O Po WEEK VAPPLIGAT NPPIJED INTELLIG CASE Tools To Play a Larg tools on the market, but most do not 17H: Pe 46 | er Role in IS Organizations catjon. In most cases, (lo codo gonoralocdi is limited lo screen, report and databaso- logical consistency | nigue to ensure the repositories. The o£ these two designu | po F As information fully satisfy the demands of a complete k obo systems (IS) or- application-generation cycle. schemu definitions. 'Fhu remalning por task falls on the shoulders of program : — ganizations -re- As shown-in the diagram, non-inte- tions of the-applicatlon—inehuding the managers, who rely on manual] tech- z RE "tool throughout :grated CASE tools consist of planning, speciflcatloty o£ custom procedural nigues to get the job done. | si the 1990s, com- analysis and design workbenches, a de- loyle—-nuat. be coded by hand uslng un 'V'o fill in this hole, many non-integrat: | g' Z puter-aided soft: sign analyzer and a local repository. The other produ, such ax (X MOL. ed GASE tools Incarporale a bridge to hi: ware engineering workbenches are used to enter design When portlons o£ uji uppllentlon uro un external code generalor, as shown in k: (CASE) and inte | A 4 prated SETE | | u 4 - (he figure. For example, Exceleralor has RA NU Ra pe ZN m Man. ek m el fi po sm, u bridge to 'Telon, which is used to speci: gaj tools koča sem (eni Components of A Non Integtateci CASE Too! fy und generale procedural logic; Team- | | | TULICAIMH IUlk | Mi o Peši ni a PRSI en A | | | K paj Va je ; | zdi hisi | lo a TAN O: Pes Spreifieationa Are Diblded <0," o PP MARTIN EV opolča > ž ween Potentialiy Incompatible Keposltovles h HARI 'The primary difficulty of this ap- dons bv hand, IS Other hardware platlorm mnenja ir mad oo opronch is that, once ugnin, it results in organizations: | NEK PETA NA Te (ho erenllon of two reposilories—design | will become increasingly dependent on ' Rai Nana | s S Informotlom contalned in £he repository ] integrated CASE (LCASE) tools to gen- Prtemal pode galotatoj Eiho CAH tool, nad the procedural | erate code automatically from high-level generator | ropnullory viala or dutubano sehemna generated by il designa specifications. ze nare (hu axtornal tool, i There are only a handful of I-CASE | | 'Vha now urehlleciure of integrated | | tools available today. Since the technolo- ('AHIS tools solves (his problem. These || py is still in its early stages, these tools ' prenhicia HO U sliuglo reposilory that is | ekipe zni ne a ac SDSS M/ Pi RAJA wlih both the front: bility features, as well as the abili na! | GREJE rate A TERA ra eti end design facililles. nack-el | support C code, create real:time lice! | : | srake oo spol o Tn k ok ue sebe tions and generate applications that can rumu 4 cole ar seronna, o£ generaling entire applications from | ANE nuxitarget environiminis ai dej repository. J > Č—. , dalabaso design specifications. The result is that sei tools have their roots in the ——— oni, deliniilona they provide the greatest return to the | ] zamik ME SEAN that oi in me | Ra ah | EO for an investment in CASE | id-1970s. Users manually createdand "MP? Pa m — <<< NO!OBY. | maintained paper stacks of data-flow - masi | z ata... N mW — Next week, I will discuss the compo- | and decomposition diagrams. After a -]— Planner Analysis Partial code | o nents of LCAŠE tools in more detail and while, it became exceedingly difficult to | workbench workbench generator | the significance of these products in re- obe. diagrams current and to verify sd | o — TETO | | ii tooling IS.H consistency across diagram types. | | Enter the early generation of CASE The concepts embodied in this article Ee ue pički automated the ana a: the H No ae poda production and maintenance of these u Anin — Technology volume in The James Mar- structured diagrams. The "CASE pio- specifications, in graphical form, int ste | tin Report Series. For more informa- Sa K RRA ani | vdor reza ler rn, into coded outside of tl a Veli M V Z pa N y Ž necro tools permitted data-flow, decom- the local repository. The design analyzer positories of en ei a Ri GR (966. Pop peoteka Šen Se oe position and entity-relationship dia- checks the specifications for logical con- ated: a local repository (lu! ( TONI SAO RAJA information on semunars, grams to be sketched on the face of the . sistency and completeness. stores non-procedural A: | MY kadi y contact (in the United States and Can- PC. Later, they were expanded to incor- . Several leading non-integrated tools— AE K ; ah pie (k 5 ada) Tochnology Transfer Institute, porale automated technigues that veri: such as Excelerator from Index Technolo- sis and desiyn orkbSj Ole Ho RUM Gi ZO ne Santa Monica, Calif, o, ihe consistency and completeness of gy, CASE"Method from Oracle Corp. and pository that houseslika | salon ; Ii DO102 (213) 3948305. In Europe, con. a O ee opo ' . Gencrally, (here ino CAH lool. —% Lanes. LAG SBX Uniled Kiugdom vutneke: generate code for fragm ents of an appli- Generally, there is ito uulomated tech- (0524) 734 505. nited King | | The COBOL Programmer Workstation and Its Impact on Productivity | ah ali | ie nd Its Impact on Productivity licro Focus Developers Seminar Schedul me! komet environment uses personal RES ze x mputers as intelligent, distributed workstati | PISI J————— eo, OE NI rare ma dena ted workstations for develo sa nea gvey —— lesting and maintaining host-based COBOL applicati puša SI July 10th >, a. Indian lis. IN | these Devel s pi | in | : | m ADD iIcations., At si | sela m meli, AM S A | apo 8, IN prov | opers Seminars you will: sola July 12ih sin Dallas, TX. |: (| PE See the positive impact the progran uv 2th. Buffalo, NY. | have on rosi | pr srammer workstation can pokee Jul | 19th Nea de zi s bah , h VE na ) Programmer productivity PRE July 24th zme, Nashville, TN. | "See an in depth technic za |. July24thi' ——— o Arlington, VA |. | šče an in depth technical demonstratio NE | July2sth —— Arlington, VA |. h COBOI DD Waa | demonstration of the Mi cus — DugIith —— K Sie | OBOL/2 Workbench facilities <<. Micro Focus DAL Ano se NA Ee 'Cincinnati, OH "8 Watch CICS and IMS code offloade« A Aua 41k Boston, MA ... er the integrated Workbench test; the host, running Aua 14th. - tos Angeles, CA. | — —blalea Workbench testing envi Aug 14th -. Charlotte. NC vs" Evaluate ti ig environment ei arlotte, NC Valuate the workstation's potential ir Aug2tete Chicago, L seme $%' Leam about latest product d hita! In your organization Aug 23rd zo Pittsburgh PA čo ' PIOGČUCI developments and fu NA Aua 28th. a : PAL MICRO ih Pments and future trends Aug 28th 4 Salt Lake City, UT | bo OCU Fhere is no charge (or uWendi | ; | a! MU (irpe lor ullendi na zašč A Better Way of Progran č Seminar, For nie nI ultending u Micro Focus Developers V a ei 0gramming" vrani aa! OTU nforma(ion about the Developers Seminar A »rabout Micro Hocux products call 41S-856-4161.