m PAJJEHJ s see in ai odi opi RN ; i uzde! osn boat oves kaiaije za ki zbi pi idi a ju ida, k m % ui ; ši | Ji — ni on Dao A a a | | JANUARY 29, 1990 | "User/Analyst Teams Make the Best Systems Developers For decades, development. has been done gree of IS involvement over an orendet within a tightly constrained window of APPLIED INTELLIGENCE | This is the by systems analysts using plastic tem- period of time. | time, called a time box. At the end of sixth in a series ile and paper to create a binder of End users are inočived say in the ini- the time box, the prototype evolves to on rapid appli- — specifications. The specifications are tial specification phase of the project , the point that it supports all of the cations develop- handed over to programmers who do and in the final integration and cutover; functions reguired by the end users. ment (RAD), a lineby-line coding with a third-genera- phases. During the lengthy process of Cutover includes development of the development tion language such as COBOL, FOR- design, coding, testing and integration, final production product, final testing, | methodology de- 'TRAN or PL/I. The code produced re-..' the business environment may change acceptance testing, final training, instal- | signed to vyield. guires extensive testing and debugging. significantly, invalidating many of the lation of the production-system environ: much faster re- Methodologies were created because original functional reguirements. ment, data Conversion, moving the SYS- sults than tradi- of the difficulties inherent in the tradi: The deficiencies of the traditional life-. tem into production and reviewing sys- tional methods. tional process. However, in much of IS: / cycle process can be resolved by the tem operation. End users are heavily h RAD is more development, the methodology is the" ./ RAD methodology. The RAD life cycle involved in all aspects of the effort. successtul than problem. 4. for an application with a complexity of The RAD life cycle has major advan: the traditional Usually it consists of a set of paper- ' | about 1,000 function points is relatively | tages over the traditional life cycle. life-cycle process work binders that establish a rigid set '—" short, as shown in the figure. These include the following: because it deliv- of tasks to be carried out bi developers. ; The JA em peto is short ' ers hist: -guality sdlutions faster. Just as important, the RAD life cycle is de- € Speed: RAD produces results very guickly, with high-guality design and implementation. signed to meet users" needs as effective- MM 6 Oualitv: This means meeting the t Jo AE bine ino the System i The Promise of Rapid Application Development: ee lede da etIeb VENE DANIMI implemented. Fastet Production, Less Manpower, Higher Ouality | the time the system is cut over. € Avoidance of programming by Cornparison of Traditional and RAD Life Cyeles. |. | |. hand: Code is generated automatically (ideally on the desktop) for an entire application by the integrated generator rem jan? of the CASE tool. go En —— Ee HSV | (€ Better communication with end us- KE Hi ers: The knowledge of users is harnessed and reguirements are communicated through joint a pplications-developmen t The RAD life cycleis fundamentally different from the traditional develop- ment life cycle. It combines many of the technigues found to be most; successful in building systems fast. . These include rapid prototyping, reus- able designs, end-user workshops for planning and design, integrated comput- er-aided sofuware engineering (CASE) lools, code generators and industry-stan- | [S | HE | workshops. A CASE tool is used within | "dard repositories. VE vi tj the workshops to capture design specifi- | Other technigues found to be SuCCESS- pe O ET g cations and build the prototype. | mi Are aulomatic rule-based validation 2 pari a a imi ulradii z Hi; e Enterprisewide planning: RAD incor- | and c« lordination, data modeling, process Š ti ij ei jin al testing a" TESLA sor NI HI — porates technigues to define an | modeling, joint applications-design tech- Sci [o glč sme sina otriewy ,— .. NEMIMNIH enterprisewide strategy, planning, data | nMagues, highly motivated small teams IS: | leh ope sd applica- - | lji il ji uže ii modeling and process modeling. Formal | a o elive management, processes. 8h mk Ele Ko wi it other . i tos HU interaction with high-level users encour- hese technigues are individually MSe| Moe JE lo Moe ug M pozi poe zi že (od | valuable if used correctly. In synergistic H K4' (m ME V | PE sije pri 4 zoži gi GA! ore ta REED DE MENJA combinations, they become more power- M4 H"MNM' | —liw | o ue | (ul, resulling in a revolutionary change A KE A SLI tax and internal errors in semantics are | in (he development of systems. $ii caught automaticall by the CASE tool | Modern development methodologies | Abu analyzer. J fore š | suc ch a5 na combin Kaabe, nts - coin geo | RES mm gesta SE se | | are stored in the repository of a E | l k proc SS. vab m eh k s. E | Tool sets have evolved to support oh eh en btcea: tije integrity and | lhese combinations with a maximum ama ei of the specifications. | amount of automation. The RAD meth: Reusability: Object-oriented planning | | odology guides (he practilioners in the an design sre Incorporated to Behjeve pova best. use of he combined technigues. PERE DEJ a the maximum degree of reusable data Vhe traditional life-cycle process has (ca O KREATIN EI NU E. structures, procedures, components, tem- serious deficiencies. Users cannot obtain HO jige.£ HERU4 pit si iu | ml i kij trem baesana designa ME mi Ge. o Bem stralegically important applications | | | 4 BS [, state code when they need them. There's often a Unlike the classic life cycle, the RAD a vine lavi Methodologies were created because of to di fles | UVE, very sage ob tele. uire- NJA OM m zno enih Opatšmni Gost neh mega to a inherent in traditional development methods. But in much deo The RAD life cycle is designed to aloe a aajaja TE VRATI, of IS do opne, the methodology is the problem | Ie Too | professlonals do not work well together ——— aii DET out tre developenenk of ina oratea Co) |... Zlo dini lea bonal process b User have i [ra FtošoE Sali oi, $ i; sures that their needs will be met. when ALJO dio by IS on ke te users pč ni le (| unlikely to change substantill during "8 ot the system" 6 MERO ŠE | EI ie ni prak lo check and are Mepla, nik methodology a as- the RAD life cycle. End users are active- | Next week's column disene« Mm | Gi Au o£ inconsiste R/ ziiča sume (hat the developers do not under. ' 'ly involved in all phases PR ije pete es eko an er«.'— stand how to develop an application ment effort. be odravea Ce ni | piasea balhaia —rors, In addition, regul : on, reg and must be told, step by step, what to | - system design are performed by small ' The change after the specific: s: Hi psov 8 frozen. , teams of end users and IS analysts ke Because of the long delay in btanie eh reality, the best development is of- ' joint applications-development aaa nI | oro ze - moneta ar James. parola systems seen as important to the know ezacily What to do Ta nara ir pi zrejo the guidance of a work- — " mation on this volume, call (800) 292. ča nis "menu | s j oporni esem as a botlenek (nt pre. podila polov 8 slov and rigid |" During ihe construction phase, a hgiv | doma (ide Uri Sales and Cm | vents management from evol can build a... |y trained team of IS States a | business in ways that noge die its na oval o omak, 1, Prototype of (he a Pplcation using so kJ brin Santa a MOV še | Competitiveness, life cycle ( figure, the traditional ' CASE tool. As the prototype, evolves, it ' 90402 zi5 sa n onica, Calif. | The traditional development lif or the development of an ap- ' is evaluated by a small na,.1 94-8305. In Europe, con- | uses inefficient, outdated tecinlauec, cycle. plication with a complexity of about ' users team of end teči Savant, 2 New St., Car; orth, 1,000 funetion points reguires a high de- " The construction z— ls af ka (5 9) ona GA United K ingdom | | |