Pace 58 | APPLIED INTELLIGENCE The Company and the CASE Tool: prise modeling and business-area analyses. se The choice between a methodology Making the Match: ment provided by integrated CASE tools, there are many reasons why or" prototyping methodologies. In evaluating integrated CASE products on the left Js lll zne oe an) — said, | Another enticement, to travel down the | OS/2 development, path, according to re- match the func- tional needs of i 5 4 zad bi, pi 5 1 ; | h bi s u,R. ni rl | an application from design speciti- | cations; | non-integrated tools that generate | fragments of an application but re- guire some hand-generated code out: | side of the CASE tool; 6 tools that support. an information engineering methodology; € tools that support. a structured engi- | neering methodology; 8 tools that support; C code generation for engineering workstations in a Unix s " si z 9 tools that "a, pport real-time appli- | cations. The figure shows a series of gues- | tions that companies can ask to help | them determine how to categorize the Integrated CASE tools fitting that back end. Tightly integrated tools are recommended to support rapid Migration 1 More Firms Traveling the OS/2 Development Path Continued from Page 57? real-time Unix operating system for his assembly-line automation system, he ve- toed it in favor of OS/2 to avoid being tied to one vendor. "We wanted to use a gener-. al-purpose rating system like OS/2," he spondents, is that operating system's add- - ed horsepower—particularly its multi- tasking capabilities and built-in communi- cations and database support. 52 For Paul Morales, these bonuses trans. lated into a powerful environment, in which to create a front end to a main: (rame-based insurance policy system, "We needed to do several types of host sessions and have them up and running at the same time," said Morales, a senior project engincer at Eguitable Financial st ArowredpeMare | OSP eV5 Ouestlons To Ask WHeH Choosine a CASE Tool! |! project-level, then it I8 aH: |4 ii: ,Z— mmm [A za pope (m S —- Integrated Integrated —-]. Informatlon« | slructured- | engineering tool ( stretegilo, (hen IH » CGI Systems 2 TE H95 | » Pansophle | — | / Systems! | | , Sage Software | " This tool is fully. | integrated, but — does not supporl | informatlonor -1——- h seči struciured | | engineering. pesti] plications. It is generally not concerned with higher-level issues such as enter- While OS/2 furnishes communications capabilities for building cooperative-pro- cessing applications, its real strength lies in networking, according to some of the re- spondents. — "Where OS/2 really shines is in LAN support, because we can easily connect 08/2 machines to our Token-king net: work," snid Greg Barnes, a programmer/ -analyast for Farmland Ine., a farm coopera- ve in Kansna Cily, Mo. This makes |. easi- er to distribule commodities and market informnatlon to 400 PCs on a local area network, he anld, o 08/2 communications capabilities also provide developers with an entry into the — malnframe world, —"We have an AS/400 [minicomputer] ane IDM 3000 mainframes, and providing connectlvity to those platforms is the lead- — ing renson to go to OS/2," said Gregory | ješ ji (LIS 4: engineering tool | - | h [K ea Apdersen ——— BaeonaNt———— ; Cortek Corji" | s Cadre v tetettnanek | 1 BA Me FE) ZME DECI TA o HewlatuPackard -—-— MeDonneli Douglas; ' be ea o. z imo je O V poo zUnisvšČO, izo vsejš. || HO: (.. tHeniili$ a:X Norr-ifilagtated Ee a <—— Technolotjleš — o, SYKeNs o. ALA A ARA LT NASTO STanuuade > | MEL, — agenti — PE SottLab Sy stems —Aa — — Njjačtit—. yi SSottwateAG V NONA ee a ša. na co index Technolotjy — ——- --— ia m —