tions desig (JAD) workshops are at the heart of new develop- ' ment: methodolo- gies such as rapid applications de- velopment (RAD) and Du Pont s Timebox. JAD tech: nigues are used in the initial re- | i guirements-plan- , ning phase of the RAD life cycle to identify high-level re- guirements and features of the proposed system. Additional JAD workshops are conducted in the subseguent; user design phase to specify the detailed design of the system. The technigues used in JAD can be generalized and applied to a vari- ety of workshop environments. JAD attacks a common problem in applications development—the lack of effective communication between end users and information-systems (IS) pro- fessionals. The traditional applications-develop- ment process attempts to solve this communication problem through the preparation of a series of specification documents. lnitial user reguirements are translated into a feasibility document. As part of a structured analysis process, the feasibility document, is expanded into a structured specification. After the user signs off the specification docu- ment, it is translated into a detailed de- sign document. The detailed design docu- ment is then manually translated into program code. Doomed To Fail It is hard to imagine a process that is more error-prone and more likely to fail to meet users reguirements at, cutover. Errors and misunderstandings are intro- duced at each translation of the specifi- cations from one language to another. End users are involved only at the be- — ginning and end of the development: pro- cess, and that process is often so long that business conditions have changed by the time it is finished, invalidating the initial functional reguirements. JAD provides an effective mechanism to solve these communication problems. It offers a structured environment in which small teams of end users and IS prolessionals can work together to ham- mer out the design specifications for a new application. JAD produces results faster than the traditional writing of specifications. More important, it results in a design that is much better from the users" point of view, | As shown in the figure, JAD work- shops are conducted in a highly visua are often specially configured, using overhead projectors, white boards, flip charts, copying facilities and a U-shaped - configuration of tables. An important additional facility is an integrated com- puter-aided software engineering (1- CASE) tool and a large-screen monitor or television projection CASE tools incorporate both front- KD Workshops Help C | PG WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT APPLJED INTELLIGENCE apture Des L end diagramming facilities and a tightly |. integrated back-end code generator cas: ij pable of generating 100 percent of the.;: code for an application. Usingan tr": CASE tool, the design developed in a JAD workshop can be converted auto- matically into a running prototype ap: plication that. can be demonstrated to: end users. ' The key players in JAD are the end ; users who want a system that imple- ments a given set, of functions. Selecting the best user participants is crucial. .:/,' They should have the right mix of | knowledge about, the business and the: authority to make decisions about; the design, and they have to communicate | Seguence of Events | li a Joint Application Design k | dpi Mi) il dB MI I ie Rog | k 1 a; is a specialist who prepares and directs the workshop sessions, encour-. bli i k, person ages the players to participate and ;. oves the session along toward its goals. Like an effective board chairman . or program moderator, a session leader must be able to direct the human dia- logue constructively and avoid sguabbles. ma The seribe is responsible for the docu-, mentation. He or she captures design specifications for the application using an ECASE tool. Specifications that have been sketched on a white board and agreed upon by the users are entered into a design repository on the PC using the diagramming capability of the I- Workshop integrated CASE Tools Boost Produetivity of JAD a a ae ea a a a ma ih V Krtini, ." kai | piv ee NA Ha." neo di ia ari 1 | em | ZM, tos Ma NEO UR NO. ME— NE mre ib oa re SA Z — Z — om ——ide S x či sa S ai a | m a V mi z pI m 1 ; sl ša greh ni ha . a da rs See MEH pm Miss, o ti zil No: RES ki h Grki ui a Pozno ne see ZM PI EREVA, — 1 re pe maš J | ! d ir ič SEA te Edi | (rane UI LJ LI - o S personnel || Users | gh.sb ..,. Corporate model contaified in its repositolY.. | — - TRG 2 And prepates prototype dppllii ci ons tor review by the group. v Pa! AI na tes] slyH elflcations evolve ff m: the particigants: discus$lon,, 4 | dij! [tila Mi lea Meja Mihi: PRE a LJ IB: na SA V A ON TN, Z o — Zem SŽ oe oe | EN EN EO O NE NE Eo APA Z ANJA LI :] 1 a pr bad i —N J di I Neg soma medi ' 0 m Li zn a tions agalnsta 1 ea 4 Ca ka na di č H pod -" ppacič tel JAD attacks a common problem in applications development —the lack of effective communication between end users and information-systems professionals. | zeli | ZALA dj ! JE beg moi : i ii [ x j ' ij s | H obi, well. There are often one or more key k CASE tool. The seribe steadily adds de- people who are critical in creating the. design and having it accepted. If these key players are not available, the work- shop should not berun.:. — iN There should be at least one IS profes- sional to build the prototype design us- . ing the I-CASE tool and to ensure that, the design is technically sound. Part of this task is the building or extraction of the reguisite normalized data model, — Specialists in database design and other particular areas may attend the JAD. sesslons parttime to offer advice to the itically important participant in the JAD process is the JAD leader; This m melje a tail to the design of the application as it emerges on the sereen of the I-CASE tool, adding comments as needed. He or she should be skillful with the ICASE tool used to build and edit the diagrams, create the design, extract repository in- formation, build screen designs and re- ports and create prototypes. | The participants examine the screens that are painted, the sample reports rt e with them in the eve- mh h ae i pe si 5 FEBRUARY 19, 1990 1 Specifications ing. Participants may also examine or nodity fotra ol the design on their per- S computers. ole J AD leader takes the participants through a preplanned set o£ steps. The scribe records the results with the I- CASE tool and periodically interru pts when the tool detects inconsistencies or ambiguities. . The tool helps ensure that the results of the workshop are rigorous, consistent and complete. When he or she has cleaned up the design, the seribe shows it to the partici- pants using either a large-screen moni- tor, a television projection system or a computer-driven LCD mounted ona — standard projector. This helps in the dis- cussion of designs and prototypes. Some JAD sessions employ an ICASE tool without, this large-screen projection facility; the seribe then builds the design in the tool as it evolves on the white boards and periodically prints parts of it. Some primitive JAD workshops are conducted without, automated tools. Ex- perience has shown, however, that JAD produces far better designs when I CASE and prototyping tools are used. The workshop should be linked tightly to the repository, using its information and building up design knowledge in it. JAD technigues are particularly valu- able for projects that span user organi- zations or for applications that affect multiple locations or disciplines. The workshops are useful for resolving oper- ational, organizational or procedural dif- ferences: End users and managers in the workshop can confront, each other un- der the guidance of a session leader trained in negotiating skills, and must agree to a design that, both sides accept. The Benefits of£ JAD The design process can be much faster than the elapsed time with traditional IS analysis technigues. Any corporation organized to conduct JAD workshops can prepare for a workshop in about. - three weeks and complete the JAD in another two or three weeks. JAD works because it, harnesses the know-how of the users, cuts across orga- nizational barriers and is an organized, controlled, structured process. Screen generators, report generators and rough prototypes make the design tangible, and designs in I-CASE tools are guickly implemented and easy to maintain. The I-CASE tools enforce rigor and ensure | high guality, and the process directly addresses the strategic objectives of the organization. Next week, I will discuss the critical functions performed by the JAD leader, an important new participant in the ap- plications-development process. The concepts embodied in RAD are de- seribed in a new volume in the James Martin Report Series. For more infor: mation on this volume, call (800) 242- 1290. For information on seminars, zunaj di. the Daited States and Can- ) Vechnology Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Cali f. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- - tact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, LA5 9BX United Kingdom 734 505. (o52h) m m ——— a epi arr me idi o ei na: uriti