Pn: 67 Po WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT APPLIED INTELLIGENCE — Retooling Information Systems for High Guality, Low Cost id- 'produce the greatest increase in produc- that cooperati rocessing applica- ing a well-defined set of tasks. Rapid ; k edemi ie 2 tool is used to devel- čase o state dab! and de te Deo krti methodologies, such ze nj Jo TETE the desktop. tlons can ff omnatibilitv throughout. applications development (RAD), let us pe eo vre cross platform opo EH build strategically important applications Y meet this objective. oa E Pe a NEkiAE SAA in the — much faster mem; m NAD d ajde | Even though C 'A SE technology miro | me MG in the Digi A commitment to na ; ».. 54 infanev it does allow us to selec de a arARa to an o impact on the selection of CASE tools. A in za ge pu ke Cable of converting de- environment, art stre. « apid-prototyping development life cycle lLoo ae o IE ET SMO TE move to those architectures now. You rapid-Pi sign specifications into Lhe co EO | guired for a running application, and to generate the whole application on the desktop. In evaluating CASE tools for rapid- be able to build TT Of ci St fij ca IC P | d n prototyping applications, look for inte- strategically im- RE JERE > je me grated tools that provide a tightly inte MARTIN PENN Ke, RE RINE INN II > First Deli ji grated code generator, capable of gener- — tions faster, with NETA Ra RD m šov > io oo Arehitecture ating all the code for an application on and at lower cost. The technologies ba, $Š dipiga Methodology; guages. The tool should help create co- available to meet these goals include ad: "Be. Me PA, | Examples: Then Select operative-processing, real-time, and engi- vances in integrated computing architec: Če db ih, »IBM's SAA »DEC's NAS nI EVI neering applications under Unix, all for ORLA LER ni Beni Aro ba! | —— S GE gl paj use on multiple hardware platforms. o end RR Mia za KD. - lmplemen! Additional reguirements for an inte | Managers need to ask themselves a | | SD GRKI BA «: JE sih no -; - mom za ske | | TA si T h em grated Ee nelude version con trol, | few key guestions: Where do we Makete KE RN REM Va REN NM ENIM traceability, project-management abili- ea PENEČA Wika Ie z SELAVO UH— O Bi Mali | < Information engineering, RAD ties and support for an industry-stan- nei dim tin AE Eo ale ocen oo — Min, ht či | » Rapid prototyping dard repository of design information. AJA etoolingin- Mšesii UEsi . Structured engineering zani No single integrated CASE tool supports nents of a strategic plan for retooling in- (mami OI | gi | nizja SU oC OE re une MALI formation systems? How do architec- SRE KG N SE li ki TEM | A parumnija na TE | eading tures, methodologies and tools fit into Pa, The Seguence of Defining Components managers must a sa — —tniči ič Mo RAN ANA a ee vendors are working toward this goal. the strategic plan? nI AT RK REM ii RA EMI TRR RI. oč o Next week, [ll discuss the evolution of — MMe figure iljistrates a useful startin g | VE mne Ria a A.— a corporate information strategy petim nie a beg eki a INERUTAINIČ nI aa) : Integrated CASE, CASE methodologies and integrated CASE definition of the overall information-sys- MRENE Smrk BLA oaz ktyi el architectural fram then re- o RE SORE SUN PRTI px | | HI x NISI m salve methodology Ke A OLA, se- MERU | | NE [EH Ai [oe Expert systems M The concepts embodjied, in this article lect tools that support those choices. ža SR Nr PRETRES ONI JI AMON | are described tn the High-Producttvity As shown in the figure, architectural John Avakian Technology volume in The James Mar- issues need to be resolved first. These in- tin Report Series. For more informa- clude reguirements for interoperability, can use major aspects of them today, works best if the application prototype tion on this volume, call (617) 639 portability of applications, connectivity, and by making a commitment to an in- is demonstrated to the end user. The 1958. For tnjormatton on seminars, consistency of user and communications tegrated architecture, you establish a prototype typically contains screens and contact (in the United States and Can- interfaces, standard applications-devel- framework for many of the other deci- reports, menus, dialogues and some pro- ada) Technology Transfer Institute, opment environments and support of sions that will be made in the selection cedural logic. The end user can then sug- 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Calif. cooperative-processing applications. of methodologies and tools. —. gest improvements. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Europe, con- IBMs SAA and Digital Eguipment s The second major area reguiring strate- The use of rapid-prototyping tech- tact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, NAS exemplify integrated computing ar- gic planning is that of methodologies, nigues places a heavy burden on the — Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom chitectures. They provide a framework which allow us to build applications us- CASE tool. Methodologies such as RAD ( 0524) 734 505. on advances in integrated The COBOL Programmer Workstation and Its Impact on Productivity | The Micro Focus Developers Seminar Schedule The Programmer Workstation environment uses personal A. žgani okuži intelligent, distributed workstations for developing, V Pi! pe J | sm s e le. iti - odeti ai h š OM | have sis ve pat: ihe programmer workstation can > - h č ma ; a " s šu, ei kis raji k. seli; da a % či - Ee: x: nd a: [rt - gi ee če Ge pe ie SEE ku. (Ek | | ni čipi Ri ki Krna k me o. dosje LE | saj om? ele m. | Ee oča oli zi if P | FILO k mul bju 1 [ k ; i EM MA ARA z - h i PA a da Me CA UI V —k Pla ZE a a ata, Z di zi | a ae O ia rar k Ein sm Ro gem oka na : j - piš 4 a m a ne k T m: Ki S 5] kič g i z an Z zi zu a NU UME Lej j Hi o a NE aaa SE, z šali Es; MA sli ix, - SA. i, SM er Ze te k ča A - - a Ba ši "m poč ' ki la Kre, te Fa Mu, x. s A. k - | ' pa di ri | ir ka mu—I- 4 me? a Ki 4. O Ri Le Maaist ii | | DE, Se (SEA, EEA o dela BO | Ap Pajki, m pd sili 7 la, % RO - Mu - ča. pi yo.m.. E.: au iu sa He al" ZA iii 4 ud. up ] po ZA BA tah si mt H a a d | ale "m. čjo di z ei ; ni Va : a F : ge zde o, <7 : ko nj ski ST x: a sa ž ia Ha tog ni Ed s E z ui kai! de ELE p h j ue tet ei zk Ka: si zd JA ] E ' d mis om oa. Steiia, sei ; ge? kali, Z A KARO 4 i pa] zač 8 Me uf hi | pi 4 %, v. K 1 z u di? Nem a. | GL he — x A Brž A m ka zl. z fe TM 4 ksa pk zno slik ši: gr or m - %