-" |tions, The endiresult will be: to give : —— |jjemployees better: access:to the infor-i: šik: nelig -Typically, text: > | date text as it. resides in-its native envi:/'- OE RASE IE ah : | - dBASE IV," said William. Dreizler, a sys- " sa teme analyst for Shel Oil Co. in Martinez, 1/1 ij | AshtonvTatej učin 6 ME ko: ME sali umrl iza kh nami 5 m ia : : fan z € ] z tp pe nI ; s k i. b BS 1 < ž 1 sm, 8, mi | va 13 i k ud - Nana h gove l 8 ia f di i | % ia ui ih J F » 7 : ej 4 bli m z m s Ja Ha R' he: y ii 1 i Pr 4. h De" TEBI j sk, : | ; kd kisi ; i ane , t. hja, lota | ra i ; me ta | - i k? ri 4 gi ii | ina s ; M: di am — 4 ne MM PEEA S, nje ašeA | H —. Ne dj A jal v a pal BoČ | pi V Kai 1 [ H x eki, - NJE 4 kugri j k, oči A z a UI aa Be d | i H oki: sei dusag toni zai y zbali dai ab, - z 4h | nat ča g zasi vra za nan RE sali ae ( na NR če Miki VRE as ila za Nad maše ve an Ee de Meji A nimata, Voj A Pe cia naj si NE a go... Mi Ze a Mi : A a AE a a a a vi Ee radi kj" sn o R% zana Eni de EH ez ea ee UENH ee S a rJa počet rata s PI NA PE a a V Me MI sli ga: ji PRSTNI | -. ne pote, R so m s ane ni Pi GA per VDAN poi LUEK i red v vik, H 3 | . le ae ea L | —— gi - koč na ; ' Y A si i ki — tim. ; ke Pc di i - E | 'felds for-access to: data i in, the data- Ii zla k ei ani REČE Misja E Je: paci eže oe SAO O MA PARE O K mai, —., | baseA DBMS automatically. generates BEE s oojibhahnoči -. | an index based, on the key fields. ki Na a a EO, v: sskaskik oa —— | 0 With textual information, however,i? d to the text. izi na veva there are no key fields. Therefore, in-''- KU : dexing technigues are freguently. ap- uč indexing, also known as full-text.' plied to speed up.text retrieyal; gener-. , | indexing, which employs discrete wordst -ally text can: be.indexed; either by... isto locate data. An inverted index is an. ted list. zalphabetic list, of: all the words con": ;.:- tained in the text collection with the ex: idi ' ment is, assigned freguently'used tE (,» ception of« "noise" words such as: noLJE words that characterize, its Content- ;" os ag« and; and tne! K Tne inverted index: ' Another ene to: indexing' is in- hiei 4 ini šaš . With keyword indexing, each docu-. zao gi] nij H redu vj ei de: Ka baš či. zav pa Balm 4. W., mina ita ni £. H | sadnih heiji šola kivi lai torek. zašij - z bl ' : Č ; 5 Ji ii, man, "a, o m nameni: pri an: electronics: dka ri unesb6bra Boaoarasnevuzakil > vacAshton'Tate has a elei dBASE.. systems analyst for: k dai pral pelat bana Charles . 6IY. versions running on Sun Microsystems: |. ne; Si workstations, the Macintosh and. "Developers ;have been walting for this forv! Digital Eguipment Corp' s VAX/VMS mini- MAX V ea is? sicomputers.. It/ has 'promised. dBASE IV. ' Many corporate: evaluation! 'efforts: for » versions for'Xenix, The Santa Cruz Opera: NE IV.1. z PNE DCEn, short one, ! tions Inc's Unix, 386 Unix and eventually,: some. o": Windo x, A Saerapje Re o s ka meče Presentation Manager JsPaa šč, p AM 4 ar mere. izeljani: 'about, the, - and kick off their upgrades tezav kev A | perceni of. »OUr. sito ji They are taking a:| Sys- " TRIKA attitude PIL they commit: nokia li to nosi nemo Y malim voila PE RD je Pale Saav PE We dosupport1.1, but we're not recom: 8 osekindlR Ja user interest in," mending. that .anyone.'use .it'yet,". said. a company's plan to offeriy Steve Cook, vice president, of Welcom Soft,; | Verajona, on, many; platforma, . v.warel.CorD., a a. projeci-management ent; soft-i.|« zbi rani Fi K :] HLA, bot, "ware developer in Houston. "It's too early; think Ashton Ta Tate will recover. its and there's abito£a bad taste after the 1.0 pa with mam detece? žnoo URAO po) XI ta " 5, JA? 4 Mas k laj i ba MK d. 2,Also helping to di i l, | downf all, It reguires users to be fluent