which IBM' epa One of the most urgent needs in the computer field. today is the re- guirement to | retool informa- tion systems (IS). Organiza- tions can no longer wait months to re- spond to a com- petitive threat. They must re- act rapidly to competitive challenges through in- creased integration and computeriza- tion. In most organizations, IS is still | using manually oriented technigues to | develop new applications and main: | tain existing code. With these ineffi- cient, technigues, maintenance and en- | hancement of code may consume up to 80 percent of the resources of an IS de- partment. This cripples the ability of IS to respond to new challenges. |. Manually oriented technigues must be replaced by powerful development and maintenance technigues. MARTINO These new technigues are based on :. dramatic improvements in both hard- | ereasing power of PCs and worksta- tions; the rapid growth of end-user | computing; the development of inte- grated CASE (I-CASE) tools capable of generating 100 percent of the code for an application on the desktop; the in- troduction of new prototyping metho- | dologies such as rapid application de- | velopment (RAD); and the use of inte- grated computing architectures such as IBMs Systems Application Architec- ture (S igita's Network Ap- AA) and plication Support (NAS). Within a year, leading I-CASE tools will support desktop generation of BankAmerica 05/2 Development with COBOL. Continued. from Page 57 "We wanted to put the processing out on workstations partly to off-load the main- frame CPU, partly to give very good re- sponse time and partly because we needed to hook a currency counter to the PC," " Unlike DO: — Unlike DOS, OS/2 will allow bank trans- zlske to ooo ja while database pdates are performed in > background he noted. vne s - The Automated ault System, OM s Extended Edition Data- st corporate customers, Tellers HI stacks of bills cash-counting ma- chines attached to PCs, which šeste, de sulting dollar count into an SEE Manager datab: Je OS/2Z A LADA Previously, this reco done by hand, making it. | ko ze point the source of errors. "We wanted to code for entire applications in COBOL and C for a variety of target environ: ments. They will be compliant with standards for a graphical user interface and will be nearing compliance with an industry-standard repository. Support will be provided for simultaneous access to specifications by multiple analysts on K mi PT NE mi po WEEKNAPPLIGATION DEVELO APPLIED INTELLIGENCE IS Must Move to Powerful Develop The Evolving Environment For Program Development PMENTO The next step for CASE tools is f compliance with industry-standard re- positories of design information and with the services provided by integrated | | »"h as SAA com uting architectures such as SAA and NAS. Within two years, leading I CASE tools will be capable of automatic construction of cooperative-processing And Re-Engineeting All facilitieg showh are expected to be tivnilable within tivo to three years. s. Pa | Productivity aids tools Sea Na NEPRE CE ee NIT di ur BE EL EP ra ei a de - PNE Se AE 1 ae | Unstructured code | "-i ič, laga mm melja oma am oni 1 Source code | a LAN, as well as consolidation of speci- fications on a high-speed file server. In addition, I'CASE tools will support the development of real-time applica- tions and applications targeted at the Unix environment. Increased support will be provided for project-management functions, configuration control and re- guirements traceability. improve throughput, and improve track- ing so we could locate problems guickly," Bunday said. The pilot system, which runs on 10 workstations connected to an IBM PS/2 Model 80 server, employs a fault-tolerant data-storage system that, distributes data over multiple hard disks. By 1992, the company plans to deploy the system to 900 workstations dispersed across 22 LANs—one located in each of - the bank's California vaults. Once the ap-' plication is fully implemented, the data will automatically be posted to a centrally located mainframe that houses critical in- - formation about customer accounts. Out of the Mainstream -nstead of opting for the mainstream This tool lets developers crae windows and menus through a šereen description language and a screen Hestructuring | Restructured code | Forward | s Mi |. for selected . | do JIN engineerin še Va /|. Kaverse- | btigineeting 4. tools MI He-eniglneetind F tools z Speciflcatiohs | PP ON JE Ena — k a Ve S m CASE repositoty zlu. AD/Cyele compatible John Avaklan and client/server applications that are fully compliant with SAA and NAS. As ICASE tools mature, they will pro- vide a wealth of additional functions, in- cluding embedded methodology aids, just-in-time training aids, expert-system support and a powerful icon-driven in- terface that may replace the use of con- ventional structured diagrams. painter. "We were looking for a product to build screens and panels without too much of a learning curve, and we didn't have much experience in PM two years ago (when the project began)" Bunday said. "In Dialog System, you can design a very complex panel in a few minutes." Also, the screens created during the prototyping phase can be used in the final application, he said. Although most of the application has been coded in COBOL, the bank was forced to write C programs to handle access to 0S/2's Communications Manager and Da- tabase Manager, since IBM does not pro- vide COBOL application programming in- terfaces in this area, Bunday said. IBM confirmed that, COBOL support is limited in OS/2. "COBOL is not a multitasking system, and C is," said IBM spokeswoman Tracy O Neill in White Plains, N.Y. "For that rea- son, there's more support for C than CO- BOL in 0S/2" ao ment, Technigues z RANČ ai | ea t a ua poli alo - of ti ; JI | tion! and Spoke in Europe, while AUGUST 20, 1990 Major ch es will also occur in the o am maintenance environment. aa These changes will include the progres" sive integration of produ vity aids, tools and rever 1 eering systems. . The specific mechanism for integra ing these tools is compliance with a common repository, such as AD/Cyele. Once the tools are integrated, it will be possible to use structurin ing tools to con- vert unstructured, existing code into eguivalent fully structured code; re-en- gineering tools to analyze the pro- gram's data definitions, and structure and populate a repository with design information; and reverse-engineering tools to extract specifications for both data and pro that are indepen- dent of the target environment. Reverse engineering is likely to remain an interactive, user-assisted process. Specifications extracted by the reverse engineering process are entered into the design repository, where they may be used for design enhancement and reimplementation of the application. Many of the facilities discussed are available, and all will be available within the next two to three years. An | important challenge for management is to use the major improvements in ap- plications-development technology to žge , ' bt —i gl Pa ni b iš ah - pe zr ee pan l pe Kraner " zar ie Mi — zle ani d Pi h a LI pe di da] Kakgiro ti yic tion, not a bottleneck. The concepts embodied. in this article are described in the CASE volume in | The James Martin Report Series. For more information on this volume, call (617) 639-1958. For information on seminars, contact (in the United States and Canada) Technology - Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., San- ta Monica, Calif. 90402 (213) 394- 8305. In Europe, contact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, Lancs., LA5 9BX United Kingdom (0524) 734 505. Alliance V Alcatel, ExperTelligence Combine Forces Continued from Page 57 The earlier Macintosh version was limited because it, followed the Mac interface guidelines very strictly, he said. Spoke is written in C and generates both C and C- code, said Bernard Vargel, president of Alcatel ISR of Paris. It sup- ports the object-oriented concept of dy- namic object classes, which can be created on me fly at any point in program develop- men As part of the agreement between the companies, Alcatel will market both Ac- ExperTelligence gains the right to market Spoke, as well as its Action! program, in the United States. Spoke costs $10,000 per copy. Action! costs $3,000 per copy. ExperTelligence can be contacted at (805) 967-1797. m