Z teh 4 i "- zil m | ] y Pace 66 z z ; | | i me | une pe LI sd P ji i ka h He: p' se k Ši ba PEKE | , SA s | . PA Em . s m, ba V a de, FU i a h 4: l ut zije m. z <<... si | i iin ci z uk. MA | "a", 1 TA aa 5 ka — adopting a "work-to-rule" attitude, in which the new methodology and tools — are forced to conform to older, much less productive development rules. The low-productivity figures with CASE tools in many organizations are - the result of developers not wanting to -., use them. These people are comfortable only with existing technigues and dont want to climb a new learning curve. A skilled and well-motivated construc- —tjon team can demonstrate the value of the RAD life cycle and can tune the methodology to make it as effective as MARTIN possible. Once a team has proven the ;. value of the new development process, BREJE tion-systems (IS) , more teams can be added. executives are under pressure to keep | their core applications running and maintain existing systems that are criti- | cal to the business. This tends to con- '.;:.. sume so much of their time and energy that they can barely consider a major change in the IS development culture. ''. They don't have any spare staff with which to take risks '% šni ' Because IS has slow development cy- . cles and because maintenance of the old systems is difficult, there are large ap-:;: plication backlogs. An IS department? ... with backloss like those shown in the čis H figure (at right) severely damages the..';:- ability of a corporation to adopt new:.''. |: computerized business procedures. To: ::;; compete effectively, it's critical that a RAD life cycle be introduced. ' '':'-.: Rather than attempt to change the en-,. tire IS organization, the best way to in- troduce RAD technigues is to start ':.: small. A small group should be responsi- ble for selecting the tools and life-cycle:.. technigues for fast development. Small, specialized construction teams should be : established, and their members should. be well-trained to use the new. tools and... technigues.:j:% > 4 Cut Backlogs pipi rimi trade 6, "1 RRGI had! | A goal should be to make the ' ha brightest and most capable developers '; as skilled as possible with the most :'.:: powerful tools. These special teams of . two, three or four people should be put : to work on pilot projects that are non-:..,. critical but strategically important to .::.- the organization. ja divi: The teams should use a computerized ./: | : methodology customized to the corpora- eijš Rei | tion and its chosen tool set. As the team | TINE čik, ze O: TI the devel- .. pio: | PE : ea Pp Ri s | j šova a mi pr ae še a a aa te SJ AS DOSS 4 5 JA the ; ations have set up high- .. Work on non-critical but str in an otherwise .:... x) | ini PO WEEKNAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENT s choice of a tool. The Extent ——e Of Application-Development Backlogs Use of Rapid Application Development Technology, Tools, Can | S TUNO APPLJED INTELLIGENCE may be an inappropriate In this case, it's impor- tant to find a tool set that does what is reguired and switch to it. Managers should seek out integrated Hali ed software engineering (CASE) tools that are capable of generating 100 per- cent of the code for an application from esi cifications. ; Tkivo many unfortunate examples of IS organizations becoming committed to an inadeguate tool set, such as a non- integrated CASE tool. These tools re- guire hand-generation of the application from design specifications and should be avoided. The switch to a different tool set is painful; but if it's needed, it The problem i [> ni sij sa PREN! bi : di ih 4 m ii kd He | | ; i | LA, UE. | adi ši bi h 3 ', pboej s | f ; m bj ae d sel A ai a raieti m." k? 7, BEE ii John Avaklan ApaiL 2, 1990 enting RAD training should be orjented to fast devel- ment. | V The first applications to be developed with the RAD methodology should fit comfortably within the capabilities of the tool set. They should be applications that can be accomplished by one small, skilled construction team in three months or so. Within these constrainis, the applications should be appropriately complex—between 600 and 1,000 func- tion points. A purpose of the first a project is not only to build systems but to demonstrate that the methodology works well. a To develop systems fast, its essential to bypass bureaucratic delays. As its victims know, bureaucracy insists on formal procedures. It emphasizes filling in the right forms, going through the right channels and getting the right ap- provals, rather than finding out how to get the job done as guickly and effec- tively as possible. Bureaucracy is the enemy of speed. Indeed, it's the enemy of the three main goals of RAD—higher guality, lower cost and rapid development. Many at: tempts to create new computer applica- tions have guickly ground to a halt be- cause of career bureaucrats or managers motivated by politics rather than etffi- ciency. | Know Your Enemy In a healthy competitive corporation, the enemy is on the outside. In a bu- reaucratic organization, however, the en- emy tends to be internal, in other de- partments. This is one reason why successful en- trepreneurs have difficulty transferring their executive skills to large organiza- tions. They expect loyalty from a staff seeking common goals for the enterprise; instead, they find that predominant goals relate to internal politics. Instead of hostile external forces, they find hos- tile internal forces. The operation of small, specialized construction teams, with good measure- ments, can bypass the bureaucratic ten- dencies in IS organizations. The execu- tive owner and his IS counterpart must agree that rapid action is essential in the user community as well. If bureaucracy threatens to interfere with the process, the executive owner must be responsible for cutting the red tape. As in IS, the players from the user community should be determined to. IS de tlitsim: -— | | apebaret ita tm PRTA vee MER SU a a ato rala zda are measured, an te tena arena pinelibe done a early aa possible, be. | summarie the acta tu end se -. pared with other developers usir old re many people have climbed the cess in the introd OrS that lead to suc- i sedo ogies. leh Z A Na! na oker garmin curve with the inadeguate AE ogre on of new develop- ne iraln. measured achievements. —. 4... adammata naja. reason for failure is in- The A da o dempite pe nee Drst attempt at RAD fails, | a ae Man organizations soribed (m a new volume £n ito ee: —— project. When attitudes about the — |: ed for building an integrated oa Če, Martin Report Series. For mor ON6E project. When this happens, the cause of. ronment pine ua op ote CASE envi- mation on this volume, cali (800) iz: PRudi — in functionality, and the pode ara rich 1240. For information on seminars, - have much to learn. Simply contact (in the United States and Can. developers with advanced | providing ada) Technology Transfer Institr ite xpecting them ta 741 A Sai Monica, Calif. ". 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- Pn rni Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdor (0524) 734 505.