As the applica- tions-development landscape evolves, it is no longer economi: cally practical for . information-sys- tems (IS) depart- ments to hand- code large, strate- gic systems with third-generation languages such as MARTIN COBOL and €. da Li šič IS is undergo- ing a retooling process in which it is embracing more powerful technologies, including new ar- chitectures—among them, IBM's Systems Application Architecture (SAA) and Digital Eguipment Corp.s Network Ap- — plication Support (NAS)—and new types of development tools, such as inte- grated computer-aided software engi- neering (I-CASE) programs. CASE tools will play a significant role in the metamorphosis of IS because of sev- eral advantages. These tools support all phases of development; and can generate source code for an entire application from a single repository of design specifications. The components of I-CASE tools are illustrated in the figure. Front-end de- sign facilities typically include planning, analysis and design workbenches. The planning workbench handles strategic planning, enterprise modeling and high- level data modeling; the analysis work- - Integrated CASE Tools SU PO WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELOPMENT - APPLJED INTELLIGENCE Until recently, PC-based I-CASE tools, such as Information Engineering Work- bench and Application Development Workbench from KnowledgeWare Inc. Information Engineering Facility (EF) from Texas Instruments Ine., PACBase from CGI Systems lne. and APS Devel- opment Center from Sage Software Inc., generation. As shown in the figure, the code-generation components of major 1l- GASE tools are moving onto the PC, so users can now buy comparable ucts for less than $10,000.. KnowledgeWare, with the delivery of its Construction Workbench module, be- came the first CASE tool vendor to of- Components of an Integrated-CASE Facility Specifications generated on the desktop with an CASE tool can be consolidated on the LAN, then further consolidated on the corporate mainframe; each level uses a common data model. <.. Consolidation of design specifications on a LAN J s» j T j | gi 1 NE zla" va zne pna peč i -H Y ke ; ' vi s f hi k, ZE ii Ča [ j D i ne i " hi i KI ' LO £ kj? za | ; ] ;% ea, ris no fi. ui ska P z ka Mn, sij x gimi k Hi v k a; a S! ii, ni, ai zl Aid) ae ke ME Moe ri ii gin di ta iu . Pe II Z Pe no A TU LNM LE. URE ai si a ri iii, Pi Ri net INN TE - si A. ivMyi? ; zakona ši A na, h k jh : ; IH du : serij lani ae kah ! pie ii sadi tu NI m RE odel get m, Hi ki | ME m ni ča m i ŠE te HE: nj MN T 4 je Ja A k raka Maje JA, ed pe ET zi. MT arena ME ra Aa te K x li; Mg ak da ra o rn NR EREI Dave Maja s domi sy uf dei h le ete aj čne ai sih 1 SATAN br iii "1 i ma pio PV a d— ar m da a. EU Pali v" z ša pati ji de osit " U Ki k si ru s] B pej i m k m, j b, A | ii PI kla - | j r LEA i hi K z ti EJ: p rivi li vle Hči di pi (4) se Le ct; ji. o aH lk m oe Na al MN A da kipa? j ak iii meh Paka ze JA adj: Pe rabe o 8ZA VE. persona! 4 repos it Ory s opij s ni bi | V za k er, DRE) pie izi — 4 ai ' a m TI proza z sti na 5 ti i ke: ii skli, J F j i Li! fa, 4 - k k" ZA | i sea a i H 5 d u A k i k« m sla." za iu si Boj NE generation ' s j , no k. ne k ma, H ena, k - a o ož A zem lin gan o za Ta, h ka, a. za pa E 4 %, 4 a . DI A. n L" Ta. MI 4 %, te, |. from multiple analysts. Within a year, the - v f tu ' Systempro or IBM's RISC System/6000. ii Next week, I will discuss the central mad role of the CASE tool repository. S Pe So To Shine in IS MetamorphosiS desktop [CASE tools that support the en- tire life-cycle process and generate CO- BOL or C source code for applications in PC prod- : both IBM and Unix environments. These tools will support rapid prototyping on the desktop and will deliver database ac- cess via the industry-standard Structured Guery Language (SAL). a It is important to look for ICASE tools that are capable of generating SAA applications that use a common user, programming and communication interface, and are compliant with IBM s AD/Cycle repository CASE standard. I-CASE products will rapidly evolve into "industrial-strength" CASE facilities that can be harnessed to create applica- tions of varying complexity. Their ability to produce complete application code on the desktop in close concert with end us- ers—coupled with new methodologies such as rapid applications development — will add to this growing phenomenon. Another major change on the horizon is the consolidation of design specifications on a LAN. Until recently, a mainframe was reguired to consolidate specifications major ECASE vendors will support this function on a LAN using a file server, IVEI, AS a be Com | servers such as mputer Corp: S NR o Tic concepts embodied. in this article John Avakan '— dre described in the CASE volume in | Micro Focus COBC | professionally crafted," according to recent product review. bench supports business-area analyses and detailed data modeling; and the de- sign workbench's chief domain is the ' creation of prototype applications. Prototype development includes the specification of screens, reports, dia- logues, procedural logic and database ac- cess. Prototype applications help the or- ganization verify that the evolving ap- plication meets its business needs. fer a PC solution that generates com: plete application code. Later this year, Texas Instruments will introduce an. OS/2 version of IEF that can be used to generate entire applications on the desk- top in either COBOL or C. The offerings of these firms demon- strate where the I-CASE tool market, is headed. Managers should expect to see still reguired back-end code-, database- and documentation-generation maln- frame components. The mainframe code- and database-generation portions typically cost $200,000 to $300,000, se- verely limiting their applicability. Within the past year, however, I- CASE tools have rapidly matured, par- ticularly in the area of desktop code —| COBOL/2 Workbench is a "superb interactive environment" and We're very proud of COBOL/2 |. Workbench. And we're very gratified P at achieving a weighted score of 9.6 E | when measured against corporate KEK Pu b buyer preferences in a recent PC nag | Weekpol. | o EVALUATIO Ni či AE a ta S | Sela 7 K uči | ———— a) From our mainframe COBOL - mainframe heritage with the artful design of the Workbench environment."... and "Micro Focus? debug- - ger, (he ANIMATOR, lives up to its name with elegant:... - displays that trace execution through structural diagrams as well as through highlighted source code." If you or your organization want to improve program- mer productivity, re-engineer existing COBOL applica- a a, Sompatibility features to our easy-to- tions for new needs, or develop high performance, eas learn, fun ction. Lea SPE oo y cal 1re5 lO OUT Ca5Yy n: 18! | , O! p gh p rformance, easy to maintain business applications for PCs, LANS, or ' mainframes, give us a call at Micro Focus, We sell "Better Way of Programming" solutions. Call Micro Focus today at 1-800-872-6265 and - reglest a reprint of the entire PC Week review. —.. MICRO FOCUS: COB vne) driven menu system, Micro Focus perlenced developer'' making a transition from terminals to workstations for programmine and m a Na And there's more ..."Micro Focus belje belies COBOL's a. PRA | ini, MEN kani ia et a ci k ča me: dlaki ški ze deb div GA | | ki Mi; EI " ' "a douj A Ča ao zel mi naš s RI" MM di a a ae ae pole na a aa o— ji. san ma EM a ee NE aa rr EH NE A EI NTI Ad SAMA, VN a ane Me a EI a A ee z. Na poe k pad aja, a z Ee BA en RN RA a a ija Pi! Kingdom (0524) 734 505. 2 Workbench" lsaHit!. SCOREBOARD zj o spi A o JA VE? S ega PI MIK. a z ur tij The James Martin Report Series. For more information on this volume, call (617) 639-1958. For information on seminars, contact (in the United States and Canada) Technology Transfer In- stitute, 741 10th St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394-8305. In Eu- rope, comtact Savant, 2 New St, Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Micro Focus COBOL/2 Workbench gr iji "omo po po zre kn pa rm PSA seča ome taj Es stori; sh oi x A a na dd." pr tič ij —. VO idi ITIry arrora IMI" ME 2 %, aifvva d nodi Aja, tea dd, good ha N" 4 nd ", sa J Li mil, -J " h LA 8 ja 2. Ability to meet needs and fit | O Peace | haja anni z premi m ča SE a — o — zas — š m ki ker ; nape fi a dai li. K č nA il NR i. ME mak, gi Pd kj EJ j a NE ai, k a die ; gel nM 3 s, a a ji aa aaa čo ni; poime Ja sui ih k AN (k 1 | ho ME me ia ; las sa ' Sud H Mu be i H MI y z h i j PM sih. ka j [s ii me " 4) sd PE a kai - ar ? i Ba — ga, ke ma a - m uče 4 ti il ena Nak a Z MM o al | ; , H ki ja Pri i a Se im se, pat J zak tie" s Ča k! Pi h na m. PR gi si zdi Ji pie nn te pe dar ; pa iii — A AE a a kaka a VLA ah ni j $Ty jal sa ma a o ne ta U (ot nuji k Gb kega PE ža PI, 1 Ea a ak ih si " NE ai IE dp EM ME Nad a Re Tai a ia re ea a i -a m a h | ' koči: ze? Fo ai AL, vse a s prei Mila: g "ma ]