- logue boxes, seroll BA —. | rate LANs CD, ' sh li ROM technolo- . Kej ;. A EH z maybethe , most cost-effec- tive and reli- able vehicle for delivering that access. HART CD ROM drives continues to decrease— the current price fluctuates between $500 and $700—the number of installed | drives in corporations is growing expo- | nentially; today there are approximate- | y 200,000 CD ROM drives installed, and that number is projected to swell to , | 350,000 by 1992, The number of CD ROM applications | is also on the rise. For example, Lotus Development Corp. offers Prompt CD, a collection of technical-support notes, | evaluation and demonstration versions of selected software, 'press releaseš and full text from Lotus Magazine. Com- | puter Library: 'produčed 'monthly by Zitt Davis Publishing Co., contains full | text from its family of Computer publi- pations, as well as full text and ab- stracts from 120 other peribdicals." , There has also been a'surge in'the number « of successful in-house corpo- rate CD ROM publishing ventures; again heightening the credibility of the | technology, Each month, a division of | Ford Motor Co. publishes a CD ROM- based inventory list of 300 ,000 parts for its 2,400 dealers. Compag Comput- er Corp. stocks its resellers with OuickFind, a CD ROM tool used as a | source for technical Support, product research and technical kalning, As the cost'of. ib m na Jeee Continue fi rom Page 81. sali Lok Pascal VEnhanced, 00P To IH INTELIGENCE The major benefit for poke MEJE ROM is its significant storage ca zne the medium can maintain 660M bytes of information per disk. This or 250000. floppies or eguivalent of 1,500 floppi pages t,, 1etS OrBaniza tk, vast pRolleviiE 'of text and intages' on a lepa V. CD) ROM dla, providing acoes to that ,, CD ROM - Publishing. Process rz bra Fotitiat (hp ; Create Index » Compress data « Creale disk i mapo o | Set Up CHROM oe — Creale gla dd hi b ša ] master. dla a We šč EN | tija OM jani VV iu to ali h nei lm zam, a oza o cija naši il ee k m text with: sfecialized čare engines; ' The major disadvantage of CD ROM is that the information contained 'on disk cannot: be changed,: nor: can 'the disk itself be used more than once. Consedutently | CD ROM is not.an ideal medium for ali" applications, particularly if text Gollčc: tion reguires freguent updatir ki | Other optical-disk < optjons—WORM. 3 ferred ta to natne Integrated | £ Jovelopmeni OI ču cb koM tr nie: nijealegori | nd adi and erasable optical disks—are not pered this restriction, A VORM ati, which hold about 600M bytes of data, are written with k A, ized drivera and mre pri 1S used as Bi dišk čani be written to once, but can... nevet' be rased. OGRE deiven have, des. | JE) (CD ROM: A Cost-Effective Text Management skati tie | ne k ; u 1 m R s mi - — 4, | ši ta | k - zd mr nara h i A , i 'E ku Bi ' ' Di | ' ef kla " san -kj" pi - V EP em. Be i di ata ubtiva a nnnn——————>—ž—č—— a h: 9 fA | če pno aii ud Me Miša Šketi SA A Orlek kanja on Tm Teši tie o smulatiah jim oe Bio zač spe tu-—- PENA Pa eže "TEEN SE ; do Pe la mi b di ME, Pad z | | trcased in price; are considered more stable than earlier models and-now of- fer retrieval performance acceptable for. on-line access to databases. m The erasable optica! disk, sometimes ) "called the' rewrijable optical disk, can be written 0 ANd rese. Its use js similar to a hard disk: ; Howover, this storage: Ki žiš NIS se has iča sin. g Mi igration to 0S/ 3 sources 13: Jost! ' ROM products orily om ures šearcli such ds full: text" | | inverted rei | rkrkiii 'This method, which lists every kord, | used in'the collectjon, is easily duto- -/ mated. Ihverted. indexitig does' teguire' that the user have ari understanding IE the vocabulary used in the cellection'' and a working knowledge of Bodlean logic. Still, the search engine must be , opt for,CD ROM'access: Al- though a CD ROM disk can hold 100 times more information than PC data- base software, the retrieval time is 10 tirnes šlower than on a hard disk. Preparing text for CD ROM publish- ing involves many processes. An au: .. thoring process gathers the'text collec- tion arid prepares it for transfer to disk. | The: text is then indexed, and a premas- tering step converts the text and index | files into a CD ROM format. An optical | disk master is then created and repli- cated for distribution. Mastering an op- | tical disk costs around $1,500—which usually ineludes the replication of about 100 disks. Incremental disks can run as low as $2 each. H ate lanena ni a NEKE NETA A | mina The Concepts in this article are de- .. | scribed'in:a new volume, "Text. More agement," in The James Martin Re- port: Series. For more information om this volume, call (6 17).639-1958. For information on semtnars, con- tact (in the United States and Čaka da) Technology: Transfer I nstitute, 741 10th St. Santa Monica, Calif.. 90402 (213) 394-305. In Europe, Contact Savant, 2 New St., Carnforth, '' Lancčs., LA5 9BX Sniret Kingdom (pe2j) 784 505 boost, search: gsrrnna U J | matically generates; with no vritten. code, : such advanced functions as resizable Over- vo | Centinued Jrom Page, 31 : V: o: applications, Sherwood said, Since it Me unclear when he BCLAvill debut. ua ce ho people who don't have the ' time Or d any value ti tHejy dpplic tjo for OS/2: the Binaty Colmpatibilit ENE mčets their needs," he said, '"-i some, cases, it aken to do a full evetopers said. For bxample, ji i apbličationis si O or applications that mes Kose under Windows might pro written from Scratch, stil, others f formance br sa they can get better per- beno EH rer IDEJ, the SOUFCES'sald. T The. | Sa | ge aS that come. the SMK lets develojjers mea applica. windows, pull-down menus, dia- ke iidel de bars, radio buttons and ge, ific co RP RADE Kane? M49/ e-specific features such d Mouse nalet they explained. lipboši anj: na Be Pipporjeci podi zej enje S ; £Cility to cut and paste codi d jo Ride si mne SCE, they'sald. ..x; ision makes ik eastr fi for the "tek help system, K k amda ne NILA a ful port —whieh is upgrade. 1 gives you ali Kopri la mogo čin spev; vh roti Sorateh —the SME prana ai handling of tne nin om ponen plus the Še to the evolution of Turbo Pascal, " mo d Re Sela which developers can in podiiao to Turbo Vision, Borland is ne Wang, general manager of Borland's sometimes in a RN EMe Mm volstering the performance f Turbo pe business uni unit, in Šcotts Valley, said. roti days, developers A smatteri s Calit. "It is the easiest e [with menta, te eo userte" whleh] to learn object orenk program- ming technigues, which is the program ei of the '90s." € Turbo Pascal upgrade shoul Borland hold its favored dasi! deb -IVErS said. Pasca] marke ind Turbo P, h miši obea lapping "Last time it, took Us maybe to bring over all the olaabe six months dows to OS/2," said Mike Sherwood, prod- uct nanader at Aldus Corp., the Seattle. Vla of the PageMaker desktop- o trapidu] brina I can use the y over the look Windows to OS/2, and Kač šu evi paje to my odice dni, Crosoft's lorthcoming BCL, m Hec: solution for developers če Ing immediate Customer demand for O, and the sze tras alno | literally ari ea JEK to about SK, up to lo iko ezecutable fije "maller on: most 300K Tu rbo Pasc al 6 SPručed-up set or 9.0 also featureg in a j egrated u utilities re- A International Ines To Pascal z Microsoft Corp,s Oui opSpecd to. the de facto standard, they said. B I bena NA UH be available e from Mi otRetm SAJ ash. »asa $150 upgrad ti ani Ws 3.0 Sof tware Development Kit. 8 dna gl aaa m U Me Moi oeočikes ui a pi