PAGE 62 | | Z SWAT team works within a fixed inter- nona Small, highly val of time, known as the Timebox. tratned teams of The goal of SWAT team management IS personnel, is to group together high performers sometimes called and train them intensively in the use of SWAT teams, are the most powerful tools. A SWAT team being used more skilled with a powerful I-CASE tool set ] freguently to de- should be able to generate, on average, velop applica- 600 lines of COBOL, or the eguivalent, II PRAOČJA Ho tions much fast- per person-day. | KRA " ZAE Cer than with In 60 working days, three people can l traditional generate 108,000 tines of COBOL. CIn | JAMES technigues. many cases, a skilled SWAT team. information: achieves substantially more than this.) MARI IN systems (IS) or- Most data-processing applications con- | ganizations in tain fewer than 100,000 lines of COBOL, the 1990s will or the eguivalent. These may be tackled | have to work more guickly, with fewer - | development, personnel, to meet the de- mand for new applications and enhance- one b OPRANO ati. | ments to existing applications. A pivotal |... Prototype Me a technigue for building applications fast: TRE EIN iji ih er with fewer personnel is the use of ———- small teams of highly trained develop- ers. These teams are sometimes called | SWAT teams, with SWAT standing for | | specialists with advanced tools. | | o SWAT teams typically consist, of three or four highly motivated IS development | personnel armed with the most power- thoroughly trained in high-speed devel- opment technigues. The use of powertful tool sets can allow a small team of skilled developers to create a substantial system in two or three months. New development; methods, such as rapid applications development; (RAD) and Du Pont,s Timebox, are based on iš | " he use of small development teams. As described in previous articles in this se- ries, the RAD life cycle has four phases: reguirements planning, user design, con- struction and cutover. m A Skilled Facilitator Reguirements planning is performed in a workshop session with well-struc- tured procedures under the guidance of a skilled facilitator. High-level, knowl- edgeable end users determine the func- tions to be performed by the system in combination with IS professionals. The application is specified in more de- tail during the user-design phase, which typically consists of two joint applica- tions design (JAD) workshops. In the JAD sessions, users define the reguire- ments of the system under the guidance of a JAD leader. IS personnel in the JAD >esslons Capture the specifications using rated computer-aided software ful, integrated tool sets available and | | ki — by one SWAT team. pes of Projects of more than 1,000 or 2,000 pedale, ia right be split into ver to the SWAT. zom »epend upon experience with the ( Mnosen tool set. Some SWAT teams seg in Rn ore than 2,000 function points PC WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT Stages of SWAT Team Ne. — p PL o ožje bule SE bm oj vi. k, Il ti s O ] di Pe i ai og 8 Y, fara la ! | Ha gave h i čle PO | ng Ni | TV Ie -i BA ni KE kai | gi ai ba o" li di ši sea - zm, di oreieo Ml, mai s A EP OBE AI ; ki : PEŠ Mi ai ; kri a a A A: | roki T; g, zaka k ali P a Kočna ši ai ČE: Pe ra i s ' Ča klaite ude kaki, kaka s Po a ! | i pa sm rib ur si mg Ia. dd m7 v x h ! | oda ci Jej S merih pe ani nja. j | p Y d Y ! pi - le mo pa H "a h J Ča F ši m < dd. m aa, dia pe -u di E sa x. ! ' z si - ' ak ala i nori toge DASTA za a noj ši moi ee o mi MJ m z j i £: je Primi Za o A EX ; lie mih K pi bdjee Ul 1 k ne A a 1 Pay inda a se na obča Le KAŽ s 4 i ple K rio, di] ' rs an njo! "dli a v P ge | j 4 ne: a ii L ai SEA č 13 h doge Pali! Pas Ee," P- | i h yu opi vara ' Ke JI EŽ ji : | PREJE čji ee STIL Ra k | piči ri opo, zem . de - ] : i k m Ne k ru Sa kaj ! P ' —a 1 h uče. h di rt Pat t s i A Pa . nei pe j sie me | Bla so (VE " umi RPM za a k j | x << ME, PRE Pe elan, ve, HE! Vi PRE PIA d [ i ra si ' a ole AR o ea eg EI | z i dis Nalo A caj za, i ; si P Ča zani pad . : ak de RE oe s | oči S uši kuli posne poln a da NI dani sjiss SWAT teams typically consist of three or four highly motivated personnel trained in high-speed development and -armed wiih the most powerful integrated tool sets available. MIAACH 5, 1990 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE SWAT Teams Will Play Pivotal Role in '90s Development Building the most effective SWAT member, such as database modeling, teams is an art that reguires careful ob- physical database design and end-user servation of human personalities and in- interfacing technigues. teraction. The goal is to combine the A member of a RAD SWAT team uses most capable people with the most pow- a different mix of skills from the tradi- erful tool set, but those people must en- tional systems analyst or programmer. joy working together so that the team is. These skills include analysis; design, — greater than the sum of its parts. code generation; testing, skill with the I- Each team member must be able to CASE tool; good interaction with the work fast and constructively, working end users; the ability to translate end- well with the other team members. He user statements into working proto- or she should be able to work long types; and effective interaction with hours when necessary. The team mem: other team members. ber must be fully familiar with the tech- Whereas the Joint reguirements plan- nigues that are used, and must be as ning and user-design teams stay together skilled as possible with the tool set and for a week or two, the SWAT team be able to operate fast with it. should stay together for years if it " | | works well. Team members may occa- sionally leave and be replaced, but the team retains its skill, reputation and character. Much more time can be taken in selecting the team members and mak- ing sure they really gel into the most ef- fective team. A team must be free to do its own thing. Its effectiveness will be lowered if an outside authority tells it how to work. | SWAT teams will sometimes make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. But the power of the team will be sapped if it is not free to do what; its members think will work fast. % A Fortified Island | A SWAT team is sometimes irritating to other developers or managers. The team can be exclusive and self-suffi- cient. But if it regularly achieves 200 function points per person-month, it is one of the most valuable resources of an IS executive. However self-sufficient and aware of its own unigueness the team becomes, its members must, listen care- fully to what users need. The user inter- action is an integral part of being effec- tive in the RAD life cycle. A SWAT team must have a realistic target for project completion. If the tar- get is hopelessly tight, the team becomes tense and demoralized. Unachievable Ema tea goals sap the developers' energy. | | If management is pressing, regardless, dohn Avakan for an unobtainable deadline, the team becomes cynical and loses much of its motivation. SWAT teams that master modern tools achieve results that, are very im- pressive compared with traditional pro- gramming, but if they are put into a no- win situation, their pride is wounded. At best, their productivity drops; at worst, the team may break up. | Next week | will discuss how applica- tions can be built within a Timebox—a rigidly defined period of time in which the most effective team. The members' the development, deadline is immovable, personalities and skills must comple- but the functionality may vary. ment one another. Their work habits ——— o on nn must, be compatible, and their attitudes The concepts embodied in RAD are de- must be positive. sceribed in a new volume in the James In combination, the team should con- Martin Report Series. For more infor- tain all the skills needed to build the ap- mation on this volume, call (800) 242- plication. Each team member should be 1240. For information on seminars, con: capable of analysis, design, action dia- tact (in the United States and Canada) gramming, code generation and transac- Technology Transfer Institute, 741 10th tion testing. Each should have experi- St, Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) Development Expirding the Prototype HO či a A za od o ai.os—V KEM m VE Although many SWAT teams are as- sembled guickly, it takes time to build the > ence with the operating environment of 394-8305. In Europe, contact Savant, 2 i k v LJ nie dlje k A ENE] 1 - i s E - : . |! urad a, j ] mA, - z ih S Z s H | 4! - f zan] stika — iza j ' 4 j P H 1 i pali % o OP sma, z. ič HIL« ? a ČI pi - 4 "a "4. m Y; 4" - N g F st si ki Me ei aa pam 8 m ea JN - ' [ ! ; g j a pra pe pa s z | nej 3 i - i ai mo | 4 bi i s] zni li k 48 pom zel m mi s NARE h 7 ji | gra 4 ' LA, rom HER ume k zid ka ki iji ij Ba ie" sj. ži H 1 pek zak de Be IZ Ka aš Rei HI und ud r z s" am pa 1" ] 3 d k očeti Jah K " A h " s z kipi; pi PETINE E ga Dave veri pe . iza RELE PELE; rem Ti: nagli pas k s Lak na fi ai pL. sš si me a Sa ko ; ž H ka PRAK 7 Ne f Wi: mi u - i d s T osana m New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom (0524) 734 505.