This is the sev- enth in a series on rapid appli- cattons develop- ment (RAD) a methodology de- signed to give much faster re- sults than the padalom! life cycle is attrac- tive because it: can be used to develop complex, high-guality applications within tight budget and time constraints. The life- -CY- cle process incorporates significant im- provements in the use of personnel, iools, development, methodology and management technigues. RAD is based on the use of Joint Ap- plication Design (JAD) workshops, inte- rated computer-aided software engi-" neering (I-CASE) tools, small teams of highly trained analysts, a development methodology that defines the steps re- auired to achieve high-speed develop- ment, and management technigues nimed at cutting through bureaucratic obslacles. The RAD life cycle integrates (hese familiar concepts and provides a proven iramework for developing appli- cations much faster. As shown in the figure, the RAD life . cycle has four phases: reguirements planning, user design, construction and . cutover, Workshops are used in the reguire- inents-planning and user-design phases lo involve executives and end users in the specification process. The workshops provide a highly structured environment in which small teams of end users and analysts work together to define re- guirements and design the system from (he users perspective. I-CASE tools are used to capture and analyze design specifications for the application. During the construction phase, a team of analysts, highly trained in the use of the CASE tool, develops a prototype of the application in close communication with end users. The prototype evolves into the final production system within a tightly constrained time frame. Cut- over of the production system reguires close interaction between end users and information-systems (IS) analysts. Each phase should be approved by the user execulive who's spending the money. This is the executive owner, as shown in the figure, The reguirements-planning phase re- guires that high-level or knowledgeable - end users determine the functions of the ' system. These planning funetions are performed with the guidance of IS pro- [essionals. Reguirements planning is usu- ally best done in a workshop with well- structured procedures. Key executives and users are selected to participate in workshops in which a reguirements document is created. The workshop progresses through a planned set of steps under the guidance of a skilled Joint Reguirements Planning (JRP) leader, who is usually the same leader who will conduct a follow-on JAD session, as described below." At the start of the workshop, the us-: €rS are encouraged to do most of the talking. IS professionals transfer the end users reguirements to the CASE tool's repository and attempt to create a prag- matic representation of system func- tions that will make the system as valu- able as possible. | The user-design phase reguires that end users participate strongly in the non-technical design of the system under the guidance of IS professionals. User design is done in a JAD workshop simi- lar to the JRP workshop. JAD is a technigue for harnessing end users in the reguirements analysis, | phases of UUJU Life Cycle. Hus si nm Em fin opne ii ala , Give approval "| |, Release lun0>. for planning —Hedu . EM se plan? ogr id . a m z uši Nah a pli Ni ia in m ao Mej 1 NE, a be i ta s k ma la ME kai saga a! 4 lk a PE pir uč a Ka maja bal ni pg s k mjst pi ne ZA me a 1 ič iši obis k Fi ša CI k ak, SMI A se PERLE zet: ji Aa ai, i- " z ožjih t s čaj pe Me deiE plaši j ga re kje Rap nj RAN en fl aa revi hiš PART rne opre aii h s m ta je Falk 8 led Pt. zi Pa A . k ' ubi: š - R h m ja mi ue mi Pr: m 5m "ms si s ž : z - - 1 dg pre a iii ul p H i. i se s po m k. ? un ai k -- um [ s de — ten po ena k k z - ji ee ti a iča ie de bel nv aa a - prede) ua TP Mru im < sr ie a mJ ki. Si Teji Ha k el A pi k a grčija moi bi NE m ič ide fe m m a a ala ped (i gi dej sbitelii mai tepe ET pa TA, a A ra ee š ki E ( a H nike. seč | frornente-Planning | Pha: mr 4 za 19h | are iš PONI, Rake in - the RAD life cycle, the design is created in the repository of an I-CASE tool that coordinates the design. with other infor: mation in the repository. The resulting . design can be used directly in the con- :/ struction phase. As much as possible, the IS staff attempts to reuse existing data and process modules contained in the repository of the I-CASE tool. ' For a smooth transition, some of the users in the planning workshop should . be involved in the design workshop. : In these first two phases, application. users and user executives should play a larger role than IS professionals. Plan- ning and user design should be done, to ea ne ra a —m ph ses li pobija a | Developrneni joint Redulremeli planning Team Jalnt licailo!" pasidh Team structior Con am r Review . seda td 4 cutove Uh ki a ji i ; Ji E No mo diet niše žava (ipd k ro a A pa žna NEUEA ESEM | gon km Avakčan a aii, be ' 4 mi, Hi 1 LA ža J: ip A oba im k z ška Uibibe v lb 4 PAL z asan! ita ii o SIDudimn ia l ; zi x, m ki ae ! Re di rm p 4 s 5h, Be i N aj AG sk | im | KI ei % sie - ' Workshops DR a highly ei environment. in KOMA, end users and analysts work together to define reguiremenis and design the soysiem from the z sena paspodive. PIZ specification and design of systems. It is a highly successful technigue when used correctly, resulting in high-guality desixn being created rapidly. Key end users are selected to participate in workshops in % which the preliminary design of the sys- tem is created. The workshops progress . through a planned set of steps, defined by the methodology. ' As in the JRP workshop, the users are encouraged to do most of the talking, The IS staff in the session translates what the users want into structured specifications and design. Along with the specifications, the rele- vant data model, screen designs, report designs and, possibly, rough prototypes a Viri ol Ee USers, with IN, provid- | dobo sli ziji Us 7 td l ka. va: . i 4 j Mi: ni podi A. ' kas a ga ZA4 4 teči i 4 i MU ing firm guidance.!, s 30% 4 | "The users do not sign off on specifica- | pie Instead, they sign off on a desig represented in an I-CASE too], which ' will be taken directly into the Smuči 4 tion phase, The executive owner of the. | system releases funds for its construc- ' tion on tine banja pd a ravlev obEe li hi CASE design. —'' | in the traditional development life y - cle, detailed design is a separate phase from programming. First, specifications are item then detailed design is done, then the code is written and, finally, the code is debugged. | | srk The RAD life cycle changes the pori | | i i | Mi; BI: d Hi ti hi h Complex RAD Cyele Can Be Distilled to Man Hura ' FEBRUARY 5, 1990 ageable Phases tionship between design and coding. A. design is built on the screen of an I- CASE tool, and code is automatically | generated from it. During the RAD construction phase, IS professionals perform the detailed de- sign and automatic code generation of one transaction after another, using the I-CASE tool set. They may show each. | transaction, as it is built, to end users. and make adjustments to it. The com- . puterized coordination of the I-CASE tool set, integrates the separate trans-: actions. End users are closely involved during the construction phase. They validate the screens and design of each transac- tion as it is built. Construction proceeds guickly with ongoing user involvement to ensure that the delivered product meets the needs of the users when it is cut over. There should be no surprises for the users — when the system is installed, because they have participated in dav step m its construction. The I-CASE tool set should PER - the coded database descriptions, as Mali gi. as executable program code. It should - also generate technica. documentation, — thus ensuring that the documentation" precisely describes the generated system. A final stage of the construction ' phase may be to perform database opti- mization and use a code optimizer to en- hance the run-time performance of the : code. When this is done, good code gen | erators give about, the same run-time " performance as skilled programmers. ji The Cutover Phase ; When the system is cut over, a vari-' ety of actions are needed, including com- prehensive testing, end-user training, or- | ganizational changes and tandem opera tion of the new and old systems until > ' the new one settles in. Because the construction phase is rel- atively rapid, planning and preparation - for cutover must begin early. Prelimi- (' - nary planning is done in the reguire- - ments-planning phase and detailed prep aration is begun in the pm, ki | phase. HE: Steps to prepare for iš include | developing the conversion system, per- forming a guality audit, preparing for m nal testing, building the test libraries, | pse carrying out the final testing, " ma documenting the test results, planning and conducting the training program, i gi evaluating the success of the training to : determine if the user understands the ;— operation of the system, nine tne lei ' conducting hri training se Ni week, 1 ril dicuss ie key play ers in the RAD life SSe JE ih | soribed in a new o volume in the James. Martin Report . "or mon or- > mation on this volume, , please call |. . (800) 242.1240. For a Orainod on. seminars, please contact (in the Unit. ed States and Canada) Technology. | Transfer Institute, 741 10th St, Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394-8305.' In Europe, contact Savant, 2 New st Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United | Kingdom (0524) 734 505. |. opts embodied in RAD are de: 1: