-" |tions, The endiresult will be: to give :
—— |jjemployees better: access:to the infor-i: šik:

nelig -Typically, text: <management applica:

»— |zAn approach prevalent among micro: s
s 'and LAN-based products is to manipu:.
>> | date text as it. resides in-its native envi:/'-


: | - dBASE IV," said William. Dreizler, a sys- "
sa teme analyst for Shel Oil Co. in Martinez, 1/1

ij | AshtonvTatej

učin 6
ME sali
nami 5
m ia :
fan z
] z tp
pe nI ; s k
i. b BS
1 < Ĺž 1
sm, 8, mi |
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- Nana h gove
l 8 ia f
di i | % ia ui
ih J F Âť 7 : ej 4 bli m z
m s Ja Ha R' he: y ii 1 i Pr 4.
h De" TEBI j
sk, : | ; kd kisi ; i
ane , t. hja, lota |
ra i ; me ta | - i k? ri 4 gi
ii | ina s ; M: di am — 4
ne MM PEEA S, nje aĹĄeA |
H —. Ne dj A jal v a pal BoČ | pi V Kai
1 [ H x eki, - NJE 4 kugri j k, oči A z a UI aa Be
d | i H oki: sei dusag toni zai y zbali dai ab, - z 4h | nat ča g zasi vra za nan RE sali ae ( na NR če Miki VRE as ila za
Nad maĹĄe ve an Ee de Meji A nimata, Voj A Pe cia naj si NE a go... Mi Ze a Mi :
A a AE a a a a vi Ee radi kj" sn o R% zana Eni de EH ez ea ee UENH ee S a rJa počet rata s
PI NA PE a a V Me MI sli ga: ji PRSTNI | -. ne
pote, R so m s ane ni Pi GA per VDAN poi LUEK i red v vik, H 3 | . le ae ea L | —— gi - koč na ; '
Y A si i ki — tim. ; ke Pc di i - E <a F ni £ Ju; 4% i ; uje TRAP j4 pi s k i
IE ST Is iki ii šila zAaielest šk — ZE AE ž Maia RE Z č ud žo, ne Kai -
! k j m Pi s | d j B 1 m, H x i m j 4, oe Ba
pe" sj ba. 5 NE a uk; u 5 zač bike a sih
o taja, PI Pe RAČ, 4 sami xs z pe bebe za tubi ge a na š "li šk gat ea i o ZE
o at deo bi j z But! peč Sen Vi ki o a ad EEA.
| | mice pobi ha a VE, Na: HE zih Sto seja niš? Pia Rot ti bom, kai, | ej S aakiti KA, sna ič! š
: 4 rs? si ti s bele
sadi | p " h ĹĄi JE - PaĹĄa ze ma ij Âť Gi ni si
4 ha Tu kd La na Ži 3 aa rm rk de ze j Kra sa
sa bena si NE A štek Kosi em y žara si o Maki €, janje NM
a us Uči ka ja!
smi A — 4 piv j Š h ae
za "m J s HI i z ka KAL ske aa ce.
ia di k. |
Bank ma
Pan | :
Ma s

to "artificial satellites that collect intel-
'ligence data for the CIA.

Another obstacle to inverted index-
ing is the massive storage capacity
needed for the text collection, which

" maintains pointers to every text item

— that contains a particular word; the
S word may appear once, twice or in a ti-
tle or footnote; unfortunately, the index |
' does not recognize the difi erentiation.

/ This technigue, ke IS similar to the:

% This is KZA ĹĄt, ge: IA ubjeet 'heading indexing used by brani
m article in "card catalog to cross-index am
.a series om text" Vi čis labor-intensive and regulres input ;;

; hočš 7 iš
Vse ĹĄ
m zal h
JE se A čb i B z z

si i
Pasje | "es The efficient ii
na ič ie Mi, storage, index-o3
ae eat mrbmia goine and catego-: s!
STA sirizing of text—
niĹĄ 4s1lA Process -ji; ri

; J porupeni such as-word-processing and i

PRE 'dictated by-either kERe or host"

va V Con from Faso 65 18H

m | demonstrated in its pre-beta: VĹ EEE ani he mating at: Honeywell. je
Robi: Professional Compiler:.. looks! promisingÂŤ: v firm in Plymouth; Minn.

"the Universite, of PRE ei in Little Rock. -
; ,aJong ti

4 z Âť"Between:. 40'and: 60. |

jes | — management "from an expert in the domain. Its ad-
a Re | no andits influ-.... ; vantage,is that, text,can be searched..
KW 1 1] Vjence.upon the '..- -easily, but the disadvantage: is the ap'/
i" poorporale envi-!. ;) vv propriate. keywords, need to be assigned.

li; SRE V

vz aimed.at, en-;:i'-1ic:

STRE search ni
gi 4 ški akiIj na and retrieval—::!
needs to. become! a priority at Corpora; ji!



MINAMI: mobi

JED ROM as boki

; | ma,
ai ; SA ĹĄen Ĺ A |
uf ; 1 UMNO seg Vi NEMA
pli Ni i ee a et na

/ mainframe


.mation redbired to gomplete. a:
project, ' igle:

-tions handle text. in.one of:two ways.


HE S pira
ksa wiki A Nu a RA aj LA
Kle raji ok ia Leti pa
zi zs A pa oa k A mai

k ejmordi Index SER
'CDROM 2, 13, 31, Vo air —( ii
Melika. 51, 67; 72, 08 69 m
HPC 1, 116 138 918) MOO).OB

(The ote! Common sni management
style regui res all text to be reformat-'.::
ted into a proprietary. structure Hala is.

software. kĹžjijr Aa ZINI! B Rd:
For example, a. database-manage,

: raje Re
a zele
mr bod

|, | ment system (DBMS) relies'on key - a Sa |

> | 'felds for-access to: data i in, the data- Ii zla k ei ani REČE

Misja E Je: paci eĹže oe SAO O MA PARE O K mai,
—., | baseA DBMS automatically. generates BEE s oojibhahnoči
-. | an index based, on the key fields. ki Na a a EO, v: sskaskik oa
—— | 0 With textual information, however,i? d to the text. izi na veva

there are no key fields. Therefore, in-''- KU

: dexing technigues are freguently. ap- uč indexing, also known as full-text.'
plied to speed up.text retrieyal; gener-. , | indexing, which employs discrete wordst
-ally text can: be.indexed; either by... isto locate data. An inverted index is an.
ted list. zalphabetic list, of: all the words con": ;.:-
tained in the text collection with the ex: idi

' ment is, assigned freguently'used tE (,Âť ception ofÂŤ "noise" words such as: noLJE
words that characterize, its Content- ;" os agÂŤ and; and tne! K Tne inverted index:

' Another ene to: indexing' is in-

hiei 4 ini ĹĄaĹĄ

. With keyword indexing, each docu-.

zao gi]


H redu
vj ei de:

Ka baš či. zav

pa Balm 4. W., mina
ita ni ÂŁ. H
| sadnih heiji ĹĄola kivi lai torek.

zaĹĄij - z bl ' :
Č ;
5 Ji ii, man,


o m nameni: pri
an: electronics:
dka ri unesb6bra
Boaoarasnevuzakil > vacAshton'Tate has a elei dBASE..

systems analyst for:


pral pelat bana
Charles .

6IY. versions running on Sun Microsystems: |.
ne; Si workstations, the Macintosh and.
"Developers ;have been walting for this forv! Digital Eguipment Corp' s VAX/VMS mini-
MAX V ea is? sicomputers.. It/ has 'promised. dBASE IV.
' Many corporate: evaluation! 'efforts: for Âť versions for'Xenix, The Santa Cruz Opera:
NE IV.1. z PNE DCEn, short one, ! tions Inc's Unix, 386 Unix and eventually,:
some. o": Windo x,
A Saerapje Re o s ka meče Presentation Manager

JsPaa šč, p AM


ar mere. izeljani: 'about, the,
- and kick off their upgrades tezav kev A |

perceni of. ÂťOUr. sito

ji They are taking a:|
Sys- " TRIKA attitude PIL they commit:
nokia li to nosi nemo Y malim voila
PE RD je Pale Saav PE We dosupport1.1, but we're not recom:
8 osekindlR Ja user interest in," mending. that .anyone.'use .it'yet,". said.
a company's plan to offeriy Steve Cook, vice president, of Welcom Soft,; |
Verajona, on, many; platforma, . v.warel.CorD., a a. projeci-management ent; soft-i.|ÂŤ
zbi rani Fi

K :] HLA, bot, "ware developer in Houston. "It's too early;

think Ashton Ta Tate will recover. its and there's abitoÂŁa bad taste after the 1.0
pa with mam detece? Ĺžnoo URAO po) XI

ta " 5, JA?
4 Mas k laj i ba

MK d.

2,Also helping to



| downf all, It reguires users to be fluent
<in the vocabulary of the textual infor-

How Keyword and HEHE Indexing Differ

Keyword Indexing Selectively Retrieves a Narrower Group
9 Documents than the Full- Text Et ODRE oach

' Nelworked use Bol


| iInyerted index.
CD ROM 2,13, 21, 31: KE 3,

zu ((Čartificial" OR machine): AND intel

h J
Ri a bed! rs

SADA cost: osti ' eĹĄ :

sions of. OS/2 and Windows...

could be 50 percent to 200 percent
more than what was needed for the
€ original text. Vendors of text-manage
"ment software, however, are ei
ing compression technigues to mini-
mize this overhead.
: Inyerted indexing does have its bene-
-, fits, however. Because the index is
automatically generated, there is no
need for an expert to review each of
the items in the text collection.
% Regardless,of the text-management
" medium, users need to examine the
" success factor,of a particular search.
While speed is an important issue, the
relevancy of the returned text items
"for the user is even more: critical. '

7 Ouickly returning 25 documents that...
7 must be reviewed for relevance is not .
, as efficient as returning six documents
| that all have a high probantity of be-. .
x zlog relevantia UIgotiĹĄegia PARE ovi
| This forces.users to word their gue-

' ries carefully, because the unpredict-

€ ability of retrieval—facing thousands .

"of documents to review or none at...

tali-can be a source of frustration.
Next week | will discuss how ven-

E dora are minimizing user frustrations

-with text retrieval. N,.,

Full-text indexing also has another:

RANI V Subjeci E
PO pupa) iĹĄ 4

bie. m si i

dai s

do Ga
Hi i


F zah sti a i.e tje $e

de ba odif du


učkak h
By: mi"
. z ba VIM Za J un" E- k
b | MAL IE al ca
pog? si - Mia li sa ji z; na
ad Pe TNE je
ti mi nedo
k ie,

14,4] ; s ZN
zietvorka 21, 51, 67, ,10, TO BI,A: Hi. .

-PE. 2,25,89,111,116,127,198 1421305

m The concepts in this article are de-
| "serwbed in a new volume, Text Man-'

j OE oni moč J na sem naka agemeni, of The James Martin Re-
vi SE a RTA NA SI AE ,.. port. Series. For more information

5 mation 'being searched, and to UndEn,
Âť stand Boolean logic .CAND,:OR, NOT. andij ij
— operators), Users also need to determine -
,.the relevancy. ofi retrieved text. For. ex: H
'. ample, the following search phrase -

"on this volume, call (800) 242. 1240
vor (617) 639-1958. For information .
-on seminars, contact Technology ...
(Transfer Institute, 741 10th St., San-
.,ta Monica, Calif.. 90402, (213) 394-
8305 (in the United States and Cana-.
ida), In Europe, contact. Savant, 2...
ÂťNew.St., Carnf' dom, ( Lancs., LA5 ORKA
us United Kingdom, 0524) 734 505...

MI Movia 9 Conrad T: Issue

ji sence) would locate documents per-.,
Si taining to "artificial, intelligence" as well
as kihose that PSE include a Âťreference

ai m: IF ĹĄi y
pI si pinasei

stičeka kej


ii ipgi ge V

' x

MOJ UE ča og Ne
ucant share of the DOS zosme company,
—Celligan said. He declined to set, a date for
-the public delivery of Rational s DPMI 1.0-
Âťcompliant product. -- |

: While Lotus 1 2331 adherea to the 0.9.
REVEN it should not have compati-
bility (problems with DPMI 1.0 because
;sthat versionisa superset oÂŁ 0.9, ZE
to the DPMI committee's plans." ib

"va Phar Lap, the other principal player in
'tne DOS extender market, is aiming to ship

ii its DPMI 1.0 DOS extender during the first .

Âť part, of next year, according to Robert

Moote, vice president of the Cambridge

firm. As an interim solution, the company

' will ship a DOS extender that is compati-

Âťble with Microsoft's HIGHMEM.SYS memo-

na 1ry driver, which will allow it to run under

e for.the DOS extender and DOS extend-. the 286 standard mode of Windows he

-er companies," said Terence Colligan, pres-.. said. ; /'.

ident of Rational Systems of Natick, Mass, ;! | "Ergo Computing Inc, a third DOS ex-
o Lotus, of Cambridge, Mass., was able.to '' 'tender. com ; intends to release its

-8et a jump. on its competitors. and work: DPMI 1.0 offering by the end of the year,

:with the DPMI 0.9:version of Rational's ; according to an official at the PER

'DOS extender because it owns a smili  Mass., firm.


| ig Re,

| Page.65.,;

ir peĹĄ ithe; three: dcl of Win)
;dows. Windows 3.0. incorporates support, i: Et
ifor the preliminary..0.9.. version of the ':
-specification, and Microsoft, has commit-..
ted to building DPMI 1.0 into the next ver;
"Once the DPMI 1.0 ik ao is model
Doblic this fall, DPMI-compatible DOS-ex- :
tended applications will start to make:
(their way to market. Along with their abil-
ity to fully exploit Windows, these appli- ;
-cations will be highly portable: and will.
-also run under DOS, OS/2 2.0 and even in ..
the DOS S compatibility box of some Unix


go 4

The D DPMI standard provides long-term.

p se - i
Y se J Pela be. J g' Pr E 2 oe,
"] i . ki m x zi k zej a rn aii k,
5 s - ps a mi Či
k Ka z a AME k š X eh Be. i a s pač: ag ke k; m v ee H . pe i Pe:
A A SEE NAME ke a NE č jao: ci RE K! V pet aii
OE AE eb rake ie Nek rad im Um. dla ! H lk a Li ' do :
PE a NE na ii Dietij k k k Mike a Je ea SE biera h s 7 Me Ĺži s h Padli h Zima
re Ĺ  gi fis Pa. d h JE, :e: dai rimi me k k d k, paro.
LTE na a! a - Na Eh ii Me A o Na Sa - s
z a ni De IE le <, če MO la ee V; —. "Hi oda BI Ir" z škem d
j ka prEN ae peki Pd KJ Na ia Rilzič tea ne Zani hi ko rži si, a ani poe ge TE ae
ut ae ge per TE aleiaja NET ue nisi H medn ski k a S, ze ee, ONA a A Cu Be ščanja, doču' m. V gla Mea sa zal, Rose dj. emi nalij pa] -e se k aj nA pe em rni K a neč, mese a k nes m i čr iki
ne ii aa tet: te zo EP ANE pre odla — Je O a o a IA a ONI PM Ni ri ee a NE neza anje Hina 3 se sh Je AE ea me da Masa NE nale ae ji HI K IN SI AE A a a aaa ej A LEJ ni ee — STE, REČEM NETA, na eo Ee
5 na Ĺ E reja ĹĄa ui ; sie naga me nudi eli, Ee re a eo ie la a ei at aa task ke ae ii a di TH mi zaj vsi Taj; 4 ee, ' Ja PE RANE Na aa pr ! MESNE h ĹĄe le a; niĹĄi , pina a, m: EP JA zi
sd i ide d ei ua Ze. be a bei H di Li J 4 k : 1 i — 1 | ž