— velopment life cycles such as RAD can če ; " business needs to retool IS. It is the CEOS. k; responsibility to make sure that the rest , of top management. understands the ur-: ti ! jema RA BILA iz š sedi k." Ha z di lali Ha 4 "ij kJ sa k. ih j [opet de a! <4 u" kova NU Mla si Mo UE— ža4? E i uti 4 be. mi a 2: L rudeai [ na Ča sš k? tel - ja t. [i B.J J ik Li y - i s soki di Mia: i sali Le z Y 4 da H al Lea k E na x. PI ae Ha oa | i F a se 4 ji. e % h BARJA ' ž ; pik, v a ši L Či j - - m. k a si Ni s vii E get da " k a (iii p s av Bd, Lj li i! t % results are evident over. the long term. : " In fact, the payoff from the introduction - - ductivity-and fast-development goals ' uta — ing that CASE tools Ki PRANJE Pod Ntopračok dite vredi - Must Pra gosi di KDA ORATI RIT Ema ie rm s, Sad RE , (ment. Of these, fear is the cast oftective [o rumu, one person may noti A. Money is the most ex: zi one 4 E SAVA, art e S bliatički of all - di - motivate another. ble: katka h A these factors is probably the m ost ef-' guestion "Whats in i ječe se am J fecive obred o ivatjoni nače ski pili bj 'on the individual. The leaders Perhaps the single most powerful mo- E kuvator s excitement. When people are z uri way to motivate each person ee ve | excited about what they are doing, they . ' involv ei "ment ( re- ' work hard for long hours and enjoy it. When new tools and methodologies d of. are introduced in an IS organization, JA ee a er a dame some professionals immediately become % guires careful J si a citement that occurs with fundamen Ipeča z Hal changes. It should be Ek simi eni debi seri babe 5 /£/ Because infor- part. of the RAD revolution, an | and w to cateadrto? i) te dia, ; a mission-critical system that will" /«/% "is useful for managemen | (5) maragers oi ' change the pnterprlsg in a a relatively "the professionals into the Noe H - ten hesitate to ' short time. Peterle , groups: experimenters, early adapters, orgean o PR gobi nenaa 15 RAV learn something" naj % Prestige i$ another odi vatoč. Con- Zini late npAiki and resisters. new, it's gesiu difficult jo s he: h a organization. Asa zne ner kičiiča of i puovative de-:' Acce ptance of da New Development Methodology Five Types of IS Professionals and Their Relative Aeceptance Rates be alarmning and threatening, to sučh. or: "An efficient IS staff today needs to 4 work in an environment of information engineering, RAD and reusability. These. ai all reguire integrated computer-aided ': software engineering (I-CASE) tools ''/': with a well-managed repository. Thus " vii far, however, many IS shops have not even experimented with these tech-" ''' dg nigues. Introducing them represents a x | revolutionary change in the way an IS, organization functions. Such a change reguires the total" com: mitment of the top IS executive. This ex- : ecutive must fully understand the meth- bit odologies described in this series and " ;; work hard to implement them. The top, IS executive should also have an excel- lent rapport with the organizations CEO, ; who in turn should understand that the VC se ome H i H | Hesisters.. €main imo agol logy when o, zbi nevlabj Y VA — S H N 8 m O da, ed GO. | a tu C S wo | V, S. O, Če, m, O s Hi; Ka s | S Mix gency of this retooling, 4), 5 Some of the retooling provides no" | short-term improvement in profits; its " kt of RAD technigues can adversely affect " the current year s profit. Management na must be aware of the strategic benefits '"' | of retooling IS and be to make. Dia, krave žek ji Ata roja bosni prov zi zepem the investment. '' (PAR javo o. čbliš al Z egom Mt, s Ha, sij bje; pa sz lege pie ič na ibžix zanizations found to be the: Skin proalomnji V MR AJEAČE si s J di. K.K Van obče ii most successful in achieving high-p ro- ge HUBELJ ene poaaol ski to im rove. In "5% meetings tod in casual conversatoni," kava nveed to palj carejul UL tion to human motivation. This is zde misi best. Tnis was a common gosli izabi kda MODERNA OU k. dni Kje gre li gi lane" ee B ia 4 in other IS Drganiza | sze PORI tz le šni de? | siti ' lat HA iča Hi she, j: d ; ie: tion was Interchangeable pro- TV! di k GA ki: <5 sneli: ič di m STRA Val ši Wi VUTU v: % A, paje zi H ie, noski zm kia w Ti | ta mi še ra, - č ia , id grammers came and dimni often claim- struction poj should be: enco r ed urag to, rmbneg en improve pro- take pride in.their superior perfor: ductivityi? vpr no V mance. Individuals should take pride in " When we change the world too fast ; oč — The figure shows the. verade repre- psikia of these types in some IS orga- RAD revolution should identify the most Disarming Troublemakers - their negativism in intellectual argu- ee ae be or o asi or human cofi, v s — I£ necessary, their power and prestige - can be removed. It may be necessary t ie cannot have a negative influence. —. nigues that can be used to introduce ". new pok pe life O skoča such as V nizations and the relative time they take O: IS ai the Cultural Change to RAD their environment. The champion of ne — ni excited abou it ; learning a new skill and putting it to work to achieve something special. The champion must form organizational structures appropri- ate for the early adapters, motivate them well and protect their potential achievement from opposition by the re- isters. ; The early adapters should know that if they fail the first time, there will be no penalty. People often learn from an early failure. Excitement is an effective way to mo- tivate the early adapters. There must also be a high level of prestige associat- ed with the achievements of the early adapters. Management should ensure that their successes are highly visible. The pragmatists are the middle-of-the- road developers. They are cautious of failure and reluctant to spend time learning new methods until they re sure it will be a good investment of their time. These developers adopt a new methodology only when the early adapt- ers have demonstrated that it is signiti- cantly better than what currently exists and have demonstrated repeated success with it. The prestige attached to early accom- plishments should be used to persuade pragmatists to learn RAD methods. The late adapters are reluctant to change; they're the old dogs who do not want to learn new tricks. Financial in- centives may be the best, way to seduce them. The resisters consciously oppose the new methodology, sometimes disguising ments. Resisters are present in most, IS organizations and sometimes voice their opposition vigorously from the start. The champion of a new methodology has to know how to deal with the resist:- erš. The worst of them may search for subtle ways to sink the methodology be- —F fore it takes hold. Č The resisters are the most, difficult to k motivate. For them, a subtly applied j dose of fear is often the most effective. move them to a position where they j | sad J na ; - mi li. s: 4 v a sz ai he h Next, week, I will discuss the tech- zation. M "W achleving superior results with the pesti PRE SN NINE SINE S iii 4. toe human sej Het nada to the new methodol pete m carefil ttention to human motive al allablo tool jbivi 4 nea aNIJa, Eni organizations have a ee — The concepts embodied in RAD are de- . MW Mia IN | Te prospecs of prestige should en." zi; V. perimenters who like to try anything ". . seribed in a new volume in the James . W on of, "CASE doveopeko o opers—or non-" /: new but do not. necessarily stick with it. ' Martin Report Series. For more infor- tvataiU enviu k teh to the new, " Although the experimenters get excited . mažion on this volume, call (800) 242. "The; Money, of Course, h is av univ Meke du hči il about; a new endeavor, they do notal-' % 1240. For information on seminars, % 4 k tne. Pay ralcs a versal moti - ways convert their excitement into solid | comžact (in the United States and Can- || hodolo $ r should |pSonatrurtca, These people often respond , ' ada) Technology Transfer Institute, 4 z entrenched in the IB buremi' dilaake 4, Well to encouragement." — 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Calif. na Cracy.: Jej sprikuse s Va. kola gad smi ši ua tl na ZE kite Z The early adapters see the value of a: ' 90902 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- . | ) po prvinah usually are r by eš sek nav methodology s and lead the way in. | tact taci Savani, ž New St, Carnforih, h 4 | k v (rin | ALICA dCee s | di go beta, neč kk sram-'... methodol JI 24) 734 505. ' ki ah. REY tili K SE be ki NP TEN Šel, hi 4 aj Kia si KoBiči kje a | si ? | | REM EL ET VE ETA, marina nit A