it; ei a graphical spreadsheet, for OS/2 Presen- ' if, ,tation Manager. "MW Undoubtedly; additional OS/2-based products will be introduced. Lotus has | kaij nearly 100 developers involved with ap- (414 zd. plications for OS/2. | 4 Network versions of both 1-2- 3 release ' aiding and encouraging the migration from DOS to OS/2 and from OS/2 to | Presentation Manager by providing ka products that work Consistentiy under ENTE providi ng an čala features in ot nili HA | | | | | spreadsheet, products to meet the de- | ii pre bi | s : Plama punca AE a gi a to a o] ona 4! 2.2 and release 3 are now available Hi. sopreleja iv a au ppear. be fo g Meni distinci initiatives ( along with the standard version. Three A l OT graphics and charting software with to cope with a complex mix of environments, while : planning. | versions are offered: the Standard Edi- | nce Plus and Gra ELESTI to rt the ane iu ton for most single-user applications; a lH sie p r Il, suppo! Ge 4 SCUUWLO |. | Server Edition that contains a li He. di Ving rapidly into personal- and M -3 ii | FH dt vi: č fol: : di Mele pool] P i cense, 5 | Broup-productivity markets with Wotise: ik O — ——- ,/, .. network-administration software and |. | geji Re ŠA kA, ld, ji h f zi pir id ta | ucts such as Age enda, Mag dai ocumentation; and a license/documen- ' balč a: UH Y re lt HA ai MI pog bo lea , 1988. Although not explicitly stated,' ki režnja CD ROM and new :. ]-2-3 is most likely the po produgt si niket levels of users characterize maty; SA, as UD ROM and text der development. > idi men sa organizations today, Users are also de- ' retrieval "engin The VAX is an important departmen: «| manding new functions of spreadsheets. tal computing platform that allows / sy ) in an enterprise application, spread. large, em ,tation-only Node Edition. 4m Next week, I will discuss the issues in- | volved i in making a transition from DOS | ;to OS/2 and from OS/2 to the Presenta- ' | | tion Manager. M E A A Ia na a ia HG emerging spote "To learn more about the subject of || | rticles, please call The James ' (Mixed anputini, environments and 8 o Radin] ŽE saa spreadsheets to be consolidated. The '' HI ' | sheets connect to d agreement, also makes very good sense " (obet process where th from a marketing standpoint. Lotus ha sli; architecturally these a DEI marke MN umin integrated Marti H 45 le devoted to sli dpi: S s A artin Report, an information service | ljal redni | 'E With a Vrelrdesi a ol Hart uarterty, at (800) 242-1240.. || | Lotus" CrOSS-p s | Attempts to gain a signif t share | Ware of the data's, | contact contact (in the United States and Can. | sie ia ze upada a ste, eur Obe than ovire ta data lj pd) Tko Tla ie porine 129 ome the, urce should ' |.,741 10th St. Santa nta Monica, Cal | on multiple SŠ Mi zuekie nterventio d A kij Ci: pod02 (213) sokaso5 In pomi con- k JA pe o ca up dua and tvovva di pobaja Udlod Kingdom ea MEH way: 3 ' Lancs., LA5 9BX United du data forma should occur in-j (0524) 734 505. .. A Y